- All projects has been updated to dotnet 6.0, dotnet Packages has been updated to version 6.0.16
- All dependencies has been updated to the most recent posible version as described bellow:
Package | From | To |
MinVer | 2.3.0 | 4.3.0 |
Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub | 1.0.0 | 1.1.1 |
FluentAssertions | 5.10.2 | 5.10.3 |
Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk | 16.2.0 | 17.5.0 |
xunit | 2.4.1 | 2.4.2 |
xunit.runner.visualstudio | 2.4.1 | 2.4.5 |
IdentityModel | 4.4.0 | 4.6.0 |
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console | 3.1.0 | 6.0.0 |
Newtonsoft.Json | 12.0.2 | 13.0.3 |
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect | 5.6.0 | 6.10.0 |
System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt | 5.6.0 | 6.10.0 |
System.Security.Principal.Windows | 4.7.0 | 5.0.0 |
AutoMapper | 10.0.0 | 12.0.1 |
Serilog.AspNetCore | 3.1.0 | 6.1.0 |
Some tests arrangement from IdentityServerZoe.EntityFramework project has been updated to support Automapper 12.0.1
Passing complex objects as token claims is not supported
The original project https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer4 is not maintained anymore, it has been archived on 13th Dec 2022. All new development is happening in the new Duende Software organization.
See here for more details.
IdentityServerZoe is a free, open source OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 framework for ASP.NET Core.
- Install the latest .NET 6.0 SDK
- Install Git
- Clone this repo
- Run
in the root of the cloned repo
We have made no changes that affect documentation so it remains the same. Please visit readthedocs.
This project is not being actively maintained and its offered as it is, the use of this bits its on your own responsibility.
IdentityServerZoe is built using the following great open source projects and free services: