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Learn to Build Modern Full Stack Serverless Multi-Tenant SaaS Apps and APIs

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Modern Application and API Development

This program of Saylani Welfare Trust will teach you to build Modern Full-Stack Serverless Mobile Web Cloud SaaS Apps and APIs. This program focuses on React based front-ends and microservices based, API-first, cloud SaaS and headless backend technologies. Most of frontend teaching material covered in the program is advocated by JAMstack and backend technologies by MACH Alliance. SJGAR stack also proposes the stack we are using.

Overview of the concepts by a Student:

Modern Full Stack Serverless Multi-Tenant SaaS Apps and APIs Presentation by Hamza Farooq in Urdu

The program consists of four modules and will mainly be focused on imparting knowledge by training students to develop projects. Students will mainly be watching videos at home to understand the concepts and doing projects in class. However, at the descrition of the instructor some of the theory will also be covered in class.

Program Modules

Module I: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Git

Module II: Advanced JavaScript, React, Redux, TypeScript, PWA, Gatsby, and Storybook

Module III: API Economy and Cloud Development

Module IV: Android and iOS Mobile Apps, UI/UX Design, Design Patterns, and Innovation for Startups

Module I: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Git

Introduction to Front End Development for the Web

Objective: The objective of this module is to get a hands on understanding of HTML, CSS, and JS. By the end of the module we will have built 20 projects and build github reprositories for these project.

Learning Procedure:

Watch Learning videos before class (links below)

Guided project based practice in class (see prjects below)

Independent Practice (at home)

Learning Material

Reading Materials:

HTML & CSS Textbook - HTML and CSS by Wiley

JavaScript Textbook - A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript by Mark Meyers

JavaScript Practice by Hira Khan

Learning Videos:

Learn HTML by Hira Khan

Learn CSS Intro by Hira Khan

Learn JavaScript by Zeeshan Hanif

Git Version Control and Github Playlist by Zeeshan Hanif


Project Videos by Adil Altaf

Project 1. HTML Form - Client side form validation with HTML

Check required, length, email and password match

Create form UI

Show error messages under specific inputs

checkRequired() to accept array of inputs

checkLength() to check min and max length

checkEmail() to validate email with regex

checkPasswordsMatch() to match confirm password

Project 2. Seat Selection at Movie Theater

Select from movie choices and seats in a theater in order to purchase tickets

Display UI with movie select, screen, seats, legend & seat info

User can select a movie/price

User can select/deselect seats

User can not select occupied seats

Number of seats and price will update

Save seats, movie and price to local storage so that UI is still populated on refresh

Project 3. Video Player

Custom video player using the HTML5 video element and it's JavaScript API with a custom design

Display custom video player styled with CSS



Video progress bar

Set progress bar time

Display time in mins and seconds

Project 4. Calculating Exchange Rates

Select countries to get the exchange rate for a specific amount

Display UI with 2 select lists for countries and 2 inputs for amounts

Fetch exchange rates from API (

Display the values for both countries

Update values on amount change

Swap country rates

Project 5. DOM Arrays Methods

Project to teach high order array methods and DOM manipulation

Fetch random users from the API

Use forEach() to loop and output user/wealth

Use map() to double wealth

Use filter() to filter only millionaires

Use sort() to sort by wealth

Use reduce() to add all wealth

Project 6. Landing Page with Sliding Menu and Modal Window

Simple landing page with sliding menu and modal

Create and style landing page

Style side nav and modal

Add functionality to make menu open/close on button click

Add functionality to make modal open/close on button click

Project 7. Classic Hangman Game

User can select letters from keyboard to guess the word in a certain number of tries

Display hangman pole and figure using SVG

Generate a random word

Display word in UI with correct letters

Display wrong letters

Show notification when select a letter twice

Show popup on win or lose

Play again button to reset game

Project 8. Random Food Selector

Search and generate random meals from the API

Display UI with form to search and button to generate

Connect to API and get meals

Display meals in DOM with image and hover effect

Click on meal and see the details

Click on generate button and fetch & display a random meal

Project 9. Expense Tracking

Keep track of income and expenses. Add and remove items and save to local storage

Create UI for project

Display transaction items in DOM

Show balance, expense and income totals

Add new transaction and reflect in total

Delete items from DOM

Persist to local storage

Project 10. Music Player

Create UI to play music stored in the "music folder" using the HTML5 audio API

Create UI for music player including spinning image and song detail popup

Add play and pause functionality

Switch songs

Progress bar

Project 11: Infinite Scrolling App

Display posts from jsonplaceholder and add infinite scroll to fetch posts and also add filter box

Create UI & custom CSS loader animation

Fetch initial posts from API and display

Scroll down, show loader and fetch next set of posts

Add filtering for fetched posts

Project 12. Fast Typing Game

Game to beat the clock by typing random words

Create game UI including a difficulty setting

Generate random word and place in DOM

Score increase after word is typed

Implement timer

Add certain amount of time after word is typed based on difficulty

Store difficulty setting in local storage

Project 13. Memory Cards

Flash card app for learning. Display, add and remove memory cards with questions and answers

Create flip cards using CSS

Create "Add new card" overlay with form

Display question cards and flip for answer

View prev and next cards

Add new cards to local storage

Clear all cards from local storage

Project 14. A text to speech app for non-verbal people. Pre-made buttons and custom text speech.

A text to speech app. Pre-made buttons and custom text speech. This project uses the Web Speech API.

Create responsive UI (CSS Grid) with picture buttons

Speaks the text when button clicked

Drop down custom text to speech

Speaks the text typed in

Change voices and accents

Project 15. Search for Lyrics

Find songs, artists and lyrics using the API

Display UI with song/artist input

Fetch songs/artists and put in DOM

Add pagination

Add get lyrics functionality and display in DOM

Project 16. Breathing Exercise for Relaxing

A relaxing breathing app with a visual director to tell you when to breathe in, hold and breathe out

Create circle and gradient circle with CSS

Create and animate pointer (Small circle)

Create grow and shrink animations

Add JavaScript to create the breath animation effect

Project 17. Sortable List

Display a scrambled list that can be sorted with drag and drop

Create an ordered list (10 largest countries)

Scramble list items randomly

Allow user to drag and drop an item to a different position

Button to check if items are in correct order

Show green for correct order and red for wrong order

Project 18. Breakout

Game where you control a paddle with the arrow keys to bounce a ball up to break bricks. This app uses the HTML5 canvas element and API

Draw elements on canvas

Use canvas paths to draw shapes

Add animation with requestAnimationFrame(cb)

Move paddle on arrow key press

Add collision detection

Keep score

Add rules button with slider

Project 19. New Year Countdown

Landing page that counts down from the current date to the next new year

Create landing page with HTML/CSS

Calculate the days, hours, mins and seconds to the new year

Insert values into the DOM

Show a spinner right before loading the countdown

Show the coming year in the background

Project 20: Module A Final Project

Students will create a comprehensive final project of their choosing demonstrating lessons learned in this module.

Module II: Advanced JavaScript, React, Redux, TypeScript, PWA, and Storybook

Objective: The objective of this module is to get a hands on understanding of React and TypeScript. By the end of the module we will have built 12 projects and build github reprositories for these projects and publish them on the web.

Learning Procedure:

Watch Learning videos before class (links below)

Guided project based practice in class (see prjects below)

Independent Practice (at home)

Part I: React

Video 1: Development Setup

Learning Material for Video 1:

Assignment Notes



Video 1 in English on Facebook : Development Setup

Video 1 in English on YouTube : Development Setup

Video 1 in Urdu on Facebook : Development Setup

Video 1 in Urdu on YouTube : Development Setup

Video 2: Starting React

Learning material



Video 2 in English on Facebook : Github Actions And Intro to Learning React Part 1

Video 2 in English on YouTube : Github Actions And Intro to Learning React Part 1

Video 2 in Urdu on Facebook : Github Actions And Intro to Learning React Part 1

Video 2 in Urdu on YouTube : Github Actions And Intro to Learning React Part 1

Video 3 and 4: Learn React

Learn React Tutorial Cover the Tutorial Before Fetching Data

Video 3 Facebook English Video : Learning React Part 2

Video 3 YouTube English Video : Learning React Part 2

Video 3 Facebook Urdu Video : Learning React Part 2

Video 3 YouTube Urdu Video : Learning React Part 2

Video 4 Facebook English Video : Learning React Part 3

Video 4 YouTube English Video : Learning React Part 3

Video 4 Facebook Urdu Video : Learning React Part 3

Video 4 YouTube Urdu Video : Learning React Part 3

Video 5 and 6: Hooks

After we have learned the useState Hook in video 4 using the Learn React Tutorial we will skip the fetch data (we will cover it latter) part of the tutorial and learn useContext and useReducer hooks and build the Expense Tracker App.

First we will learn the hooks:

An Introduction To React’s Context API

Working with the React Context API

How to use the useReducer React hook

Understanding the React useReducer Hook

Video 5 YouTube English Video : Learning React Part 4

Video 5 Facebook English Video : Learning React Part 4

Video 5 YouTube Urdu Video : Learning React Part 4

Video 5 Facebook Urdu Video : Learning React Part 4

Project 1: Build an Expense Tracker App using React Hooks and Context API

Follow this Video and build the App: Expense Tracker

Video 6 YouTube English Video : Building a React Project

Video 6 Facebook English Video : Building a React Project

Video 6 Facebook Urdu Video : Building a React Project

Video 6 YouTube Urdu Video : Building a React Project

Expense Tracker App By Adil Altaf

Git Repo URL

Surge URL

Step by Step Guide

Video 7: Asynchronous JavaScript

JavaScript Promises, Callbacks, and Async/Await for Beginners

Asynchronous JavaScript: How Callbacks, Promises, and Async-Await Work

Code for Class 7 English

Video 7 English Facebook Video : Learning Asynchronous JavaScript

Video 7 English YouTube Video : Learning Asynchronous JavaScript

Video 7 Urdu YouTube Video : Learning Asynchronous JavaScript

Video 7 Urdu Facebook Video : Learning Asynchronous JavaScript

Video 8: Fetch Data

Learn JavaScript Fetch

How to fetch data in JavaScript

Fetch API data using useEffect React hook

Different Options to get data in React

Different ways to fetch data in React

Video 8 Code

Video 8 English Facebook Video : JavaScript Fetch with React

Video 8 English YouTube Video : JavaScript Fetch with React

Video 8 Urdu Facebook Video : JavaScript Fetch with React

Video 8 Urdu YouTube Video : JavaScript Fetch with React

Data fetching with React Suspense

React Suspense 1

React Suspense 2

React Suspense 3

React Suspense 4


React Suspense Reference 1

React Suspense Reference 2

Video 9 and 10: Material UI

Learn Material UI

Main Website


Getting Started



Learn Chart.js

Mian Docs

Getting Started

Video 9 English Facebook Video : Learning Material UI and Chart.JS

Video 9 English YouTube Video : Learning Material UI and Chart.JS

Video 9 Urdu Facebook Video : Learning Material UI and Chart.JS

Video 9 Urdu YouTube Video : Learning Material UI and Chart.JS

Project 2: COVID-19 Tracker App

You will use React, React Material UI, Chart.js, and React Suspense to build this COVID-19 Tracker React App

  1. Watch this video as a example for the app but build your own app don't just copy it:

Example COVID-19 Tracker App Demo

  1. Choose one or more COVID-19 API's that you are going to use:

COVID-19 API Listing 1

COVID-19 API Listing 2

COVID-19 API Listing 3

COVID-19 Google Map API

  1. Start building your COVID-19 Tracker App

Your code should be hosted in a GitHub Repo from the beginning with GitHub CI/CD Actions and hosted on Surge.

