Tags: is00hcw/ribbon
Release of 2.1.3 - c10d997: Merge pull request Netflix#268 from dmitry-cherkas/master - 787e4b5: IPingStrategy is now injectable via constructor - d2b1939: Added IPingerStrategy to address Netflix#267 - 3340454: Merge pull request Netflix#262 from drtechniko/master - 09a9e0e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' - 2e93352: Fix ServerStatusChangeListenerTest race condition. - 46cf385: Clean up ILoadBalancer.getServerList() API. - 8c17a13: Add atomic cyclic counting to RoundRobinRule.
Release of 2.1.2 - 33daee0: Merge pull request Netflix#261 from tbak/master - b060db1: Remove eureka2 dependencies - 69fa711: Merge pull request Netflix#260 from drtechniko/master - 44dac4c: Fix wrap-around issue with RoundRobinRule. - 62e101e: adding OSSMETADATA for NetflixOSS tracking - f67a91d: Merge pull request Netflix#255 from mattnelson/master - c96d5a2: Merge pull request Netflix#256 from mattnelson/RestClient_delete - 7701109: Do not include entity on DELETE requests - d98065c: Propagate exception when cause is null
Release of 2.1.2-rc.1 - 33daee0: Merge pull request Netflix#261 from tbak/master - b060db1: Remove eureka2 dependencies - 69fa711: Merge pull request Netflix#260 from drtechniko/master - 44dac4c: Fix wrap-around issue with RoundRobinRule. - 62e101e: adding OSSMETADATA for NetflixOSS tracking - f67a91d: Merge pull request Netflix#255 from mattnelson/master - c96d5a2: Merge pull request Netflix#256 from mattnelson/RestClient_delete - 7701109: Do not include entity on DELETE requests - d98065c: Propagate exception when cause is null
Release of 2.0.1 - 403c2c5: Merge pull request Netflix#222 from tbak/features/eureka2_integration - 5250267: Code review related updates. - 84fc8a0: Fix gradle repository list + upgrade dependencies. - f1f67fe: More robust implementation of Eureka2EnabledNIWSServerList. - 5313c8e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'netflix/master' into features/eureka2_integration - ce6b785: Change dependency to eureka2-client-shaded. - fa381ff: Merge pull request Netflix#208 from casidiablo/fix-ping - 19fcccd: Merge pull request Netflix#186 from zain-qubit/master - a0f7c59: Merge pull request Netflix#189 from markgaylard/master - 6610366: Merge pull request Netflix#217 from motortalk/loadbalancer-server-status-change-listener - 7679c0f: Merge pull request Netflix#209 from casidiablo/prime-connections-class-name-config - c8c4dae: Merge pull request Netflix#225 from motortalk/remove-fixed-server-list-reload-delay - cf43b41: add copyright headers - 6f28f89: Netflix#224: Use the same duration for the initial delay as well as subsequent refreshing of the dynamic server list - 6231024: Recommended updates from code review. - 371f179: Remove unnecessary condition in Eureka2Clients. - 5cccded: Add singleton based Eureka2 client injection. - 8cb17a2: Separate ServerList implementation for Eureka2. - 5c17f3b: Support Eureka2 in DiscoveryEnabledNIWSServerList. - 3660572: Added a listener to BaseLoadBalancer for notification of server status changes - a8a6de5: Fixed PrimeConnectionsClassName to have String type - 10fd776: Removed overriding of BaseLoadBalancer#setPing from DynamicServerListLoadBalancer - 8492242: Proper fix for issue Netflix#182 of original project - 4f70a32: Add HttpRequestBuilder.withHeaders - a72558d: Fixed issue Netflix#182 of original project
Release of 2.0.0 - 47fecf4: Merge pull request Netflix#214 from elandau/master - 88f0234: Update servo and hystrix. Fix build for new version of hystrix. - 4c69576: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - 87b6013: Switch to rxnetty 0.4.6 in the io.reactivex org. - 0ce21af: Merge pull request Netflix#210 from casidiablo/fix-typo - 01a76c5: Fixed ReceiveBuffferSize typo - 7aff37b: Merge pull request Netflix#202 from elandau/eureka2 - ea4b941: Add cleanup mechanism for ServerStats - 5d68767: Merge pull request Netflix#192 from brharrington/issue-191 - 68b586f: Merge pull request Netflix#199 from leogomes/patch-1 - c0a07dc: Fixing missing parenthesis - b4fd19b: Merge pull request Netflix#198 from rspieldenner/dependency_cleanup - 8a38382: Merge pull request Netflix#197 from rspieldenner/netflixossbuild - 59c5dbf: ServerListUpdateInProgress change should be atomic - 2c0cd75: Dependency cleanup - 5aa5a68: Cleanup souceSets by using nebula-facet plugin - 1d7b28b: Build upgrade to netflixoss plugin. Fixes to ribbon-example. - 147efd1: Remove files and move to gradle 2.2.1 - 7589e19: Merge pull request Netflix#195 from aspyker/fixPrimeCons2x - a1b1180: fix 30 second sleep issue when priming pools over size of 100 - 14e4218: fix Netflix#191 - boolean cannot be used with gauge - c2de39a: Merge pull request Netflix#190 from diptanu/master - b73cccb: Removing code-formats introduced from previous commit - e665e01: Revert "Sorrounding the whole property parsing and setting code with try-catch" - a964aec: Sorrounding the whole property parsing and setting code with try-catch - 1c3ff73: Throwing a proper RuntimeException when a property could not be loaded for a client because it didn't have a property name after the namespace - 3545c87: Merge pull request Netflix#185 from dmuino/java8 - 63b9f8f: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC14'. - 2df93f1: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC13'. - 4f06364: Update gradle.properties - 3b30050: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit: '2.0-RC11'. - 4bb6d34: Update gradle.properties - b7f2f3e: Allow ribbon to be compiled with java8. - 0d4c81a: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC12-SNAPSHOT'. - 7274764: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit: '2.0-RC11'. - 1563c21: Merge pull request Netflix#184 from elandau/master - 7c25ea8: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - 5806797: Update to Hystrix 1.4.0.-RC5 and eureka 1.1.142 - d6de712: Update gradle.properties - 86f29cc: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - b1f623a: Update to rxjava 1.0.0.-rc7 - 54d6eab: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC11'. - 9960a6f: Merge pull request Netflix#183 from Trundle/update_readme - 150a79c: Merge pull request Netflix#167 from elandau/master - e05c358: Fix error response mapper not propagating http error responses not translated to an exception - 68d7c3c: Cleanup unused code - d580f79: Simplify retry counting logic - 88174d0: Clean up code using the Builder pattern Support for exponential back off in response to HTTP throttle responses 502, 503, 504 Configuration property BackoffInterval to use as the interval for the default exponential back off strategy. Default is 1000 msec. Pluggable API to specify custom backoff strategy Pluggable API to specify custom conversion of HTTP responses to exceptions - 4e31785: Update README (@http's uriTemplate parameter is now called uri). - e3fb0bd: Minor tweaks to error counting - ca256b6: Cleanup unused code - 973803b: Re-add previous behavior for retry same server + retry next server - 84457e4: Always create a RequestSpecificRequestHandler for each operation so the proper retry settings are used for the request type - fd3e64a: Clean up usage of Rx. Add support for retrying 503 errors. - e119ae6: Update README.md - 0a9dd63: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' - 352cb58: Minor cleanup - 3446afd: HelloUdpServer is now a pure ExternalResource - 00824ee: Merge pull request Netflix#170 from allenxwang/loadbalancerrefactoring - 9bf5884: Make sure changing to default global property will affect config.getProperty(). - 33e43fe: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into loadbalancerrefactoring - 2fe05df: Merge pull request Netflix#172 from hawkenstuff/master - 5b2238e: Added setClientMode(true) to the SslEngine being generated to allow handshake to occur - f252a83: Update README for the latest APIs - 299b6f2: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into loadbalancerrefactoring - 247d60d: Added the capability to disable execution listener dynamically at runtime. - 091adfb: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC10'. - ccf20f5: Merge pull request Netflix#168 from allenxwang/loadbalancerrefactoring - 82b52f7: Restore DiscoveryEnabledServer constructor to make it backward compatible. - 78b96b7: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC9'. - b31677e: Merge pull request Netflix#165 from allenxwang/loadbalancerrefactoring - 6b0c576: Enqueued more responses for tests. Turn on debugging for test. - 639ccb1: Make copy of listeners in the constructor of ExecutionContextListenerInvoker. Added new APIs in ExecutionContextListenerInvoker to invoke listeners with passed in