A list of interesting payloads, tips and tricks for bug bounty hunters.
The Swiss Army knife for automated Web Application Testing
A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF
Facebook Open Switching System Software for controlling network switches.
Demo iBeacon on Android with the VBLUno51 board
Wiki pages for VNG VBLUno51 board - IoT Development board
WannaCryToolkit scanner and removal toolkit
esp8266 wifi-serial bridge, outbound TCP, and arduino/AVR/LPC/NXP programmer
TeensyHID attack vector - A new/old attack vector
Pwnable|Web Security|Cryptography CTF-style challenges
Full autocontained (on SPIFFS) async web server on ESP8266. Written as a Library.
Open source FreeRTOS-based ESP8266 software framework
These are resources that help use mbed OS (2, 5) for VBLUno board + CMSIS-DAP (DAPLink) of VNGIoTLab
These are resources that help use mbed OS (2, 5) for VBLUno board of VNGIoTLab
These are packages that help use Arduino for VNGIoTLab VBLUno boards (BLE - nRF51822)
The primary source code repository for Macaulay2, a system for computing in commutative algebra, algebraic geometry and related fields.