Adil Altaf builds the COVID-19 Tracker App

Video 10 English Facebook Video : Building COVID-19 Tracker App

Video 10 English YouTube Video : Building COVID-19 Tracker App

Video 10 Urdu Facebook Video : Building COVID-19 Tracker App

Video 10 Urdu YouTube Video : Building COVID-19 Tracker App

Video 11 React Router v6

Setting Started with React Router V6

React Router v6 Video Tutorial

Note: Use the latest Beta Release of V6

Video 11 English Facebook Video : Learning Routing With React Router

Video 11 English YouTube Video : Learning Routing With React Router

Video 11 Urdu Facebook Video : Learning Routing With React Router

VideoClass 11 Urdu YouTueb Video : Learning Routing With React Router

Project 3: Shoe Store

Now build a Shoe Store after watching this video

Submit Project 3

Vido 12 Web Animations API

Web Animations API Now Supported in All Evergreen Browsers

Check Browser Support

Web Animations API Concepts

We will use this Shim

We will learn from this Tutorial in depth

Using the Web Animations API

Additive Animation with the Web Animations API


Live Demos

More Web Animations Resources

Video 12 English Facebook Video : Learning Web Animation

Video 12 English YouTube Video : Learning Web Animation

Video 12 Urdu Facebook Video : Learning Web Animation

Video 12 Urdu YouTube Video : Learning Web Animation

Video 13 Web Animations API with React

We will be using the following React hooks useEffect, useLayoutEffect and useRef.

Everything You Need to Know About FLIP Animations in React

Creating Highly-Performant Animations using Web Animations API and React hooks

Video 13 English Facebook Video : Web Animation In React

Video 13 English YouTube Video : Web Animation In React

Video 13 Urdu Facebook Video : Web Animation In React

Video 13 Urdu YouTube Video : Web Animation In React

Project 4A: Red Queen's Race with Web Animation API and React Hooks

Project Submit Form

Review the code and demo and improve and build your own Red Queens Race Animation with React Hooks.

Note the following:

  1. When Alice drinks from the bottle, she grows smaller.
  2. Because small children tire out easily, unlike automaton chess pieces, Alice is constantly slowing down.
  3. But urging them on by clicking or tapping causes them to speed up.
  4. The background elements also have playback rates that are impacted when you click or tap.

Source Article

Project 4B: Develop Tiny Short Animation with React Hooks

Project Submit Form

Read this article: The Tiny Short Animation Trend in Web Design

Clone the front page animation of one of the companies mentioned in the article, using the latest web animation API.

Bonus/Extra Project 5: Build an Animated React Website which follows the Latest Trends like Animated Illustrations

Project Submit Form

"Our eyes are hardwired to notice movement. Historically, it’s helped to keep us alive. And, in 2020, web designers are capitalizing on this default human setting. Animated illustrations are one of the newest trends being used to direct viewer attention within web designs. You’ll see these petite animations on sites all over the web. Some animated illustrations are merely still graphics that jiggle, while other illustrated animations are more thoughtful and complex. When used to their fullest capacity, animated illustrations can tell stories, explain concepts, or help viewers navigate a website." The 8 Biggest Web Design Trends of 2020

20 Extraordinary Web Design Ideas That Will Get Everyone Clicking Incorporating illustration on a website has been a trend for a few years. However, designers are now focusing to create custom and 3D illustrations to define a brand. An illustration can empower a brand if blended well with minimalism. See how the brand Neat has rightly executed this trend:

Neat Website

To intrigue viewers, brands like Pitch have introduced 3D illustration design: Pitch Website

In this project you will build a animated React Website, all animations must use the latest Web Animations API and latest trends.


Beautiful, free illustrations

free illustrations

Design Resources for Developers

You can use the ideas form these resourses or develop your own ideas:

Best websites that use Illustration and Animation

22 Websites with Impressive Illustrations and Animations

10 Inspiring Websites with Gorgeous Animations

Animated Sites

8 Best Animated Websites

Best Website examples of designs with animation

You may use AI to generate graphics:

Creative Tools to Generate AI Art


Web Demo

Magenta Tool

Sketch-RNN-JS: A Generative Model for Vector Drawings

Auto Draw: An AI Experiment

Part II: Programming with TypeScript

Begin by installing TypeScript 4.0+:

npm install -g typescript

We will use this book to learn TypeScript:

Programming TypeScript: Making Your JavaScript Applications Scale by Boris Cherny

Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 9

Note 1: You can also learn TypeScript 4.0 in detail from this Panacloud repo

Video 14 English Facebook Video : Learning TypeScript

Video 14 English YouTube Video : Learning TypeScript

Video 14 Urdu YouTube Video : Learning TypeScript

Video 14 Urdu Facebook Video : Learning TypeScript

Class 15 English Facebook Video : Building A React Quiz App In TypeScript

Video 15 English YouTube Video : Building A React Quiz App In TypeScript

Video 15 Urdu Facebook Video : Building A React Quiz App In TypeScript

Video 15 Urdu YouTube Video : Building A React Quiz App In TypeScript

Video 16 English Facebook Video : Building A React Quiz App And TypeScript Part 2

Video 16 English YouTube Video : Building A React Quiz App And TypeScript Part 2

Video 16 Urdu YouTube Video

Video 16 English YouTube Video

Project 6: Quiz App with React and TypeScript

You can submit your project here

Quiz app using React and TypeScript

You can take help from here also: Your First React Typescript Project: a Todo List App

Part III: Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Video 17 Progressive Web Apps (PWA) and Offline Availability


What’s a PWA, and How Do I Build One?

How to Make your React App a Progressive Web App

Building a Progressive Web Application with Create React App

Deploy PWA on All App Stores

Publishing PWAs to Major App Stores: The Whys and Hows

Google Play Store now open for Progressive Web Apps

How to publish PWA app on Google Play Store – Step by step guide

Microsoft's PWABuilder makes submitting web apps to the Play Store easier than ever

How Progressive Web Apps Will Change Mobile Commerce In 2020

Make your PWA feel more like an app

Latest News

PWA Reference

Progressive Web Apps and Offline-availability

How to Build Modern, Offline Apps With Progressive Web Apps

Video 17 English Facebook Video : Learning Progressive Web App

Video 17 English YouTube Video : Learning Progressive Web App

Video 17 Urdu Facebook Video

Video 17 Urdu Facebook Video

Video 18 Progressive Web App (PWA) and Service Push Notification

Firebase Push Notifications in React

Video 18 English Facebook Video : Progressive Web App And Push Notification

Video 18 English YouTube Video : Progressive Web App And Push Notification

Video 18 Urdu Facebook Video

Video 18 Urdu YouTube Video

Project 7A: Rebuild the Expense Tracker App and Quiz App with React/TypeScript it should be a Progressive Web App (PWA) with Offline Capability and Push Notifications

You should deploy them on Surge as well make it an Android App, Apple App and Windows App (If you have a Store account's you may deploy on the stores as well).


