PowerShell & Python tools developed for CTFs and certification exams
(Too lazy to keep maintaining these scripts for long, feel free to edit/fix/customize as you please)
certInfo.ps1: Displays information about a cert file
Invoke-DomainEnumeration.(ps1|py): Domain enumeration in PS & Python. PS version works without any extra modules, Python version needs LDAP3.
(Only the PS version will display potential RBCD abuse, parsing ACLs in python was a royal pain in the ass.)
Invoke-NewGPO.ps1: Creates a new empty GPO and links it to the target OU, assuming you have enough privileges. (works like a charm with membership in Group Policy Creator Owners
or anything equally powerful).
Keep in mind that you still need privilege to link the GPO. Linking GPOs is an OU-specific permission, creating GPOs is a domain wide permission.
Read-FileWithSeBackupPrivilege: Uses SeBackupPrivilege to read files/flags.
Copy-FileWithSeBackupPrivilege: Uses SeBackupPrivilege to copy files.
raiseChild.ps1: PowerShell version of Impacket's raiseChild.py
- automates Child domain -> Parent domain compromise.