These color palettes were recreated by RJ Andrews during Advent 2019 from the late 1800s French Albums de Statistique Graphique. The original album maps are one of the highest achievements in thematic mapping. Visit DavidRumsey to see each original map in its full glory.
Each recreated palette is comprised of several SVG patterns. SVGs are located in the SVG folder. Each SVG pattern is named by its Advent Day, Album year, and map number. Dec.19-1886.26-2 is the SVG swatch that corresponds to the second color from the 26th map in the 1886 Album, published in this Advent series on Dec 19, 2019.
For a nice introduction to the palettes see them in their original Twitter thread.
Details on each palette are in the accompanying CSV with: Advent day, Rumsey list number, type of palette, qty of palette colors, and link to original inspiring map.
Let me know on Twitter @infowetrust if you make anything using these palettes. Future work may include additional documentation about map styling including a note on period typefaces.