Publishing PWAs to Major App Stores: The Whys and Hows

Part IV: Testing React in TypeScript

You Can't Do CI/CD Without Automated Testing

What is Test Driven Development (TDD)? Tutorial with Example

How to Test React Components in TypeScript

Writing unit tests with React, Typescript, and react-testing-library

The Practical Guide to Start React Testing Library with TypeScript

How to set intellisense for react testing library using typescript

How To Test Your React Apps With The React Testing Library

Video 19 English Facebook Video : Learning Test Driven Development

Video 19 English YouTube Video : Learning Test Driven Development

Video 19 Urdu Facebook Video

Video 19 Urdu YouTube Video

Project 7B: Build a React Timer App using TypeScript with Test Driven Development

React Test-driven Development: From User Stories to Production

Follow this for TypeScript config:

Create react app typescript: testing with jest and enzyme

Note 1: While Building the CI/CD pipeline make sure the app passes all the automated tests before deployment

Note 2: In the Toptal article above they donot use TypeScipt, but you are required to do so.

Video 20 English Facebook Video : Building a React Timer App

Video 20 English YouTube Video : Building a React Timer App

Video 20 Urdu Facebook Video : Building a React Timer App

Video 20 Urdu YouTube Video : Building a React Timer App

Part V: Client Side GraphQL in React Apps

Introduction to GraphQL:

Introduction to QraphQL

Core Concepts

Big Picture (Architecture)

Queries and Mutations

What’s your query? Learn GraphQL with React and Contentful

What’s your query? Learn GraphQL with React and Contentful

Watch Video Tutorials

JavaScript Prerequisites:

What are Tag Functions?

Read about Tagged templates from this page

Learn high level GraphQL Server Concepts, not in detail now (This will help you to understand client development better):

How to build full-stack apps with Apollo

Build a Schema

Connect to data sources

Write query resolvers

Apollo-Client 3.0 Tutorial:

Introduction to Appllo Client 3 in React

Get started

Fetch data with the useQuery hook

Update data with the useMutation hook

Using Apollo with TypeScript

TypeScript Code Generator:

TypeScript Code Generator

Code Generator Page

How to configure GraphQL-Codegen and React Apollo Client to do work for you

Video 21 English Facebook Video : Learning GraphQL Part 1 And Using Apollo Client With React

Video 21 English YouTube Video : Learning GraphQL Part 1 And Using Apollo Client With React

Video 21 Urdu Facebook Video

Video 21 Urdu YouTube Video

Video 22 English Facebook Video : Learning GraphQL Part 2

Video 22 English YouTube Video : Learning GraphQL Part 2

Video 22 Urdu Facebook Video

Video 22 Urdu YouTube Video

Project 8: Build a Build a Space X Client Application with React, TypeScript, Appllo Client 3, and SpaceX API using Test-Driven Development (TDD) and deployed as a PWA

Watch first 7 mins of video

Space X API

Example of a Demo App

Build a GraphQL + React app with TypeScript

You are required to build your own App not just copy the Demo Apps.

Note: You can generate the TypeScript code automatically by using the Code Generator.

Video 23 English Facebook Video : Building A project With React, TypeScript And GraphQL

Video 23 English YouTube Video : Building A project With React, TypeScript And GraphQL

Video 23 Urdu Facebook Video

Video 23 English Facebook Video

Part VI: Managing State with Redux

Three dots ( … ) in JavaScript

Using Redux with React Hooks

Zeeshan Code for Redux with Hooks

Zeeshan Code for Redux with Redux Toolkit

Learn Redux Toolkit

Quick Start

Basic Tutorial

Video 24 in English on Facebook : Learning Redux

Video 24 in English on YouTube : Learning Redux

Redux Presentation by Aamir

Video 24 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 24 in Urdu on Facebook

Intermediate Tutorial: Redux Toolkit in Action

Part VII: API Mocking Servers with Mirage

Mirage Tutorial

Video 25 in English on Facebook : Learning Redux ToolKit And Mirage Mocking Server

Video 25 in English on YouTube : Learning Redux ToolKit And Mirage Mocking Server

Video 25 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 25 in Urdu on YouTube

Thunk API for Async

Zeeshan's Code for Thunk

Video 26 in English on Facebook : Learning Redux Async Thunk

Video 26 in English on YouTube : Learning Redux Async Thunk

Video 26 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 26 in Urdu on YouTube

Mirage Notes:

  1. Mirage runs in the browser, so there's no new terminal processes to manage
  2. Returning data from Mirage is as fast and easy as writing frontend code
  3. You never alter your application code to consume data from Mirage – your app thinks it's talking to a real network

Project 9A: Create a Shopping Basket using React and Redux Toolkit with TypeScript

Create a shopping basket using React and Redux Toolkit

Project Repo

Project 9B: Building Diaries App using React and Redux Toolkit with TypeScript

In this project we will be learning to use Redux by building an app that lets users create and manage diaries. We will be building our application using React, and we’ll set up Mirage as our API mocking server since we have not yet learned to build API's.

We will follow this Tutorial: Setting Up Redux For Use In A Real-World Application

Partial implementation, of only login and signup with react, redux and mirage by Zeeshan

Note: In the project React Router v5 is being used we recommend that you use v6 in your project.

This Project is very important because up to now we have been doing small projects which focused on only focused limited functionality. Project 9B is the first real-world professional project. In the real-world, we will be doing these kinds of projects. Therefore, give special attention to it.

