Bricolage Streaming Preprocessor service processes JSON data stream (S3 to S3).
This software is written in working time in Cookpad, Inc.
Building Executable JAR file and running all tests:
% gradle build
To run the application, you must copy config/.example files to config/ and edit them. Execute:
% (cd db && bundle && ./ --merge) # Migrates database schema
% java -jar build/libs/bricolage-streaming-preprocessor.jar
Copy following config files and edit it (DB host, port, user, password). All config files has the corresponding example file (*.example), just copy and edit it.
- config.docker/streaming-preprocessor.yml
- config.docker/application.yml (for Spring)
- config.docker/logback.xml (for LogBack)
- env.docker
Then build image:
% gradle build
% docker-compose build
% docker-compose -d up db # Starts database in the background
% docker-compose up mig # Migrates database schema and exits
% docker-compose up app # Runs main application
bricolage-streaming-preprocessor task is defined by "operators".
Each operator transforms a JSON record according to the opeartor definition (parameters).
You can give operator definition via parameter table named preproc_definition
Following table is an example image of preproc_definition
id | target_table | target_column | operator_id | params |
1 | activity.pv_log | user_id | int | {} |
2 | activity.pv_log | url | text | {"maxByteLength":1000,createOverflowFlag:true} |
Details of each operator follow.
Validates text values.
: Declared max byte length. Use withdropIfOverflow
: Drops this column if the text is longer thanmaxByteLength
: Stores boolean overflow flag if the text is longer thenmaxByteLength
: Drops this column if the text does not matches this pattern (Java regex).
Validates the value is an integer.
String values are automatically converted to integers e.g. "82"
-> 82
This operator also drops non-integer value.
- No parameters.
Converts Unix epoch time given by integers (1467954650
) to the timestamp string ('2016-07-08T14:10:50+09:00'
: Target timezone, given by the string like'+09:00'
Deletes specified column.
- No parameters.
Renames specified column.
: the column name which is renamed to.
: Expected source data timezone, given by the string like'+00:00'
: Target timezone, given by the string like'+09:00'
Deletes all null columns e.g. {a: null, b: 1}
-> {b: 1}
must be '*'
- No Parameters.
Aggregates multiple target columns which have same prefix to one nested JSON column.
e.g. {x:1,p_a:2,p_b:3}
-> {x:1,p:{a:2,b:3}}
: Target column names to aggreagate, given by the Java regex pattern (e.g."^p_"
). Note: matched string is removed from output column name.aggregatedColumn
: Aggregated, output column name.
Aggregates rest columns except specified columns.
: Kept columns
Reject records matched with condition described in params.
: If this value(string) andtarget_columns
value are equal, the record will be rejected.
: If this value(integer) andtarget_columns
value are equal, the record will be rejected.
If target_columns
value is null, it will reject the record.
Duplicate the column specified in from
param to target_column
Similar to int
or bigint
, but this operator accepts floating-point numbers.
MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.
Minero Aoki