- CMake
- Git
- Python
- A modern version of Vim.
- A basic C++ compilation environment.
- (Optional) Spacemacs.
- Install the dependencies.
- Install Vim..
- Clone the repo.
cd ~/; mkdir dev; cd dev; git clone 'https://github.com/indianajohn/vim-config/'
- Run the install script.
cd ~/dev/vim_config; ./install.sh
npm install -g tern js-beautify eslint jshint standard flow
pip2 install pyflakes flake8 pylint
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-dev cmake git build-essential python-dev pyflakes vim
- Vundle - The plug-in manager for Vim
- Molokai - Molokai color scheme for Vim
- Ack.vim -Vim plugin for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack'
- Nerdtree - A tree explorer plugin for vim
- YouCompleteMe - Very good auto-completion.
- vim-airline - Good statusline with no configuration needed.
- ctrl-p - Find files easily.
==> quit,E
==> quit all without saving,<enter>
==> don't highlight the search results- Easier moving between windows:
==> downctrl-k
==> upctrl-h
==> leftctrl-l
==> right
- Easier moving between tabs
==> previous tab,m
==> next tab
- Copy content to clipboard
- Select the content
- In visual mode, press
==> toggle ctrlp<F3>
==> toggle nerdtree<F4>
==> toggle tagbar<F5>
==> build a project<F9>
==> build and run(only available for a single source code file)- ack a word which is under the cursor
==> toggle ack command- Edit the command
- Press
- Edit ~/.vim/plugins.vim
- Add the name of the plugin you want to install
- In normal mode, type
- Press
- Edit ~/.vim/plugins.vim
- Comment the name of the plugin you want to uninstall
- In normal mode, type
- Press
- In normal mode, type
- Press
For details, you can see https://github.com/gmarik/vundle.