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Dependency Injection Container forged for game development


🚀 Fastest

  • 20x faster than Zenject
  • 7x faster than Reflex
  • 2.5x faster than VContainer

🧠 Small Memory Footprint

  • 📉 4x fewer allocations compared to VContainer
  • 📉 2x smaller allocation size than VContainer
  • 📉 2x smaller empty heap space than VContainer
  • 📦 30% smaller build size compared to VContainer


  • 🎮 Build complex games with simple code
  • 🛡️ Avoid features that create dependencies on a specific DI implementation
  • ✂️ Easily exclude specific business logic from the DI container
  • 🔄 Smoothly migrate from SparseInject to any other container

🛡️ Stable

  • 💯 100% test coverage, compared to 60% coverage of competitors
  • Smaller SparseInject codebase has 2x more test cases than competitors

🌎 Run Everywhere

  • 🔗 No dependencies on specific engines — works with any C# environment
  • 📱 AOT-ready: Uses minimal reflection to ensure maximum compatibility
  • 💻 Supports Standalone, Mobile, Console, WebGL, and more!


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  3. Enter url and click Add.

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Key Purposes of Transients

  • Creating New Instances on Each Resolve – Ensures that every resolution returns a fresh instance, preventing unintended state sharing
Code Example

Use of Transient Registrations and Resolves

containerBuilder.Register<IAssetsProvider, AssetBundleAssetsProvider>();

// You can register your concrete up to 3 generic interfaces
// Limiting ensures clarity, maintainability, and modularity while preventing SRP violations, hidden dependencies, and debugging complexity.

var container = containerBuilder.Build();

// return instance of PlayerController, that WILL NOT BE equal to next resolved PlayerController
var player = container.Resolve<PlayerController>();

// return instance of AssetBundleAssetsProvider, that WILL NOT BE equal to next resolved IAssetsProvider
var assetsProvider = container.Resolve<IAssetsProvider>();


Key Purposes of Singletons

  • Ensuring a Single Instance – Guarantees that resolving a singleton always returns the same instance, maintaining consistency across the application
  • Registering External Instances – Allows registering pre-existing objects or values outside the DI container for easy retrieval and reuse
Code Example

Use of Singleton Registrations and Resolves

containerBuilder.Register<IInputService, InputService>(Lifetime.Singleton);

// You can register your concrete up to 3 generic interfaces
// Limiting ensures clarity, maintainability, and modularity while preventing SRP violations, hidden dependencies, and debugging complexity.

var container = containerBuilder.Build();

// return instance of HttpClient, that WILL BE equal to next resolved HttpClient
var player = container.Resolve<HttpClient>();

// return instance of InputService, that WILL BE equal to next resolved IInputService
var assetsProvider = container.Resolve<IInputService>();

Use of Value Registrations and Resolves

containerBuilder.RegisterValue(new HttpClient()); // this value registration is singleton by default
containerBuilder.RegisterValue<IInputService>(_inputService); // if _inputService is typeof(InputService) we can still register it to interfaces

// You can register your concrete up to 3 generic interfaces
// Limiting ensures clarity, maintainability, and modularity while preventing SRP violations, hidden dependencies, and debugging complexity.

var container = containerBuilder.Build();

// return instance of HttpClient, that WILL BE equal to next resolved HttpClient
var player = container.Resolve<HttpClient>();

// return instance of InputService, that WILL BE equal to next resolved IInputService
var assetsProvider = container.Resolve<IInputService>();


Key Purposes of Collections

  • Resolving Arrays – Enables retrieving all registered instances of a given type in a single resolution, simplifying batch processing
  • Resolving Jagged Arrays – Supports resolving nested arrays of specific registrations, allowing structured dependency grouping
Code Example

Resolve Arrays of Transient Dependencies

containerBuilder.Register<IPlayerState, PlayerIdleState>();
containerBuilder.Register<IPlayerState, PlayerMoveState>();
containerBuilder.Register<IPlayerState, PlayerAttackState>();

var container = containerBuilder.Build();

// return IPlayerState[] { PlayerIdleState, PlayerMoveState, PlayerAttackState }
// PlayerIdleState, PlayerMoveState, PlayerAttackState will be new instances each resolve, because they are transient
var playerStates = container.Resolve<IPlayerState[]>();

Get Arrays of Elements from Single and Array Registrations

containerBuilder.Register<IDisposable, RewardService>(Lifetime.Singleton);
containerBuilder.RegisterValue(new IDisposable[2] { _unityAssetPool, _unityAudioService });

var container = containerBuilder.Build();