Part VIII: Forms with Formik and Yup

Easy forms with Formik - part I

HTML Forms

React Formik Playlist

Formik Installation

Formik Tutorial

Formik: React Forms Video Tutorial with Yup and Material

Formik with TypeScript

Zeeshan's Formik Repo

Video 27 in English on Facebook: Learning React Formik And Yup Part 1

Video 27 in English on YouTube : Learning React Formik And Yup Part 1

Video 27 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 27 in Urdu on YouTube

Video 28 in English on Facebook : Learning React Formik And Yup Part 2

Video 28 in Engish on YouTube : Learning React Formik And Yup Part 2

Video 28 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 28 in Urdu on YouTube

Project 10: Build a Signup Form and Multi-Step Form with Formik, Yup, and Material UI using TypeScript

Working With React, Formik and Yup

React Multi-Step Form Tutorial: Using Formik, Yup and material-ui

Part IX: Component Driven Development with Storybook and Bit

Component Driven Development (CDD)

A Guide to Component Driven Development (CDD)

Component Driven Development (CDD) In React

Storybook 6

Building React Apps With Storybook 6

Introduction to Storybook for React

Supercharge Storybook 6


Storybook 6 Announcement

TypeScript Config

Reference Learning Material

Video 29 in English on Facebook : Learning Component Driven Development Part 1 With Storybook

Video 29 in English on YouTube : Learning Component Driven Development Part 1 With Storybook

Video 29 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 29 in Urdu on YouTube

Bit for React

How to Use React and Typescript in

Using Storybook and Together

How is different from Storybook?

Design Systems for Developers

Design Systems for Developers

Video 30 in English on Facebook : Learning Component Driven Development Part 2 With Bit And Design System

Video 30 in English on YouTube: Learning Component Driven Development Part 2 With Bit And Design System

Video 30 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 30 in Urdu on YouTube

Project 11: Build a Taskbox React Component in TypeScript using Storybook and Publishing it on Bit

Build a Taskbox, a task management UI (similar to Asana), complete with multiple item types and states. We'll go from building simple UI components to assembling screens. Each chapter the the tutorial illustrates a different aspect of developing UIs with Storybook.

Taskbox with Storybook for React tutorial

Part X: JAMstack Serverless and Headless CMS

Learn JAMstack Serverless in Baby Steps

Our JAMstack Textbook for Read Chapter 1

Video 31 in English on Facebook : Learning Modern Application Development With JAMStack Serverless

Video 31 in English on YouTube : Learning Modern Application Development With JAMStack Serverless

Video 31 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 31 in Urdu on YouTube

Video 32 in English on Facebook : Learning JAMStack Serverless - Gatsby Part 1

Video 32 in English on YouTube : Learning JAMStack Serverless - Gatsby Part 1

Video 32 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 32 in Urdu on YouTube

Video 33 in English on Facebook :Learning JAMStack Serverless - Gatsby Part 2

Video 33 in English on YouTube :Learning JAMStack Serverless - Gatsby Part 2

Video 33 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 33 in Urdu on YouTube

Video 34 in English on Facebook : Learning JAMStack Serverless - Gatsby With Cntentful

Video 34 in English on YouTube : Learning JAMStack Serverless - Gatsby With Cntentful

Video 34 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 34 in Urdu on YouTube

Video 35 in English on Facebook : Learning JAMStack Serverless - Gatsby With Netlify Serverless Functions Part 1

Video 35 in English on YouTube : Learning JAMStack Serverless - Gatsby With Netlify Serverless Functions Part 1

Video 35 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 35 in Urdu on YouTube

Video 36 in English on Facebook : Learning JAMStack Serverless - Gatsby With Netlify Serverless Functions Part 2 And Intro to FaunaDB NoSQL database

Video 36 in English on YouTube : Learning JAMStack Serverless - Gatsby With Netlify Serverless Functions Part 2 And Intro to FaunaDB NoSQL database

Video 36 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 36 in Urdu on YouTube

Video 37 in English on Facebook : Learning JAMStack Serverless - Gatsby, Netlify Serverless Functions And FaunaDB

Video 37 in English on YouTube : Learning JAMStack Serverless - Gatsby, Netlify Serverless Functions And FaunaDB

Video 37 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 37 in Urdu on YouTube

Video 38 in English on Facebook : Learning JAMStack Serverless - Gatsby, GraphQL, Netlify Serverless Functions And FaunaDB

Video 38 in English on YouTube : Learning JAMStack Serverless - Gatsby, GraphQL, Netlify Serverless Functions And FaunaDB

Video 38 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 38 in Urdu on YouTube

Video 39 in English on Facebook - Project 12C Todo App

Video 39 in English on YouTube - Project 12C Todo App

Video 39 in Urdu on Facebook - Project 12C Todo App

Video 39 in Urdu on YouTube - Project 12C Todo App

Project 12C Todo App by Adil

Video 40 in English on Facebook - Project 12D Bookmark App

Video 40 in English on YouTube - Project 12D Bookmark App

Project 12D Bookmark App by Daniyal

Video 40 in Urdu on Facebook - Project 12D Bookmark App

Video 40 in Urdu on YouTube - Project 12D Bookmark App

Video 41 in English on Facebook - Project 12E Virtual Lolly App

Video 41 in English on YouTube - Project 12E Virtual Lolly App

Zeeshan's Virtual Lolly App Code Repo

Video 41 in Urdu on Facebook - Project 12E Virtual Lolly App

Video 41 in Urdu on YouTube - Project 12E Virtual Lolly App

Project 12A: Build a Blog site in Gatsby.js and Contentful with TypeScript and Deploy on Netlify

This Tutorial will help you in building the Blog site

Demo of Blog site we want to build


Watch Video: Episode 1

Watch Video: Episode 2

Watch Video: Episode 3

Watch Video: Episode 4

Watch Video: Episode 5

Watch Video: Episode 6

We want GitHub Actions workflow that builds a static blog site and deploys on Surge. Our content is hosted on Contentful. We would like to rebuild my static site on a normal repository push event, and also via the Contentful webhook whenever our content is updated. Reference 1 Reference 2

Important Challenge Requirement: We want you to build this blog site with gated content, available only for logged-in users. However we still want the blogs to be indexed for SEO reasons, and would like visitors (not logged in) have access to 3 free blogs (just like Medium), after that we want to user to get a "limited" access to each page (maybe 20 lines or so), just like news website sometimes do. The logged-in users will have unlimited access to all the blogs. We will use Firebase authentication for user logins.

