Dainet Wallet is a minimal ERC20 token javascript wallet, based on eth-lightwallet.
Dainet Wallet is a HD wallet that can store your keystore in the browser. The default BIP32 HD derivation path has is m/0'/0'/0'/i.
As ERC20 tokens need a small amount of Ether to make transfers, the wallet also presents the amount of Ether available on its account.
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/Dainet/Dainet-Web-Wallet.git
Go to the
directory and copy config_dist.js to config.js -
Update config.js to your contract information, gas price and limit as well as etherscan api key (for ropsten you can leave it).
var walletconfig = {
token_contract: "0x73e210304d99d900ad2555e930f5e0c53f2c8a0d", // Dainet Token Contract address
token_decimals: 18,
token_symbol: 'DAIN',
token_name: 'Dainet',
etherscan_api: 'https://api.etherscan.io', // https://api.etherscan.io || https://ropsten.etherscan.io for test
etherscan_api_key: 'YourApiKey',
password: '',
gas_price: 8,
gas_limit: 90000
Dainet Wallet has not been through a comprehensive security review at this point and is still in experimental mode. Do not rely on it to store larger amounts of Ether or tokens yet.
Copyright (c) 2018 Dainet Network