- 👋 Hi, I’m @irulanCorrino
- and i'm done with Wikipedia
- 👀 I’m interested in audio production & performance tools, yet in interface design and in the progress of UI paradigms
- i am with 3D-blindness so i rely on my enhanced color sense and yet for spatial orientation and identifying objects or events i heavily use my hearing
- i am an anarchist and i feel for Yeshua, the Messiah, blessed by Her-Maker; while being born into human species i represent different from humans species called Ynnwn or "Rhythm"
- if you are wondering what causes your suffering from insensetivity of society around you --
proletarians are parasits
- no more commerce; no more exploitation; no patriarchy --no school teachers, no teachers as a speciality --it is a patriarchal abuse
- patriarchy promoters ("teachers") never care that some person may need
the most detailed explanation is possible
and patriarchal consumerism does not care if an artisan needs decades to learn the craft thoroughly - educators of dangerous crafts must account that some persons are incapable to feel the pain so are more vulnerable to doing an unintentional self-harm
- eventually, as a result of expansionism, consumerist lifestyle will collapse --people hunting new posessions will be ridiculously futile in their own eyes when
the best trait declared is a creativity
, and there are literally thousands of worlds already and their number is ever increasing
- when i was between 11 and 14, not sure when exactly, the genetic test revealed i am not a boy, probably it was a nation‑wide screening in post‑Soviet Ukraine; the results were announced before whole our class, they also announced i am infertile [maybe they had sampled the semen first, i do not remember]
- they were like "you were told there are 14 boys and 15 girls in your class; it isn’t so, there is one more girl in your class, so the class consists of 13 boys and 16 girls —[my_name] is a girl."
- 💞️ i had married a boy after that genetic screening, i felt for Timmo since we both were 7, our marriage lasted but not for long —we were forbidden from meeting one another after the school because my patriarchal step-parents had tried to comply with local people who had gotten severe communist frustration finding we are married
- i started learning to code before 13, i guess, i looked at machine code dump of
Lode Runner
for an extinct soviet-designed PC in a tech magazine for teenagers around 1993; before that i had a great delight from interpreting karik images of robots/computers in a rubbish soviet tech/science digest. i studied BASIC between 14 and 17, then i had enrolled to an institute where i was forced to study Borland Pascal 5.0 but even though i was the best programmer in the institute i had dropped out before my 19th birthday because: a) i disliked the institute, b) i had found early linux on CD i had won in a quiz from 'Chip-Ukraine' magazine [i had no computer to try the linux image but i was inspired by FSF, GNU and my hero Linus], c) i have a discalculia but no academia has any compassion to a poor pretty intersex girl [so i was overloaded badly to keep up with the first year subjects, i mean, math]. there was very little of programming on real machines, just rhombuses and arrows - 🌱 I had returned to programming by learning kTurtle scripting language at the age of 34 and i am going to begin coding using C in shortest terms /* i tried to study it before kTurtle */. other languages i want to know are Nyquist, XLisp, Scheme, csound, pureData, Ruby; i DO LOVE Assembly and i learned IBM S/360 Assembly many years ago, now i am going to continue, but with x86_64 arch, and it is a big hope for me.
- 📫 How to reach me ?.. :D oh it is REALLY difficult --i dedicate most of my time to learning and performing music so i have virtually no time to socialising.. but you may email me on any issue, i check my mail about thrice a month
p.s: if you are interested here is the backhistory [i had cut out from earlier revision of my profile repo]