Project 12B: Building Serverless CRUD apps with Netlify Functions and FaunaDB

Project Article

Updated Code Repo

Project 12C: Building a Serverless JAMStack Todo app with Netlify, Gatsby, GraphQL, and FaunaDB

Project Videos

Project 12C Todo App by Adil

Project 12D: Create A Bookmarking Application With FaunaDB, Netlify And Gatsby

Project Article

Note: In the above article the project is done using 11ty however you are required to do it in Gatsby.js with TypeScript

Project 12E: Virtual Lolly using Gatsby, Netlify, FaunaDB, Formik, and Storybook 6

Project Article

Project Repo

Project Demo

Visual Testing with Storybook in Gatsby

Forms with Formik — Gatsby — Netlify

Note: In the above article the project is done using 11ty however you are required to do it in Gatsby.js with TypeScript. For developing the form you are required to use Formik. For developing the React Components you will use Storybook 6.

Module III: API Economy and Cloud Development

Get AWS Account

AWS Free Tier

AWS Educate

Note: For AWS Free Tier you will need a credit or debit card. The easiest way for Pakistani students is to open a bank account in Meezan Bank. Open a Meezan Aasan Account if you have no earning proof. Meezan Bank will charge Rs. 1100 for ATM Debit Card and there is a requirement of Rs. 100 minimum deposit. The card will be delivered in a few weeks. Our students have reported that this Debit card works with AWS.

For AWS Educate Account you will need a email address issued by an educational institute or university.

Now you can create virtual VISA Debit card through NayaPay App which can be used to create AWS/GCP/Azure account. This is good NEWS For those students who find it difficult to create physical VISA/Master Card from Banks; this is a great option to avail.

Before we get started please Review the concepts proposed by MACH Alliance.

Video 1: Understanding the API Economy

Report: 67% of developers embrace an API-first philosophy

The objective of this module is to prepare sofware developers for the API Economy (Application Programming Interface Economy). APIs are software interfaces that allow once separate software systems to seamlessly and easily talk to each other. The innovative power of APIs has lead to the realization that software as a service (SaaS) applications can be built by combining APIs built by specialized API providers. That, in turn, has created the API Economy, which empowers developers to specialize and monetize their skills and domain knowledge.

A taxi booking SaaS app, for example, might combine a mapping SaaS API, communication SaaS API, and billing SaaS API, each from different providers, with their own UX layered on top. This makes it easy to launch new services without having to build everything from scratch. This makes it easier for all participants to develop unique products, services and functionality quickly and with less cost.

In the API economy a developer may have different roles. It may be a SaaS developer or API provider. A API provider can also develop on top of other specialized APIs, thus creating layers of APIs. This creates an API economy where developers charge each other for the APIs built by them. The API provider charges others for using his APIs, and at the same time pays other providers to use their APIs. The SaaS app developers who uses all these APIs bills the end-customer for the service. This exchange of value is what makes an API economy.

Ideally, the developer who uses SaaS APIs wants to be charged a usage based subscription fee, not a fixed monthly subscription. This usage based subscription fee has been made possible by serverless cloud technologies. Serverless is also being called Cloud 2.0.

The rise of of API Economy has created a new kind of software company i.e. an API-First Company. A company, which develops software not for the end-users as its main customer, but other developers who uses it as a component to build applications. The Panacloud platform provides the means by which developers and entrepreneurs can build their API-First Unicorn startups.

The API Economy levels the playing field for everyone from the smallest developers to the largest companies. However, it also creates many challenges. First, often there is no direct contact between the API provider and the developer who utilizes it, it can be hard to know which API to build with what functionality. Second, it is difficult to know which APIs are available and which API to use and their comparative strengths and weaknesses. Third, most of the current SaaS applications and API are built using legacy Cloud 1.0 technologies, thus they don’t have usage based billing support and also some have scalability issues. Fourth, the APIs are centrally managed and multi-tenant by their very nature, making it difficult to manage, measure resource usage in a serverless environment, and bill the tenant. Fifth, each and every API provider has to build a custom platform to monitor and measure serverless resource usage and bill clearing functionality thus increasing the time-to-market. Sixth, there is an extreme shortage of serverless cloud developers thus making life every difficult for both API providers and SaaS app companies. Seventh, there is a scarcity of coherent and comprehensive training material for multi-tenant severless SaaS app and API developers.

Panacloud has started and is leading a social movement called Operation Unicorn to help anyone and everyone become a cloud developer, a startup founder, and participant in the API economy. The focus is on building API-First startups, which will in time become billion dollar companies. This movement is striving to build a community that will not only transform individuals, but societies and countries as well.

API Economy Presentation for Class

Support Reading Material:

API economy

What is the API Economy & why it matters to your business

How the API economy is powering digital transformation

API Economy: Is It The Next Big Thing?

What Is The “API Economy” And How Brands Can Benefit From It

Welcome to the API Economy

The State of the API Economy 2021

Serverless Computing

Reshaping the business landscape with serverless APIs

Serverless, Microservices & Other Trends in API and Services Architecture

API Strategy Essentials

5 Ways AI, IoT, and security are shaping the API economy

The platform economy is an API economy. And artificial intelligence needs APIs

The Pivotal Role of Business APIs in IoT Platforms: Part I

How important is the API economy to blockchain application development?

APIs and Blockchain — a trillion-dollar opportunity

Architectural Style for APIs – how to make the choice

Comparisons of API Architectural Styles

Class 1 Videos: The API Economy

Video 1: What is the API Economy in English on YouTube

Video 1: What is the API Economy in English on Facebook

Video 1: What is the API Economy in Urdu on YouTube

Video 1: What is the API Economy in Urdu on Facebook

Video 2: AWS CDK and Lambda Hello World

We will be writing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) CDK AWS Serverless constructs in TypeScript and Lambda Functions etc. also in TypeScript

Working with CDK V2

Getting Started with CDK

A new version of the CDK Toolkit is required for use with CDK v2. To install it, issue

npm install -g aws-cdk

Learning Material:

Learning Serverless with CDK Repo

We will focus on Serverless SaaS API development using CDK and AWS Lambda, AWS API Gateway (with OpenAPI Specs and GraphQL, and AWS AppSync.Study Material:

Step 00: Hello CDK

Step 01: Hello Lambda

Class 8 Videos: Hello CDK

Class 2: Hello CDK in English on Facebook

Class 2: Hello CDK in English on YouTube

Class 2: Hello CDK in Urdu on Facebook

Class 2: Hello CDK in Urdu on YouTube

Video 3: AWS Lambda and CDN Website Deployment using CDK

Step 01

Step 02

Video 3: Lambda and CDN Website Deployment in English on Facebook

Video 3: Lambda and CDN Website Deployment in English on YouTube

Video 3: Lambda and CDN Website Deployment in Urdu on Facebook

Video 3: Lambda and CDN Website Deployment in Urdu on YouTube

Project 1: Define a Hitcounter API using CDK

Build a Hitcounter API follow the CDK Workshop

It is require that before you build your Hitcounter API you follow the workshop from the start.

