In this lab, you will be using the Sakila database of movie rentals. You have been using this database for a couple labs already, but if you need to get the data again, refer to the official installation link.
The database is structured as follows:
- Rank films by length (filter out the rows with nulls or zeros in length column). Select only columns title, length and rank in your output.
- Rank films by length within the
category (filter out the rows with nulls or zeros in length column). In your output, only select the columns title, length, rating and rank. - How many films are there for each of the categories in the category table? Hint: Use appropriate join between the tables "category" and "film_category".
- Which actor has appeared in the most films? Hint: You can create a join between the tables "actor" and "film actor" and count the number of times an actor appears.
- Which is the most active customer (the customer that has rented the most number of films)? Hint: Use appropriate join between the tables "customer" and "rental" and count the
for each customer.
Bonus: Which is the most rented film? (The answer is Bucket Brotherhood).
This query might require using more than one join statement. Give it a try. We will talk about queries with multiple join statements later in the lessons.
Hint: You can use join between three tables - "Film", "Inventory", and "Rental" and count the rental ids for each film.