“MyShows App” is web-application which allows users to show information about TV series. Information is reading from base of myshows.me (API based on JSON-RPC).
Users can:
- Search and view detail information about any TV series;
- Add TV series to their own watch lists (“Going to watch” and “Watched all”);
- Delete records from list “Going to watch”;
- Set the rating for the series from list “Watched all”.
Information about users and added series is stored in a separate database.
See documentation for more information.
Before installation the application you must download and install Docker. Refer to the following link and choose the best installation path for you.
Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory.
Type the following command:
$ git clone https://github.com/incx07/epam-lab/
Press Enter to create your local clone.
You must go to the working directory of project (where is docker-compose.yml).
Then type the following command:
$ docker-compose up --build
Press Enter to run project.
The following addresses will be available after launch:
For the Web service:
- (provides access to the database)
- (provides authentication system by djoser library)
For the Web application:
- (provides the user interface)