Videos 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 9: Integrate API Gateway and AppSync with Lambda and DynamoDB

Class 4: Integrate AppSync with Lambda as a Datasource in English on Facebook

Class 4: Integrate AppSync with Lambda as a Datasource in English on YouTube

Class 4: Integrate AppSync with Lambda as a Datasource in Urdu on Facebook

Class 4: Integrate AppSync with Lambda as a Datasource in Urdu on YouTube

Class 5: Integrate AppSync with Lambda as a Datasource in English on Facebook

Class 5: Integrate AppSync with Lambda as a Datasource in English on YouTube

Class 5: Integrate AppSync with Lambda as a Datasource in Urdu on Facebook

Class 5: Integrate AppSync with Lambda as a Datasource in Urdu on YouTube

Class 6: Integrate AppSync with Lambda with DynamoDB in English on Facebook

Class 6: Integrate AppSync with Lambda with DynamoDB in English on YouTube

Class 6: Integrate AppSync with Lambda with DynamoDB in Urdu on Facebook

Class 6: Integrate AppSync with Lambda with DynamoDB in Urdu on YouTube

Class 13 Videos: API Design, Prototyping, Development, and Testing - Everything Must and Will Become an API

API Design,Prototype, and Testing Learning Repo

Class 13: REST Request Collections in English on Facebook

Class 13: REST Request Collections in English on YouTube

Class 13: REST Request Collections in Urdu on Facebook

Class 13: REST Request Collections in Urdu on YouTube

Project 2: Develop Simple Book API on AWS

In this project we are going to define a Simple Book API on AWS using CDK, API Gateway, Lambda Function and DynamoDB. After we have developed the APIs we will test them using Postman.

The requirements of this API are documented in this repo

The project code is pushed here, please donot copy the code it is for your reference to see after buiding the project:

Video 14: Building Simple Books API with AWS API Gateway

Video 14: Building Simple Books API with AWS API Gateway in English on Facebook

Video 14: Building Simple Books API with AWS API Gateway in English on YouTube

Video 14: Building Simple Books API with AWS API Gateway in Urdu on Facebook

Video 14: Building Simple Books API with AWS API Gateway in Urdu on YouTube

Code for Video 14:

Project 3: Develop Todo QraphQL API on AWS

Watch this video and develop a GraphQL Todo API on AWS using AppSync, Lambda Functions, and DynamoDB. Then test it using postman.

The project code is pushed here, please donot copy the code it is for your reference to see after buiding the project:

Video 15: Building GraphQL Todo APIs with AWS App Sync

Video 15: Building GraphQL Todo APIs with AWS App Sync in English on Facebook

Video 15: Building GraphQL Todo APIs with AWS App Sync in English on YouTube

Video 15: Building GraphQL Todo APIs with AWS App Sync in Urdu on Facebook

Video 15: Building GraphQL Todo APIs with AWS App Sync in Urdu on YouTube

Code for Video 15:

Video 16: Use-Case Driven QraphQL API Design and Design Thinking

Reading Material: Steps 02 and 03 from this Repo

Video 16: Use-Case Driven QraphQL API Design and Design Thinking in English on Facebook

Video 16: Use-Case Driven QraphQL API Design and Design Thinking in English on YouTube

Video 16: Use-Case Driven QraphQL API Design and Design Thinking in Urdu on Facebook

Video 16: Use-Case Driven QraphQL API Design and Design Thinking in Urdu on YouTube

Video 17: Introduction to Graph Databases

Reading Material: Steps 04 from this Repo

Graph Databases for Dummies Book, chapter 1, 2, and 4

Cyper Queries

Cyper Updates

We used Sandbox to do practice on Movie Database

You can use this to draw pictures of graphs

Video 17: Intro to Graph Databases in English on Facebook

Video 17: Intro to Graph Databases in English on YouTube

Video 17: Intro to Graph Databases in Urdu on Facebook

Video 17: Intro to Graph Databases in Urdu on YouTube

Video 18: AWS Neptune Graph Database

Code Repo

Video 18: AWS Neptune Graph Database in English on Facebook

Video 18: AWS Neptune Graph Database in English on YouTube

Video 18: AWS Neptune Graph Database in Urdu on Facebook

Video 18: AWS Neptune Graph Database in Urdu on YouTube

Project 4: Build Serverless SaaS APIs for DiningByFriends Social Network Project using Graph Database and GraphQL

Dinning by Friends API Project using Neptune and AppSync

Tutorial: Building a GraphQL API on AWS with Amazon Neptune Graph Database, AppSync, TypeScript, and CDK

Video 19: Relational Databases Design

Reading Material: Steps 06 from this Repo

Reading Material:

Database Design in DBMS Tutorial: Learn Data Modeling

What is Normalization in DBMS (SQL)? 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF

What is ER Modeling?

Video 19: Relational Database Design in English on Facebook

Video 19: Relational Database Design in English on YouTube

Video 19: Relational Database Design in Urdu on Facebook

Video 19: Relational Database Design in Urdu on YouTube

Video 20: Learning SQL

Download PostgreSQL

Download DBeaver

Reading Material:

Chapters 1, 4-10 of the SQL QuickStart Guide

W3C SQL Tutorial

Video 20: Learn SQL in English on Facebook

Video 20: Learn SQL in English on YouTube

Video 20: Learn SQL in Urdu on Facebook

Video 20: Learn SQL in Urdu on YouTube

Video 21: Serverless PostgreSQL Databases

Reading Material:

CockroachDB Serverless Launches, Aspires to Be Developers’ Database

A new class of Serverless PostgreSQL Databases are emerging we plan to focus on them:

  1. Amazon Aurora Serverless
  2. Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Hyperscale (Citus)
  3. CockroachDB Serverless

CockroachDB Serverless runs on all three major cloud platforms, without requiring an account on any one of them and also has a free tier. This versatility is attractive to developers and for teaching students. Therefore, we will use it for teaching.