// return IDisposable[] { RewardService, _unityAssetPool, _unityAudioService }
var disposables = container.Resolve<IDisposable[]>();

// dispose some dependencies at end of application
foreach (var disposable in disposables)

Get Jagged Arrays

containerBuilder.RegisterValue<IAssetsProvider[], IMenuAssetsProvider[]>(new MenuAssetsProvider[2]
containerBuilder.RegisterValue<IAssetsProvider[], IGameplayAssetsProvider[]>(new GameplayAssetsProvider[2]

var container = containerBuilder.Build();

// return IAssetsProvider[][] { { _inventoryAssetsProvider, _shopAssetsProvider }, { _playerAssetsProvider, _levelAssetsProvider} } 
var assetsProviders = container.Resolve<IAssetsProvider[][]>();

foreach (var assetsProviderBatch in assetsProviders)
    foreach (var assetsProvider in assetsProviderBatch)

// user start game and exit from menu
var menuAssetsProvider = container.Resolve<IMenuAssetsProvider[]>();

// user exit from level
var gameplayAssetsProvider = container.Resolve<IGameplayAssetsProvider[]>();


Key Purposes:

  • Custom Resolve Logic – Enable the creation of instances with custom resolve behavior to fit specific requirements
  • On-Demand Instantiation – Allow instances to be created precisely when they are needed
  • Contextual Instantiation – Facilitate the creation of instances based on specific variables or parameters
Code Example

Custom Resolve Logic

containerBuilder.RegisterFactory(() => new GameplayController());

var container = containerBuilder.Build();

// could be cached and used in any time
var gameplayControllerFactory = container.Resolve<Func<GameplayController>>();

// return instance of object
var gameplayController = gameplayControllerFactory.Invoke(); 

Parameterized Instantiation

containerBuilder.RegisterFactory<string, IAudioService>(key =>
    switch (key)
        case "Gameplay":
            return new GameplayAudioService();
        case "Menu":
            return new MenuAudioService();
            throw new NotImplementedException();

var container = containerBuilder.Build();

// could be cached and used in any time
var audioServiceFactory = container.Resolve<Func<string, IAudioService>>();

// return instance of GameplayAudioService
var gameplayAudioService = audioServiceFactory.Invoke("Gameplay"); 

// return instance of MenuAudioService
var menuAudioService = audioServiceFactory.Invoke("Menu"); 

Scoped Parameterized Instantiation

containerBuilder.RegisterFactory<string, IAudioService>(scope =>
    return key =>
        switch (key)
            case "Gameplay":
                return scope.Resolve<GameplayAudioService>();
            case "Menu":
                return scope.Resolve<MenuAudioService>();
                throw new NotImplementedException();

var container = containerBuilder.Build();

// could be cached and used in any time
var audioServiceFactory = container.Resolve<Func<string, IAudioService>>();

// return instance of GameplayAudioService
var gameplayAudioService = audioServiceFactory.Invoke("Gameplay"); 

// return instance of MenuAudioService
var menuAudioService = audioServiceFactory.Invoke("Menu"); 


Key Purposes:

  • Lifecycle Management – scopes create and manage their dependencies lifetimes
  • Encapsulation of Registrations – dependencies registered within a scope remain isolated and cannot be accessed by the parent scope, while the scope itself can still resolve dependencies from its parent
  • Overriding Registrations – scopes allow override registrations, enabling different implementations in different contexts
  • Performance Optimization – registrations done only when scope is created, improving efficiency
Code Example

Encapsulating Registrations in a Scope

// GameplayController inject Func<PlayerController> to constructor
containerBuilder.RegisterScope<GameplayController>(innerBuilder =>
    innerBuilder.RegisterFactory(scope => new PlayerController(scope.Resolve<IAudioService>()));

var container = containerBuilder.Build();

// return instance with injected Func<PlayerController> to constructor
var gameplayController = container.Resolve<GameplayController>();

// will throw exception, because Func<PlayerController> exist only inside GameplayController scope
var playerFactory = container.Resolve<Func<PlayerController>>(); 

Accessing Parent Scope Registrations in a Child Scope


// GameplayController inject RewardService
containerBuilder.RegisterScope<GameplayController>(innerBuilder =>
    // registrations

var container = containerBuilder.Build();

// return instance of type RewardService from root container
var rewardService = container.Resolve<RewardService>();

