In Generative AI with Large Language Models (LLMs), you’ll learn the fundamentals of how generative AI works, and how to deploy it in real-world applications.
비공식 AWS 공인 솔루션스 아키텍트 – 어소시에이트 시험 가이드
normalstory / LLocalSearch
Forked from nilsherzig/LLocalSearchLLocalSearch is a completely locally running search aggregator using LLM Agents. The user can ask a question and the system will use a chain of LLMs to find the answer. The user can see the progres…
Cohere Toolkit is a collection of prebuilt components enabling users to quickly build and deploy RAG applications.
Chatbot Ollama is an open source chat UI for Ollama.
공공 데이터 조회를 위한 오픈소스 파이썬 라이브러리
OpenUI let's you describe UI using your imagination, then see it rendered live.
A collection of localized (Korean) AWS AI/ML workshop materials for hands-on labs.
Few projects related to Data Engineering including Data Modeling, Infrastructure setup on cloud, Data Warehousing and Data Lake development.
A Reinforcement Learning Project using PPO + Transformer
Synthetic data generation by a Variational AutoEncoder with Differential Privacy assessed using Synthetic Data Vault metrics
This code generates a new sentence when an input sentence is provided
⚡️Big Data Analysis using PySpark (6th Academic Study)
🚒 Resolving Data Drift in Disaster Response Model using MLOps based Adaptation
🎯 멀티캠퍼스 "딥러닝 기반 AI 엔지니어링" 과정을 담은 저장소입니다.
ingu627 / handson-ml2
Forked from rickiepark/handson-ml2💪 핸즈온 머신러닝 2/E 실습 및 내것으로 만들기 프로젝트
[project] 멀티캠퍼스에서 "코로나 백신 관련 뉴스 기사 및 블로그 토픽 모델링"을 구현해본 프로젝트입니다.
ingu627 / deep-learning-with-python-notebooks
Forked from rickiepark/deep-learning-with-python-notebooks💪 <케라스 창시자에게 배우는 딥러닝> 도서 실습 내 것으로 만들기