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assimon committed May 21, 2018
1 parent cb1abb3 commit 9d333cc
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Showing 5 changed files with 15 additions and 55 deletions.
59 changes: 7 additions & 52 deletions install/ysfk.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Target Server Type : MYSQL
Target Server Version : 50553
File Encoding : 65001
Date: 2018-05-16 21:38:32
Date: 2018-05-21 22:18:07

Expand All @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `ys_acp` (
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of ys_acp
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `ys_acp` VALUES ('37', 'zcyzf', '众创益支付', '', '', '', '0');
INSERT INTO `ys_acp` VALUES ('37', 'yszf', '云尚云支付', '', '', '', '0');
INSERT INTO `ys_acp` VALUES ('38', 'zfbf2f', '支付宝当面付', '', '', '', '1');
INSERT INTO `ys_acp` VALUES ('39', 'paysapi', 'PaysApi支付', '', '', '', '0');
INSERT INTO `ys_acp` VALUES ('40', 'alipay', '支付宝即时到账', '', '', '', '0');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `ys_adminlogs` (
`ip` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
KEY `adminid` (`adminid`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of ys_adminlogs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,10 +126,6 @@ CREATE TABLE `ys_gdclass` (
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of ys_gdclass
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `ys_gdclass` VALUES ('7', '测试手工商品分类', '2');
INSERT INTO `ys_gdclass` VALUES ('6', '测试自动发卡商品分类', '1');
INSERT INTO `ys_gdclass` VALUES ('8', '请作者喝杯咖啡', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_gdclass` VALUES ('9', 'VIP环境调试', '4');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for ys_goods
Expand All @@ -154,12 +150,6 @@ CREATE TABLE `ys_goods` (
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of ys_goods
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `ys_goods` VALUES ('13', '7', '手工商品', '0.10', '1', '1', '<h3>\r\n 这里是商品详情\r\n</h3>\r\n<p>\r\n 本商品仅供测试功能\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n <img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" style=\"white-space:normal;\" /><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" style=\"white-space:normal;\" /><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" style=\"white-space:normal;\" /><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" style=\"white-space:normal;\" /><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" style=\"white-space:normal;\" /> \r\n</p>', 'QQ号', '', '5', '1', '100');
INSERT INTO `ys_goods` VALUES ('22', '9', 'VIP服务一年', '128.00', '1', '1', '<h3>\r\n 作者精力受限,不能挨个解决问题。\r\n</h3>\r\n<h4>\r\n <span style=\"color:#E53333;\">平时除了基本开发更新,还要解答群友疑惑,分身乏术!</span><br />\r\n<span style=\"color:#E53333;\">服务器支出,域名支出需要钱,程序本身没有任何费用,而且基本每天更新,</span><br />\r\n<span style=\"color:#E53333;\">只要出现bug都会更新,请朋友们理解。</span><br />\r\n<span style=\"color:#E53333;\">有的朋友急需解决问题,我们的社区开支,服务器开支需要钱。</span><br />\r\n<span style=\"color:#E53333;\">那么vip服务由此而生!<br />\r\n这世上没有免费的午餐,你想得到什么,就得付出点什么!</span> \r\n</h4>\r\n<p>\r\n <br />\r\n</p>\r\n<h3>\r\n <span style=\"color:#009900;\"><strong>v</strong></span><span style=\"color:#009900;\"><strong>ip能接受哪些服务?<br />\r\n</strong></span><span style=\"color:#009900;\"><strong>1.bug第一时间更新补丁<br />\r\n</strong></span><span style=\"color:#009900;\"><strong>2.一对一环境调试<br />\r\n</strong></span><span style=\"color:#009900;\"><strong>3.一对一问题解答<br />\r\n</strong></span><span style=\"color:#009900;\"><strong>4.社区管理员职位<br />\r\n</strong></span><span style=\"color:#009900;\"><strong>5.如果后面推出高级版服务</strong></span><span style=\"color:#009900;\"><strong>,vip免授权使用。当然我说的是如果。。<br />\r\n</strong></span><span style=\"color:#009900;\"><strong>6.很多服务等你来</strong></span> \r\n</h3>\r\n<p>\r\n <span style=\"color:#009900;\"><strong><br />\r\n</strong></span> \r\n</p>\r\n<h3>\r\n <span><b>问题:这个钱的流向?</b></span> \r\n</h3>\r\n<h3>\r\n <b style=\"color:#009900;font-size:12px;\"><span style=\"color:#E53333;\">1.用于域名开支,社区建设<br />\r\n</span></b><b style=\"font-size:12px;\"><span style=\"color:#E53333;\">2.请专业的技术美化页面<br />\r\n</span></b><b style=\"font-size:12px;\"><span style=\"color:#E53333;\">3.开发更多实用的软件</span></b> \r\n</h3>\r\n<h3>\r\n <span><b>问题:VIP是虚,收钱是真?</b></span> \r\n</h3>\r\n<h4>\r\n <span><b><span style=\"color:#E53333;\">后面我会公开所有钱的名单和用途,我是一个开源</span><span style=\"color:#E53333;\">作者,不干脱裤子放屁的事情!</span></b></span> \r\n</h4>\r\n<h3>\r\n <span><b>问题:不是vip以后程序还能继续免费吗?</b></span> \r\n</h3>\r\n<h4>\r\n <span><b><span style=\"color:#E53333;\">当然会,收费是不可能收费的</span></b></span> \r\n</h4>\r\n<h3>\r\n 请留下您的QQ号,支付成功后我会拉您进群!或者联系我提供订单号即可!\r\n</h3>', 'QQ号', '', '0', '1', '100');