// return instance with injected RewardService from root container
var gameplayController = container.Resolve<GameplayController>();

Overriding Registrations in a Scope

containerBuilder.Register<IAudioService, MenuAudioService>(Lifetime.Singleton);

// GameplayController inject IAudioService
containerBuilder.RegisterScope<GameplayController>(innerBuilder =>
    // GameplayAudioService will use stereo instead of mono sounds
    innerBuilder.Register<IAudioService, GameplayAudioService>(Lifetime.Singleton).MarkDisposable();

var container = containerBuilder.Build();

// return instance of type MenuAudioService from root container
var audioService = container.Resolve<IAudioService>(); 

// return instance with injected GameplayAudioService from GameplayController scope
var gameplayController = container.Resolve<GameplayController>();

Lifecycle of Scope and its Registrations

// GameplayController inject IAudioService
containerBuilder.RegisterScope<GameplayController>(innerBuilder =>
    //We mark it as disposable, to call Dispose method of instance when scope will be destroyed
    innerBuilder.Register<IAudioService, GameplayAudioService>(Lifetime.Singleton).MarkDisposable();

var container = containerBuilder.Build();

// return instance with injected GameplayAudioService
var gameplayController = container.Resolve<GameplayController>();

// this is Scope.Dispose call, it will dispose GameplayAudioService and all data allocated for scope

Instantiating a Scope at Specific Time

containerBuilder.RegisterScope<GameplayController>(innerBuilder =>
    // registrations
containerBuilder.RegisterFactory(scope => scope.Resolve<GameController>());

var container = containerBuilder.Build();

// could be cached and used in any time
var gameplayControllerFactory = container.Resolve<Func<GameplayController>>();

// return instance of scope
var gameplayController = gameplayControllerFactory.Invoke(); 

🚧 Limitations

Why Limitations are important?

  1. ⏱️ Ease of Use

    • A minimal learning curve is essential for developers. The API should be intuitive and easy for newcomers to adopt quickly. Clear, well-known patterns ensure every developer on your project feels comfortable using it without steep onboarding.
  2. 🔄 Migration Flexibility

    • To ensure an easy transition to other DI containers in the future, the feature set and dependencies on the current implementation must be minimal. This reduces the lock-in effect and allows flexibility for evolving project needs.
  3. 🚀 Performance by Default

    • In large projects, it's challenging to enforce how APIs are used. Poorly optimized features can severely impact application performance and loading times. For this reason, only performant-by-default features will be implemented, minimizing the risk of misuse.
  4. 🧠 Encouraging Simplicity and Clean Code

    • By imposing limitations, developers are guided toward writing simpler, cleaner code. This approach promotes maintainable solutions while reducing unnecessary complexity in implementation.
  5. 👤 Managed by a Single Developer

    • Since the project is managed and supported by one person, maintaining a large feature set would lead to time-consuming edge cases and complexity. Limiting the scope ensures better quality and more sustainable development.

What Limitations exists?

Limitations List
  1. ❌ No Inject Attribute

    • Adding an Inject attribute introduces a dependency on a specific DI container implementation, making your code harder to test and increasing memory usage.
    • Instead: Decouple your logic from views or components that rely on resource-heavy dependencies.
  2. ❌ No Lazy Injection

    • Lazy injection is excluded because the same behavior can be achieved using factories, offering a more explicit and manageable approach.
  3. ❌ No Inject Key

    • Inject keys are not supported because factories with parameters can achieve the same functionality, promoting clarity and flexibility.
  4. ❌ No Conditional Bindings

    • Conditional bindings are omitted because their functionality can be replicated using factories with parameters, avoiding unnecessary complexity.
  5. ❌ No Open Generics Injection

    • Open generics injection is avoided due to its negative impact on performance, especially in AOT (Ahead-of-Time) scenarios where reflection is costly.
    • Instead: Achieve the same functionality using simpler, explicit code.
  6. ❌ No Runtime Modifications After Container Build

    • Allowing bindings to be modified after the container is configured is considered a bad practice. It introduces unpredictable behavior during the resolve phase.
    • Instead: Finalize configurations during the build stage.
  7. ❌ No Dynamic Type Registration

    • This decision ensures potential registration issues are caught at compile time, improving code clarity and reducing runtime errors.
  8. ❌ No Unity-Specific Extensions

    • Unity-specific extensions are not provided to avoid dependencies on the Unity engine.
    • However: I recommend to register your prefabs as singletons or factories return instance of prefab.
  9. ❌ No Extra Features Outside DI Responsibility

    • Features like decorators and other unrelated functionalities are not included to maintain a focused and lightweight DI container.
    • Philosophy: Keep It Purposeful (KIP).