context. - aa10ac1: Move server config from before() to start() - 4a874e3: Clean up unit JUnit tests by using @rule - e88e3f4: Have LoadBalancerObservable extend Func1. - fac90f5: Address some of the issues in review comments. Rename NettyHttpClient to LoadBalancingHttpClient to be consistent with other namings. - 4b8909b: Rename ribbon-transport package name. - acf3004: Fix Issue Netflix#166. Rename APIs in Server.MetaInfo. - eb7a649: rewrite the commented out test with new API - 4f377bd: Uncomment out the line in JUnit and replace it with new APIs from UdpClient. - 8660658: Clean up. Add documentation. Minor code refactoring. - cb11493: Invoke execution listener when executing the request for an absolute URI. - ce6f631: Added APIs in Server to show service meta information. Refactored ExecutionContext and add APIs to get client properties. - 5b0fe1d: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into loadbalancerrefactoring - e685ef3: Issue Netflix#161 and Netflix#146 - 159baec: Merge pull request Netflix#162 from aspyker/UseIPAddrForServer - 099c153: add test to classname, use property instead of hardcoded false - 36dc322: Merge pull request Netflix#160 from allenxwang/master - 85ec130: Minor changes - 55fe69f: Upgrade rxnetty version to 0.3.13 - 7d8f3ee: should have used boolean property - 0fa2472: add UseIPAddrForServer configuration to not require DNS - f7477a0: Moved some classes into com.netflix.loadbalancer.reactive package. Created builder for LoadBalancerCommand. Refactored NettyHttpClient. - f0599ec: Work in progress for issues Netflix#146 and Netflix#161 - ab1eb7a: Merge branch 'executionlistener' into loadbalancerrefactoring - edefa3e: Load balancer API refactoring. - 07aa8a1: Refactor load balancer execution logic to be able to create command instance that encapsulate execution life cycle. - ed0c27d: Added execution listener interfaces and helper classes. - c95fcfe: Use unsafeSubscribe() instead of subscribe() for doing recursive subscription in an Rx Operator. - e123be6: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC8'. - 780574d: Merge pull request Netflix#159 from allenxwang/master - 7a90243: Fixed incorrect timeout setting for test and added error debugging code. - a9c7329: Fix Issue Netflix#158. Update rx-netty version to 0.3.11. - 900b470: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC7'. - d8bc3b2: Merge pull request Netflix#157 from allenxwang/pluggable-annotations - b3fc37a: Changes according to code review comments. - 9683e0f: Removed unused classes - 6cab250: Make annotation processors provider DI friendly. - 90f513c: Fix Issue Netflix#141 - 9dda747: Fix Issue Netflix#156 and Netflix#149 - dfde23e: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into pluggable-annotations - 4bd4aa3: Merge pull request Netflix#155 from allenxwang/issue-142 - 481c7ad: Rename template to templateBuilder - 4132b1b: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into issue-142 - 07a1ae4: Restore the API in Ribbon to create HttpResourceGroup. Move RibbonTransportFactory to ribbon-transport module. - bc63176: Fixed Netflix#142. - 3d4211e: Issue Netflix#142 work in progress - 879cae7: Annotation processor WIP. - 4b565c3: Merge branch 'features/pluggable_annotations' of github.com:tbak/ribbon into pluggable-annotations - ba6d6d0: Merge pull request Netflix#152 from allenxwang/master - 47c9e16: Added JUnit to test customized load balancing operation on UDP client. - 2f55e29: Change the API to return LoadBalancerContext. - e570aa3: Minor clean up. - b221257: Add API to access LoadBalancerExecutor from LoadBalancingRxClient. - 641e3af: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - fd5b122: Added JUnit test for UDP client. - 871b885: Merge pull request Netflix#151 from allenxwang/master - 6f0b9a2: Pluggable annotations - proposal. - 1b006d9: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - b271cdf: Make sure that the correct set of servers are removed from map of cached RxClient when server list refresh happens. - cbbb861: Merge pull request Netflix#150 from allenxwang/master - c723dc5: Fix the flakiness of EvCacheProviderTest by using TestUtils to sleep and check in loop. - 3ece0a1: Fix the problem that LoadBalancerContext unnecessarily create new Server object. Code clean up. - d402080: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - 1dab14e: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC6'. - f806e61: Merge pull request Netflix#148 from allenxwang/eran-di - 3a9b775: Added missing dependency for Inject. - cbfd08d: Merge pull request Netflix#147 from tbak/master - 30ec853: Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/netflix/master' Upgrade rxnetty to version 0.3.10 - 27886d8: Merge pull request Netflix#138 from elandau/master - 555bbd0: enable wire logging on ERROR level - b7377c9: Print more information in RxMovieServer example to help find out a reason for unit test flakiness. - 5c11e05: Merge pull request Netflix#5 from allenxwang/eran-di - df8bed4: Added test for custom binding of ClientConfigFactory. - 0d3aac8: Merge pull request Netflix#4 from allenxwang/eran-di - b020c1b: Minor changes. - 06abf85: Make RibbonResourceFactory and RibbonTransportFactory abstract class for future extension. Removed APIs to create proxy from ResourceGroup. - 3f12bcd: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into eran-di - 59fa0e6: Sync with master to remove the files that are moved to transport module. - aa788bc: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - a2f9c87: Merge pull request Netflix#3 from allenxwang/eran-di - b566eb4: Use local mocked HTTP server to test redirecting. - 51ba17b: Add RxMovieClientTestBase from examples:test - 3d8cdaf: Merge pull request Netflix#139 from tbak/master - 85fdfe9: Use _cache suffix in cache hystrix command name. Rename http client/cache hystrix commands. - 4d25fdc: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC5'. - 0695314: Provide example for RxMovieProxy using Guice - 1db9e91: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/elandau/ribbon - 4d0ced0: Merge branch 'pr/1' - 9537655: Merge pull request Netflix#2 from allenxwang/eran-di - fa0921b: Rename HttpResourceGroupFactory to RibbonResourceFactory. Remove HttpRequestTemplateFactory. Move ClientConfigFactory to core. Revert the changes to toBlockingObservable(). - 4e85836: Merge branch 'master' of github.com:elandau/ribbon into eran-di - f3e8cdf: Update to rxjava 0.19+ - 1361628: Replace RibbonResourceFactory with HttpResourceGroupFactory - c02144b: Merge branch 'allenxwang-eran-di' - b4c5cc0: Merge branch 'allenxwang-eran-di' into pr/1 - 1291c35: Merge with allen's fixes - c93a707: Initial pass at Guicified RibbonResourceProvider - 4773dd1: Simplify Hystrix command chain implementation and make it more efficient for cases when there is no cache and Hystrix information is not needed. - 1e319b6: Configure distinct name for cache Hystrix command. Set independent Hystrix configuration from http client, with default timeout 20ms. Move non-http specific Hystrix class from http.hystrix to ribbon.hystrix package. - 5c67188: Rename HttpResourceGroupFactory to RibbonResourceFactory. - 9c62f05: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into di - 24298b4: Make RibbonTransportFactory and ClientConfigFactory injected to HttpResourceGroupFactory - bd695f3: Merge pull request Netflix#140 from willblackie/wb_replaceUriFix - 28ecd73: HttpRequest.replaceUri now includes the entity when building the new instance - d98a139: More updates. - 5d39d8d: Added ClientConfigFactory and RibbonTransportFactory - 78d99eb: Separate cache and http request into two separate Hystrix commands. - 5655c76: Modify HttpRequestTemplate and HttpResourceGroup to be DI friendly - b35e376: Merge pull request Netflix#137 from allenxwang/cp - baa772f: Change the dependency on rxjava to a new format. - 8d2470c: Upgrade mock version - aadd4ca: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into cp - b84cfd4: Fix Issue Netflix#136 - 435246d: Merge pull request Netflix#135 from tbak/master - cae22bd: Downgrade to Findbugs 2.0.1 if build run with Java 6. - 974f79f: Minor updates. - 01d5a5e: Make project compile under Java 8. - aa1c1d9: Merge pull request Netflix#134 from tbak/master - 4e68eb7: Add README.md to ribbon module (proxy section only). - 9daea57: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC4'. - 501961c: Merge pull request Netflix#132 from allenxwang/2.x-ssl - 3ab1bb1: Fix review comments. - 176911c: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into 2.x-ssl - dcf7f83: Fix Issue Netflix#130. Javadoc improvements. - 5e41048: Merge pull request Netflix#131 