Provides basic components for lazy evaluation in C++. Requires C++17. Tested under GCC 8.3.0, Clang 7.0.1, and MSVC 15.9.8.
#include <iostream>
#include <easylazy.hpp>
namespace el = easylazy;
using namespace el::literals;
// Use a thunk type `int_` instead of `int`.
el::int_ tarai(el::int_ x, el::int_ y, el::int_ z) {
// Wrap a computaion into a lambda expression for lazy evaluation.
return el::int_([=]() {
if (x <= y) {
return y;
} else {
// Use a user-defined literal `1_d` instead of `1`.
return tarai(tarai(x - 1_d, y, z), tarai(y - 1_d, z, x), tarai(z - 1_d, x, y));
int main() {
// `n` is not evaluated here.
el::int_ n = tarai(200_d, 100_d, 0_d);
// `n.get()` fires evaluation of `n`. It takes not so long time because of lazy evaluation.
std::cout << n.get() << std::endl;
Fibonacci numbers as a lazy list
You may need to increase the stack size to run this example. For example, g++ -std=c++17 -Wl,--stack,10485760 fibs.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <easylazy.hpp>
namespace el = easylazy;
using namespace el::literals;
template <class T, class U, class V>
el::list<U> zip_with_s(el::function<V (T, U)> f, el::list<T> x_xs, el::list<U> y_ys) {
return el::list<U>([=]() {
if (el::null(x_xs) || el::null(y_ys)) {
return el::nil<V>();
} else {
V z = f(el::head(x_xs), el::head(y_ys));
return el::cons(z, zip_with_s(f, el::tail(x_xs), el::tail(y_ys)));
template <class T>
el::list<T> fibs() {
// Use a local static variable to share a thunk.
static el::list<T> inst([]() {
return el::cons(T(0), el::cons(T(1),
zip_with_s(EASYLAZY_FUNCTION(T x, T y) { return x + y; }, fibs<T>(), el::tail(fibs<T>()))
return inst;
int main() {
el::integer n = fibs<el::integer>()[10000_d];
std::cout << n.get() << std::endl;