In my performance measurements, I would provide the most relevant benchmark scenarios to demonstrate how Sparse Inject scales for your project. These benchmarks are tailored to fit most large projects built with Unity, as these are the projects that WILL have critical performance overhead.

1. Mobile Platform 📱
  • Most big Unity games are mobile games, with a large number of players using slower devices.
2. Big Code Base with Complex Composition Root 🏗️
  • When a game is developed by 30+ developers over several years, the codebase becomes huge and complex.
3. IL2CPP Scripting Backend 🛠️
  • iOS requires you to publish IL2CPP builds only.
4. Release Configuration 🚀
  • No commentary needed 😄.
5. Isolated Environment Without Prewarm 🧪
  • Each benchmark sample is run in an isolated process, but the application is launched many times to leverage deviation. This ensures we capture realistic performance without pre-allocated VM stuff or prewarmed methods on start.
Registrations Sources 📂

Total time

This metric shows the time a user spends on container configuration and the first resolve. This is the most critical metric affecting loading times.

Scenarios Sources 📂



While reflex looks pretty fast - you need to remeber that it dont have circular dependency checks and has 90x slower first resolve time and 7 times slower next resolve times, because he analyze registered types on first resolve

Resolve time

This metric shows the time a user spends on creating game instances. This is critical at runtime, to avoid lags and freezes.

Scenarios Sources 📂



SparseInject is 2 times faster than VContainer and 90x faster than Reflex.


ManualResolver - simple static methods that create instances through the native new operator Why is SparseInject faster than instancing through the native new operator?
This happens because of how Unity handles reference type instantiation:

  1. On the first method call, Unity allocates or fetches all metadata for the referenced classes in method.
  2. This metadata is cached in a static variable to avoid fetching it on subsequent calls.

In contrast, SparseInject allocates class metadata during the container build stage, so resolving an instance simply fetches the pre-allocated metadata.
As a result, resolve through new operator is slower on the first instance creation compared to a DI container like SparseInject.



SparseInject is almost 3 times faster than VContainer and 7x faster than Reflex.


Now we see that instancing through simple static methods are 2.5 faster as it not have algorithm to find dependencies

Registration and Build time

This metric shows the time a user spends on container configuration and build.

Scenarios Sources 📂



We see that SparseInject is 15 times faster than VContainer!


However, Reflex is winner as he doesn't analyze types on building and doesn't perform circular dependency checks.


Life-hack for VContainer users: Disable reflection baking, and it will give you a 30% configuration time boost,
while having a relatively slow degradation in resolve time.

Memory usage and allocations

This metric shows how much memory overhead you will encounter when using DI containers.

Here, I compare memory usage only with VContainer because:

  1. I'm too lazy to manually profile all containers 😢
  2. VContainer looks more robust and feature-complete in my opinion.
  3. It includes circular dependency checks, which are mandatory for large projects.
  4. VContainer can minimize reflection usage with source generators, helping to keep the VM size small.

Sources 📂

allocation-size.png gc-alloc-count.png empty-heap-space.png


SparseInject makes 4 times fewer allocations than VContainer.

SparseInject has a GC allocation size 2 times smaller than VContainer.

SparseInject leaves 2 times less empty space in the heap compared to VContainer!


Metrics was gathered through unity profiler and memory profiler after built and root resolve.


As we know, nothing in life is perfect, and I want to warn developers❤️ about the cons of SparseInject:

  1. Complex Codebase
    The codebase is small but complex due to the data structures implemented to maintain high performance. While it’s more enjoyable to explore the implementations of VContainer or Reflex, this complexity is why SparseInject has 100% test coverage.
  2. Hard Debugging
    Debugging can be challenging. To make it easier, I’ve added ContainerGraph.cs, which helps visualize your container’s structure for better clarity during debugging.
  3. Dotnet 8 AOT Compatibility
    While SparseInject works with .NET 8 AOT, some reflection calls like Array.CreateInstance() can slow it down. It’s still relatively fast, but this is something to keep in mind.
  4. Higher VM Memory Usage
    SparseInject uses slightly more VM memory than VContainer (about 15% more). This is due to its support for jagged collections resolution, which VContainer does not support.

SparseInject SparseInject.png VContainer VContainer.png


DI Container forged for game development







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