Introduction to Serverless Databases and CockroachDB Serverless

Using the DBeaver Client to Run SQL Commands

How do I connect DBeaver to CockroachDB Serverless?

Amazon Aurora Serverless using CDK

Additional Reading Material:

Build a Full-Stack Node.js App with CockroachDB Serverless

We will use Sequelize

Sequelize tutorial

Using Sequelize with TypeScript

Sequelize Typescript Documentation

AWS Lambda

Video 21: Serverless PostgreSQL Databases and SQL in English on Facebook

Video 21: Serverless PostgreSQL Databases and SQL in English on YouTube

Video 21: Serverless PostgreSQL Databases and SQL in Urdu on Facebook

Video 21: Serverless PostgreSQL Databases and SQL in Urdu on YouTube

Video 22-26: Open API Testing and Development with Swagger and Postman

We will start by covering this book: Designing APIs with Swagger and OpenAPI

In this class we will cover chapter 1, 2, and 3.

Video 22: OpenAPI Part 1 in English on Facebook

Video 22: OpenAPI Part 1 in English on YouTube

Video 22: OpenAPI Part 1 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 22: OpenAPI Part 1 in Urdu on YouTube

Video 23: OpenAPI Part 2 in English on Facebook

Video 23: OpenAPI Part 2 in English on YouTube

Video 23: OpenAPI Part 2 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 23: OpenAPI Part 2 in Urdu on YouTube

Video 24: OpenAPI Part 3 in English on Facebook

Video 24: OpenAPI Part 3 in English on YouTube

Video 24: OpenAPI Part 3 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 24: OpenAPI Part 3 in Urdu on YouTube

Video 25: OpenAPI Part 4 in English on Facebook

Video 25: OpenAPI Part 4 in English on YouTube

Video 25: OpenAPI Part 4 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 25: OpenAPI Part 4 in Urdu on YouTube

Video 26: OpenAPI Part 5 in English on Facebook

Video 26: OpenAPI Part 5 in English on YouTube

Video 26: OpenAPI Part 5 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 26: OpenAPI Part 5 in Urdu on YouTube

Project 5: Build Serverless SaaS APIs for DiningByFriends Social Network Project using Relational Database and OpenAPI

Dinning by Friends API Project using Aruora Serverless and API Gateway

Define and document the REST API using OpenAPI specifications.

Module IV: Android and iOS Mobile Apps, UI/UX Design, Design Patterns, and Innovation for Startups

Part I: Buiding Hybrid Android and iOS Apps

7 Reasons React Native is Going to Be BIG in 2021

Why Brands are Choosing React Native for App Development in 2021

10 Famous Apps Built With React Native

Expo vs React-Native-CLI

Common Dilemma of using expo vs Vanilla React Native being solved

VS Code React Native Tools

Learn React Native with Expo

Full Stack Mobile Apps with Amplify and Expo

Video 1 in English on Facebook: Crash Course in Hybrid Mobile Development Class 1

Video 1 in English on YouTube: Crash Course in Hybrid Mobile Development Class 1

Video 1 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 1 in Urdu on YouTube

Video 2 in English on Facebook: Crash Course in Hybrid Mobile Development Class 2

Video 2 in English on YouTube: Crash Course in Hybrid Mobile Development Class 2

Video 2 Code on Github

Video 2 Video in Urdu on Facebook

Video 2 in Urdu on YouTube

Video 3 in English on Facebook: Crash Course in Hybrid Mobile Development Class 3

Video 3 in English on YouTube: Crash Course in Hybrid Mobile Development Class 3

Video 3 in Urdu on Facebook

Video 3 in Urdu on YouTube

Project 1: Build Serverless Slack App with Expo and AWS Amplify

Follow the guide to create (offline) multi-tenant apps with Expo and AWS Amplify

Build a Realtime Chat App in React Native (tutorial for beginners)

Part II UI/UX Design for Developers using Figma

Watching this Figma Crash Course to Begin Learning

Designing in Figma Book

Leveraging Figma for Prototyping, Mockups and Wireframes

How to wireframe

Prototyping 101: Wireframes in Figma

Figma Resources

Project 2: Building a Recipe App using Figma

Build a recipe app with Figma

Build a Wireframe for Recipe App using the above design

Build a Mockup for the Recipe App using the above design

Project 3: Builidng your own Design for a Talky Chat & Video Messenger App using Figma

Talky Chat & Video Messenger App

Build a Wireframe for Talky Chat & Video Messenger App creating your own design

Build a Mockup for the Talky Chat & Video Messenger App creating your own design

Part III: Design Patterns in TypeScript

Design Patterns in TypeScript

Part IV Innovation for Startups: Combining Design Thinking, Lean Startup, and Agile to Build SaaS Startups

Innovation Presentation Slides

Agile Presentation Slides

Combining Agile, Lean Startup and Design thinking

Differences between Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Design Sprint, Agile, Scrum and Kanban

Combining Design Thinking, Lean Startup, and Agile Development – Everyone Misses the Point of Continuous Innovation

From Design Thinking to Agile Solutions in a Lean Startup

Design Thinking, Lean Startup, and Agile Scrum all in one: PACE

Combine Design Thinking, Lean Startup, and Agile. Beware of Waterfall in Disguise

How IP-thinking keeps your SaaS Startup On Track

Lean UX At A SaaS Startup

What Makes SaaS, Agile, and DevOps a Powerful Combination?

Talk digest : 6 winning Strategies for Agile SaaS Companies

Scrum Tutorial

The #1 software development tool used by agile teams: Jira

Learn scrum with Jira Software

Why Is Going Agile the Best Option for Software Product Development?

The Scrum Guide


Learn to Build Modern Full Stack Serverless Multi-Tenant SaaS Apps and APIs






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