INSERT INTO `ys_goods` VALUES ('18', '6', '自动发卡商品', '0.10', '0', '1', '<p>\r\n <span style=\"white-space:nowrap;\">自动发卡商品</span><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /> \r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n <br />\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n <img src=\"/upload/image/20180416/20180416082402_34301.jpg\" alt=\"\" /> \r\n</p>', 'QQ号', '', '0', '1', '18');
INSERT INTO `ys_goods` VALUES ('19', '8', '一杯卡布奇诺', '6.66', '1', '1', '<h3>\r\n 如果您觉得我的作品对您的业务有所帮助!\r\n</h3>\r\n<h3>\r\n 不妨请我喝杯咖啡!<img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /> \r\n</h3>\r\n<h3>\r\n 感谢您为开源事业做出的贡献<img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /> \r\n</h3>', '昵称', '', '3', '1', '100');
INSERT INTO `ys_goods` VALUES ('20', '8', '一杯蓝山咖啡', '16.66', '1', '1', '<h3 style=\"white-space:normal;\">\r\n 如果您觉得我的作品对您的业务有所帮助!\r\n</h3>\r\n<h3 style=\"white-space:normal;\">\r\n 不妨请我喝杯咖啡!<img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /> \r\n</h3>\r\n<h3>\r\n 请留下您的昵称,方便以后我们公布感谢名单!\r\n</h3>\r\n<h3 style=\"white-space:normal;\">\r\n 感谢您为开源事业做出的贡献<img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /> \r\n</h3>', '昵称', '', '2', '1', '100');
INSERT INTO `ys_goods` VALUES ('21', '8', '任意金额捐助', '1.00', '1', '1', '<h3 style=\"white-space:normal;\">\r\n 如果您觉得我的作品对您的业务有所帮助!\r\n</h3>\r\n<h3 style=\"white-space:normal;\">\r\n 不妨请我喝杯咖啡!<img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /> \r\n</h3>\r\n<h3 style=\"white-space:normal;\">\r\n 请留下您的昵称,方便以后我们公布感谢名单!\r\n</h3>\r\n<h3>\r\n 任意金额捐助,请扫码!\r\n</h3>\r\n<p>\r\n <img src=\"/upload/image/20180419/20180419200420_59712.png\" width=\"300\" height=\"407\" alt=\"\" /> \r\n</p>\r\n<h3 style=\"white-space:normal;\">\r\n 感谢您为开源事业做出的贡献<img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /> \r\n</h3>', '昵称', '', '1', '1', '100');

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for ys_kami
Expand All @@ -172,8 +162,11 @@ CREATE TABLE `ys_kami` (
`is_ste` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '0:正常 1:已售',
`ctime` int(100) DEFAULT NULL,

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of ys_kami
-- ----------------------------

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for ys_mailtpl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,41 +231,3 @@ CREATE TABLE `ys_orders` (
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of ys_orders
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('406', 'ys2018042114201833805', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '15452596', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123321 ---- 卡密: 123321<br/>', '2018042121001004460581572817', '当面付', '1524291618', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('403', 'ys2018042114004787030', '手工商品x1', '13', '0.10', '0.10', '1', null, '10000', '1', 'QQ号:10000', '2018042121001004990555816516', '当面付', '1524290447', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('391', 'ys2018042103142085272', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '6694995', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123321 ---- 卡密: 123321<br/>', '2018042121001004690551817127', '当面付', '1524251660', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('307', 'ys2018041922400345441', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '123', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123233 ---- 卡密: 444444<br/>', '2018041921001004680292764852', '当面付', '1524148803', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('308', 'ys2018041922402687219', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '123456', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123321 ---- 卡密: 123321<br/>', '2018041921001004080567162626', '当面付', '1524148826', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('309', 'ys2018041922482523404', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '123', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123321 ---- 卡密: 