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Forklift - when you need to handle just one container

Utilities to develop a containerised application.

The standard containers at InfoXchange require a number of environment variables to run properly. With Forklift, they can be inferred automatically and/or specified in the codebase.

Furthermore, it is often necessary to experiment within a running container. Forklift includes a special 'sshd' mode to start the SSH daemon instead of the original command, so that one can run arbitrary commands inside.


Forklift requires Python 3. Use the corresponding pip to install from PyPI, for example, pip-3.2 on Debian and pip3 on Ubuntu. You will also need Python header files installed, they are typically found in python3-dev or python3-devel package.

Install the package system-wide:

sudo pip install docker-forklift

Or in a virtualenv:

pip install docker-forklift

Running Forklift

The basic invocation is:


What happens is:

  • The configuration files are being searched for a list of services to provide to the command.
  • For all of those services, an available provider is searched for.
  • The found services, along with any additional configured environment, are passed to the command as environment variables.

For example, if the project specifies:

    - postgres

Forklift will check if the PostgreSQL server is running on the local machine, and pass the database URL to the application.


Forklift can run commands directly or Docker containers. By default, if the application given is an existing file (e.g. ./, it is run directly. Otherwise it is assumed to be a Docker image to create a container from. The environment is passed to the application in either case.

To override the choice, set driver parameter to either docker or direct.

Docker driver has specific parameters:

  • serve_port - Services that the container runs on port 8000, e.g., the container running a web server, will be available on this port locally.
  • rm: Automatically remove containers after they've stopped.
  • privileged: Run containers in privileged mode.
  • interactive: Run containers in interactive mode (-i -t).
  • storage: Run the container with /storage mounted as a volume under the specified path.
  • detach: Run detached (-d).
  • mount-root: Bind mount the root directory of the container filesystem to the specified path (for reasons mount-root is only supported with detach or SSH daemon mode).

SSH daemon mode

Forklift can set up an SSH server inside the container, passing in all the environment and adding the user public key. To use this mode, pass sshd as the command (e.g. forklift ubuntu sshd).

The following additional options apply in SSH daemon mode:

  • user - the user to set up for SSH in the container, defaults to app.
  • identity - the public key file to authorise logging in as. Can be specified as the full path or as a file in ~/.ssh.
  • host-uid - for ease to use with mount-root, the UID of the user inside the container is changed to the one of the host user; override if needed.

When running in SSH daemon mode, Forklift starts the container in the background and prints a command to SSH to it. It is up to the user to stop the container when no longer needed.

Because the host keys of containers will be different every time, ssh will warn about the mismatch. To disable host checking for localhost only, put NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost yes into the SSH configuration (~/.ssh/config).


Forklift can clean up old containers and images on your system. By default it will clean up all stopped containers, and all untagged images.

Run forklift recycle

The following flags can also be passed:

  • --include-running - also remove running containers
  • --include-tagged - also include tagged images

Services and environment

The following environment is always available to the running application:

  • ENVIRONMENT: dev_local
  • DEVNAME: the current user name
  • SITE_DOMAIN and SITE_PROTOCOL: The URL where the application will be accessible to the outside world if it listens on port 8000 locally.
  • Any environment variables from configured services.
  • All extra environment passed as environment (e.g. --environment FOO=bar will set environment variable FOO to bar).

Most of the services which provide per-application resources (e.g. a database) need to distinguish between different applications running on the same host. To do that, they are supplied with an application ID, which defaults to the base name of the current directory. If needed, this can be overridden in the configuration by the key application_id.

The services to provide to the application are taken from the services array in the configuration file. The following services are known to Forklift:


Provides access to the database. The environment variable, DB_DEFAULT_URL, contains a Database URL for the application to use.

By default, Forklift checks if there is a PostgreSQL server running on the machine, and if yes, provides the application with its details, taking the application ID for the database name.

The following parameters can be overridden: host, port, user, password, name.


Provides an URL to access Elasticsearch at as environment variables ELASTICSEARCH_URLS (the |-separated list of URLs to try at round robin) and ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_NAME (the index to use).

By default, the localhost is checked for a running instance of Elasticsearch and if successful, the application ID is provided to use as the index name.

The following parameters can be overridden: urls, index_name.

HTTP Proxy

Provides an HTTP proxy as an URL in HTTP_PROXY.

The following parameters can be overridden: host, port.

Email (SMTP)

Provides an MTA for the application to connect to.

Defaults to localhost port 25.

The following parameters can be overridden: host, port.

Logging (syslog)

Provides a syslog instance to log events to.

If not overridden, Forklift will start a daemon to print out all messages to standard output and provide its address to the application.

The following parameters can be specified: host, port, proto (tcp or udp).


Provides the settings MEMCACHE_HOSTS, a pipe-separated list of hosts running memcache and MEMCACHE_PREFIX, a prefix to use for keys passed to memcache.

By default, the localhost is checked for a running instance of Memcache and if successful, the application ID is provided to use as the key prefix.

The following parameters can be overridden: hosts, key_prefix.


Provides the settings REDIS_HOSTS, a pipe-separate list of hosts running Redis and REDIS_DB_INDEX, a DB-index you should use.

The following parameters can be overriden: host, db_index.

By default db_index will be 0 unless overridden in your config.


Forklift has a hierarchy of configuration options. For example, services parameter is an array of services the application need, environment is a dictionary of extra environment variables to provide, postgres overrides options for PostgreSQL service, etc.

Every parameter value is searched, in order, in the following locations:

  • Command line, e.g. --driver direct or --postgres-port 5433 (note the nested parameter syntax).
  • User per-project configuration file in forklift/PROJECT.yaml inside the XDG configuration directory (usually $HOME/.config), where PROJECT is the application ID.
  • Global user configuration file in forklift/_default.yaml in the same directory.
  • Project configuration file - forklift.yaml in the current directory.

The project configuration file is a place to store settings which the project always needs, such as a list of required services, and is intended to be checked into the version control system. (As such, the sensitive settings such as passwords should not go here.) For example, a project depending on a database might have:

  - postgres

User configuration files allow people to override project settings to adapt it to their local setup. For example, if the PostgreSQL database server on a particular machine runs on port 5433, the _default.yaml can contain:

  port: 5433

This setting will be applied to all projects which are run through Forklift, as long as they use a PostgreSQL database. An exotic setting only a specific project needs can be overridden in a per-project user configuration file, for example, foo.yaml:

  # Only foo project needs this other database connection
  DB_ANOTHER_URL: postgres://alice:[email protected]/foo_test_db

Finally, the command line options can be used to quickly alter settings while developing.