from tbak/master - 9639b14: Rename EvCache cacheKey to key, to be consistent with CacheProvider. - 93ca4f9: Fix issue Netflix#127 + a few other minor updates. - f722201: Merge pull request Netflix#128 from tbak/master - 435c824: Update README.md - 18eece3: In Ribbon proxy, derive template name from method name, if template annotation is missing. - 28cbafe: Update README.md - 43667ac: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC3'. - 6492d70: Merge pull request Netflix#125 from allenxwang/2.x-ssl - 5f0c003: Dependency changes. Fail fast if return type is not ByteBuf in HttpRequestTemplate. - 6e5171a: Update README.md - f854a66: Update README.md - c946c75: Update README.md - 7ffa0bb: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC2'. - 404283a: Merge pull request Netflix#124 from allenxwang/2.x-ssl - 284cbac: Remove wrong import. - 2161fc2: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - b33a5ed: Added support for deserialization based on TypeToken. - 833ec35: Added serialization API based on streams. - ea10161: Added async invocation of client callbacks. - 926a338: remove unnecessary imports - c0055f0: added APIs and tests for NettyHttpResponse - fc65a03: Making channel future handler run in separate thread. Workaround for netty/netty#1840 - 5675117: Added load balancing functionality for Netty client. Some code refactoring to extract common load balancer functionalities into LoadBalancerContext. - 43e14b8: Initial changes for Netty async client
Release of 2.0.0-rc.16 - 47fecf4: Merge pull request Netflix#214 from elandau/master - 88f0234: Update servo and hystrix. Fix build for new version of hystrix. - 4c69576: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - 87b6013: Switch to rxnetty 0.4.6 in the io.reactivex org. - 0ce21af: Merge pull request Netflix#210 from casidiablo/fix-typo - 01a76c5: Fixed ReceiveBuffferSize typo - 7aff37b: Merge pull request Netflix#202 from elandau/eureka2 - ea4b941: Add cleanup mechanism for ServerStats - 5d68767: Merge pull request Netflix#192 from brharrington/issue-191 - 68b586f: Merge pull request Netflix#199 from leogomes/patch-1 - c0a07dc: Fixing missing parenthesis - b4fd19b: Merge pull request Netflix#198 from rspieldenner/dependency_cleanup - 8a38382: Merge pull request Netflix#197 from rspieldenner/netflixossbuild - 59c5dbf: ServerListUpdateInProgress change should be atomic - 2c0cd75: Dependency cleanup - 5aa5a68: Cleanup souceSets by using nebula-facet plugin - 1d7b28b: Build upgrade to netflixoss plugin. Fixes to ribbon-example. - 147efd1: Remove files and move to gradle 2.2.1 - 7589e19: Merge pull request Netflix#195 from aspyker/fixPrimeCons2x - a1b1180: fix 30 second sleep issue when priming pools over size of 100 - 14e4218: fix Netflix#191 - boolean cannot be used with gauge - c2de39a: Merge pull request Netflix#190 from diptanu/master - b73cccb: Removing code-formats introduced from previous commit - e665e01: Revert "Sorrounding the whole property parsing and setting code with try-catch" - a964aec: Sorrounding the whole property parsing and setting code with try-catch - 1c3ff73: Throwing a proper RuntimeException when a property could not be loaded for a client because it didn't have a property name after the namespace - 3545c87: Merge pull request Netflix#185 from dmuino/java8 - 63b9f8f: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC14'. - 2df93f1: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC13'. - 4f06364: Update gradle.properties - 3b30050: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit: '2.0-RC11'. - 4bb6d34: Update gradle.properties - b7f2f3e: Allow ribbon to be compiled with java8. - 0d4c81a: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC12-SNAPSHOT'. - 7274764: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit: '2.0-RC11'. - 1563c21: Merge pull request Netflix#184 from elandau/master - 7c25ea8: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - 5806797: Update to Hystrix 1.4.0.-RC5 and eureka 1.1.142 - d6de712: Update gradle.properties - 86f29cc: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - b1f623a: Update to rxjava 1.0.0.