123321<br/>', '2018041921001004680292793885', '当面付', '1524149305', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('313', 'ys2018042003000536079', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '123', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123321 ---- 卡密: 123321<br/>', '2018042021001004680292132197', '当面付', '1524164405', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('339', 'ys2018042015335564819', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '1', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123233 ---- 卡密: 444444<br/>', '2018042021001004470593811334', '当面付', '1524209635', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('350', 'ys2018042016005869863', '手工商品1x1', '13', '0.10', '0.10', '1', null, '123321', '1', 'QQ号:123321', '2018042021001004580571103526', '支付宝即时到账', '1524211258', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('351', 'ys2018042016035814177', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', 'zxc123', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123321 ---- 卡密: 123321<br/>', '2018042021001004580570876738', '支付宝即时到账', '1524211438', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('353', 'ys2018042016050896510', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', 'gscsds', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123321 ---- 卡密: 123321<br/>', '2018042021001004280543668160', '支付宝即时到账', '1524211508', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('355', 'ys2018042016062999926', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '123', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123233 ---- 卡密: 444444<br/>', '2018042021001004580571334538', '支付宝即时到账', '1524211589', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('357', 'ys2018042016071933442', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', 'zxc123', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123233 ---- 卡密: 444444<br/>', '2018042021001004580570844852', '支付宝即时到账', '1524211639', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('358', 'ys2018042016081190572', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '123456', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123321 ---- 卡密: 123321<br/>', '2018042021001004660549099633', '支付宝即时到账', '1524211691', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('361', 'ys2018042016100332615', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', 'gscsds', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123321 ---- 卡密: 123321<br/>', '2018042021001004280543668338', '支付宝即时到账', '1524211803', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('363', 'ys2018042016112147678', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '123456', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123233 ---- 卡密: 444444<br/>', '2018042021001004660549228815', '支付宝即时到账', '1524211881', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('368', 'ys2018042016273194237', '手工商品1x1', '13', '0.10', '0.10', '1', null, '123321', '1', 'QQ号:123321', '2018042021001004580571556741', '支付宝即时到账', '1524212851', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('370', 'ys2018042016392343133', '手工商品1x1', '13', '0.10', '0.10', '1', null, '123321', '1', 'QQ号:123321', '2018042021001004580571136275', '支付宝即时到账', '1524213563', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('373', 'ys2018042016545931769', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '142857', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123321 ---- 卡密: 123321<br/>', '2018042021001004680294593378', '当面付', '1524214499', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('374', 'ys2018042017003834656', '手工商品1x1', '13', '0.10', '0.10', '1', null, '123321', '1', 'QQ号:123321', '2018042021001004580570992855', '支付宝即时到账', '1524214838', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('375', 'ys2018042017014630294', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '123456', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123321 ---- 卡密: 123321<br/>', '2018042021001004660551369379', '支付宝即时到账', '1524214906', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('379', 'ys2018042017351072189', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', 'zxc123', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123233 ---- 卡密: 444444<br/>', '2018042021001004580570994400', '支付宝即时到账', '1524216910', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('382', 