This repo consists of chain_loader
, dservice
, dworker
, server
and prover
, is the core service of OreoWallet
Core service stores imported viewKeys from users and serves as data provider of OreoWallet.
Standalone service to generate zk proof for user transactions, serves as prover of OreoWallet.
Quickscan server to schedule decryption tasks among all connected dworkers.
Decryption worker connects to dservice and handles decryption tasks from dservice.
A tool to fetch blocks from rpc and save in local db for better performance during dservice getBlocks.
docker build -t oreowallet .
Run node:
ironfish start -d ~/.ironfish-testnet --rpc.http --rpc.http.port 9092
DB_USER=postgres \
DB_PASSWORD=postgres \
DB_PORT=5444 \
NODE_HOST=host.docker.internal \
NODE_PORT=9092 \
SECRET_KEY=a0882c5ac5e2fa771dde52b2d5639734a4411df14f4748c6f991a96e5dd9f997 \
PUBLIC_KEY=03221b2a0ebd9d6798aadee2861a5307ced1a33d143f34c571a98ab4fa534b7d3e \
docker-compose up
Or you can use up with local .env file by copying .env.local to .env:
cp .env.local .env
docker compose up --build
This came in handy for me because I had a different version of postgres running. To remove all previous data:
docker compose down -v