KCP ( Kidz Coloring Pages ) on Atlas
|-- applictions
| |
| | The applications is comprised of multiple express mini-applications
| | Each mini-application, when registed in /autoload/applications.json
| | will be attached to a single server instance of express.
| |
| |
| |-- atlas
| |
| | Atlas is a mini-application that is responsible for setting up the
| | environment that hosts all the other mini-applications
| |
| |
| |-- errors
| |
| | Errors is a mini-application that provides fallbacks for the http
| | request - response life cycles.
| |
| | This allows each mini-application to handle only their error handling
| | while leaving the rest to Errors to handle
| |
| |-- kcp-api
| |
| | This is the mini-application that provides the api functionality for
| | the coloring pages GUI
| |
| |
| |-- kcp-main
| |
| | This is the mini-application that produces the GUI, it's structured
| | to make an isomorphic/universal application easier in the future.
| |
| |-- media-aliases
| All the media images/files of the site are maped out as alias files.
| This mini-application is responsible for all media alias functionality,
| serving and all other media alias tasks.
|-- autoload
| Autoload allows use to hijack/tap into nodes require paths and add
| our own paths, to make requiring content/resources more flexible.
|-- http_public
| Any files placed within this directory will be servered up as
| static files automaticly.
|-- media
| All the media files and their aliases are stored here. They are private
| by default and must be explicitly returned.
|-- atlas.js
This runs a couple command in start up, and launches the server.
1) clone this repo
2) run "$ npm install" in each mini-application's folder to ensure they have all the
node_modules and setups they need.
2.a) Initialize and mini-application caches or build scripts
3) run "$ npm install" in the /autoload
4) run "$ node atlas " in the root of this project.