'ys2018042020074431563', 'VIP服务一年x1', '22', '88.00', '88.00', '1', null, '604051096', '1', 'QQ号:604051096', '2018042021001004830553033294', '当面付', '1524226064', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('421', 'ys2018042120055068706', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', 'zxc123', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123233 ---- 卡密: 444444<br/>', '2018042120061174103', '手Q扫码', '1524312350', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('448', 'ys2018042303571076854', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '258022', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123321 ---- 卡密: 123321<br/>', '2018042321001004930564418899', '当面付', '1524427030', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('470', 'ys2018042415345994213', 'VIP服务一年x1', '22', '128.00', '128.00', '1', null, '1271316060', '1', 'QQ号:1271316060', '2018042421001004160585934342', '当面付', '1524555299', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('471', 'ys2018042415412627874', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '111', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123321 ---- 卡密: 123321<br/>', '2018042421001004160586334451', '当面付', '1524555686', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('484', 'ys2018042518021386964', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '1', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123233 ---- 卡密: 444444<br/>', null, '支付宝', '1524650533', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('524', 'ys2018042712223190813', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '7758521', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123321 ---- 卡密: 123321<br/>', '2018042721001004390512053220', '当面付', '1524802951', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('534', 'ys2018042813385813884', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '123456', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123321 ---- 卡密: 123321<br/>', '2018042821001004000514888947', '当面付', '1524893938', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('558', 'ys2018050201414976788', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '123456', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123233 ---- 卡密: 444444<br/>', '2018050221001004090515090470', '当面付', '1525196509', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('643', 'ys2018050718472714306', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '1233456', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123321 ---- 卡密: 123321<br/>', '2018050721001004350548289646', '当面付', '1525690047', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('652', 'ys2018050915005959891', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '258022', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123321 ---- 卡密: 123321<br/>', '2018050921001004930531584542', '当面付', '1525849259', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('670', 'ys2018051118312264683', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '6565465', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123233 ---- 卡密: 444444<br/>', '2018051121001004090554905901', '当面付', '1526034682', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('688', 'ys2018051223574594444', '手工商品x1', '13', '0.10', '0.10', '1', null, '62223232', '1', 'QQ号:62223232', '2018051221001004860541686337', '当面付', '1526140665', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('740', 'ys2018051421100551165', '自动发卡商品x1', '18', '0.10', '0.10', '1', '37027761', '[email protected]', '0', '卡号: 123321 ---- 卡密: 123321<br/>', '2018051421001004830546593143', '当面付', '1526303405', '3');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('764', 'ys2018051621341321614', '一杯卡布奇诺x1', '19', '6.66', '6.66', '1', null, '123321', '1', '昵称:123321', null, null, '1526477653', '0');
INSERT INTO `ys_orders` VALUES ('763', 'ys2018051621331750494', 'VIP服务一年x1', '22', '128.00', '128.00', '1', null, '123321', '1', 'QQ号:123321', null, null, '1526477597', '0');
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions static/admin/jquery.min.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file added static/default/favico.ico
Binary file not shown.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion view/admin/header.php
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