Releases: irazasyed/telegram-bot-sdk
Releases · irazasyed/telegram-bot-sdk
What's Changed
- Laravel 12 Support.
- Fixed: Class
not found by @andrey-helldar in #1120 - Support forum topics create/edit/close/reopen/delete by @makkmarci13 in #1122
- Add underline entity by @grizzlygarillaz in #1153
- Add messages bulk delete method by @serge-webspark in #1151
- Update Http.php by @fromseer in #1154
New Contributors
- @makkmarci13 made their first contribution in #1122
- @grizzlygarillaz made their first contribution in #1153
- @serge-webspark made their first contribution in #1151
- @fromseer made their first contribution in #1154
Full Changelog: v3.14.0...v3.15.0
What's Changed
- Laravel 11 Support.
- Downgrade psr/container by @kksandr7 in #1093
- Fix "Call to undefined function GuzzleHttp\Promise\unwrap()" issue #1086 by @dario86 in #1087
- Update dev dependencies.
- Update get chat function with chat_boost by @mbpcoder in #1104
- Allow to add commands stored in an iterable by @romm in #1100
- setMessageReaction by @AgelxNash in #1116
- allowed_updates webhook by @AgelxNash in #1115
New Contributors
- @kksandr7 made their first contribution in #1093
- @dario86 made their first contribution in #1087
- @mbpcoder made their first contribution in #1104
- @romm made their first contribution in #1100
- @AgelxNash made their first contribution in #1116
- @laravel-shift made their first contribution in #1114
Full Changelog: v3.13.0...v3.14.0
- Revise Base Bot URL and File URL. Reverts breaking change.
Full Changelog: v3.12.0...v3.13.0
What's Changed
- Add download HTTP method for file downloader.
- Bump Guzzle version to
for security reasons. - Support Pest
. - Refactor for Performance. Readability. Optimizations.
Full Changelog: v3.11.0...v3.12.0
What's Changed
- Add
argument($name, $default)
method in command. - Refactor command system to improve arguments support. Supported patterns:
{argument} { regex: \w+ }
- Fix
method to properly upload photo file. - Add unicode support for command parser.
- Update TelegramResponse.php by @irpcpro in #1053 #1054 #1057
- Add a setup method for the "is_persistent" field of the ReplyKeyboardMarkup object by @pavel-mironchik in #1063
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.10.0...v3.11.0
What's Changed
- 3.10 by @irazasyed in #1047
- Merge pull request #1047 from irazasyed/3.x by @irazasyed in #1048
- Bump aglipanci/laravel-pint-action from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 by @dependabot in #1052
- Support League Event 2 and 3 by @irazasyed in #1050
Full Changelog: v3.9.1...v3.10.0
What's Changed
- Add Supported Versions table by @lptn in #997
- Fix PHPDoc and return types: use
instead ofEmitter
implementation by @lptn in #990 - Fix links to docs by @lptn in #993
- fix chat trait by @kolirt in #999
- Emit
event similar to SDK v4 by @lptn in #998 - Fix Telegram.php docblock by @foremtehan in #1004
- Use dependabot to update GitHub actions by @lptn in #1015
- Bump symfonycorp/security-checker-action from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #1016
- make BASE_BOT_URL customizable by @ariaieboy in #1017
- Laravel 10 support by @Serpichenko in #1034
- Use a better issue template (with required fields) by @lptn in #1038
- Add WebApp compatibility by @dmtrbskkv in #1028
- Bump aglipanci/laravel-pint-action from 1.0.0 to 2.1.0 by @dependabot in #1027
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #1022
- Bump symfonycorp/security-checker-action from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #1021
- Bump actions/cache from 1 to 3 by @dependabot in #1020
- Change visibility of
method in TelegramResponseException.php by @foremtehan in #1030 - Update TelegramClient.php by @Thajudecodes in #1031
- Fix showing the webhook information in an Artisan command by @pavel-mironchik in #1044
New Contributors
- @kolirt made their first contribution in #999
- @foremtehan made their first contribution in #1004
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #1016
- @ariaieboy made their first contribution in #1017
- @Serpichenko made their first contribution in #1034
- @dmtrbskkv made their first contribution in #1028
- @Thajudecodes made their first contribution in #1031
- @pavel-mironchik made their first contribution in #1044
Full Changelog: v3.9...v3.9.1
What's Changed
- Fix
for cases when a User banned and/or unbanned a bot by @lptn in #977 - Fix return type error on method findType by @MaizerGomes in #985
- FIX: Set correct Api/Bot instance when add/init Commands by @lptn in #984
- Add GitHub issue template for bug reports by @lptn in #981
- Drop
config key used by WebhookCommand only by @lptn in #979 - Make TelegramServiceProvider really deferrable by @lptn in #978
- Add missing @param and @return types to PHPDoc blocks by @lptn in #983
- createChatInvitelink returns array and solves the create link issue by @arifjawad in #986
New Contributors
- @MaizerGomes made their first contribution in #985
- @arifjawad made their first contribution in #986
Full Changelog: v3.8...v3.9
What's Changed
- Fix package to work on PHP 7.3 by @lptn in #969
- Fix CI: do not use guzzle versions with know vulnerabilities by @lptn in #970
- Improve PHPDoc (for Telegram + add more deprecations to methods removed in SDK v4) by @lptn in #972
- Add php-cs-fixer to CI to use the same style as for SDK v4 by @lptn in #973
- Cleanup php cs fixer config: remove cache from repository by @lptn in #976
- Remove invalid imports by @lptn in #975
Full Changelog: v3.7...v3.8
What's Changed
- Fix PHPDoc: mark optional properties as nullables by @lptn in #963
- Add missing types by @lptn in #961
- Fix one-to-many relations by @lptn in #964
- Drop PHP 7.2 support and update phpunit by @lptn in #966
- Backport some v4 features by @lptn in #965
- Fix type issue parsing "entities" by @lptn in #967
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.6...v3.7