-rc7 - 54d6eab: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC11'. - 9960a6f: Merge pull request Netflix#183 from Trundle/update_readme - 150a79c: Merge pull request Netflix#167 from elandau/master - e05c358: Fix error response mapper not propagating http error responses not translated to an exception - 68d7c3c: Cleanup unused code - d580f79: Simplify retry counting logic - 88174d0: Clean up code using the Builder pattern Support for exponential back off in response to HTTP throttle responses 502, 503, 504 Configuration property BackoffInterval to use as the interval for the default exponential back off strategy. Default is 1000 msec. Pluggable API to specify custom backoff strategy Pluggable API to specify custom conversion of HTTP responses to exceptions - 4e31785: Update README (@http's uriTemplate parameter is now called uri). - e3fb0bd: Minor tweaks to error counting - ca256b6: Cleanup unused code - 973803b: Re-add previous behavior for retry same server + retry next server - 84457e4: Always create a RequestSpecificRequestHandler for each operation so the proper retry settings are used for the request type - fd3e64a: Clean up usage of Rx. Add support for retrying 503 errors. - e119ae6: Update README.md - 0a9dd63: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' - 352cb58: Minor cleanup - 3446afd: HelloUdpServer is now a pure ExternalResource - 00824ee: Merge pull request Netflix#170 from allenxwang/loadbalancerrefactoring - 9bf5884: Make sure changing to default global property will affect config.getProperty(). - 33e43fe: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into loadbalancerrefactoring - 2fe05df: Merge pull request Netflix#172 from hawkenstuff/master - 5b2238e: Added setClientMode(true) to the SslEngine being generated to allow handshake to occur - f252a83: Update README for the latest APIs - 299b6f2: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into loadbalancerrefactoring - 247d60d: Added the capability to disable execution listener dynamically at runtime. - 091adfb: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC10'. - ccf20f5: Merge pull request Netflix#168 from allenxwang/loadbalancerrefactoring - 82b52f7: Restore DiscoveryEnabledServer constructor to make it backward compatible. - 78b96b7: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC9'. - b31677e: Merge pull request Netflix#165 from allenxwang/loadbalancerrefactoring - 6b0c576: Enqueued more responses for tests. Turn on debugging for test. - 639ccb1: Make copy of listeners in the constructor of ExecutionContextListenerInvoker. Added new APIs in ExecutionContextListenerInvoker to invoke listeners with passed in context. - aa10ac1: Move server config from before() to start() - 4a874e3: Clean up unit JUnit tests by using @rule - e88e3f4: Have LoadBalancerObservable extend Func1. - fac90f5: Address some of the issues in review comments. Rename NettyHttpClient to LoadBalancingHttpClient to be consistent with other namings. - 4b8909b: Rename ribbon-transport package name. - acf3004: Fix Issue Netflix#166. Rename APIs in Server.MetaInfo. - eb7a649: rewrite the commented out test with new API - 4f377bd: Uncomment out the line in JUnit and replace it with new APIs from UdpClient. - 8660658: Clean up. Add documentation. Minor code refactoring. - cb11493: Invoke execution listener when executing the request for an absolute URI. - ce6f631: Added APIs in Server to show service meta information. Refactored ExecutionContext and add APIs to get client properties. - 5b0fe1d: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into loadbalancerrefactoring - e685ef3: Issue Netflix#161 and Netflix#146 - 159baec: Merge pull request Netflix#162 from aspyker/UseIPAddrForServer - 099c153: add test to classname, use property instead of hardcoded false - 36dc322: Merge pull request Netflix#160 from allenxwang/master - 85ec130: Minor changes - 55fe69f: Upgrade rxnetty version to 0.3.13 - 7d8f3ee: should have used boolean property - 0fa2472: add UseIPAddrForServer configuration to not require DNS - f7477a0: Moved some classes into com.netflix.loadbalancer.reactive package. Created builder for LoadBalancerCommand. Refactored NettyHttpClient. - f0599ec: Work in progress for issues Netflix#146 and Netflix#161 - ab1eb7a: Merge branch 'executionlistener' into loadbalancerrefactoring - edefa3e: Load balancer API refactoring. - 07aa8a1: Refactor load balancer execution logic to be able to create command instance that encapsulate execution life cycle. - ed0c27d: Added execution listener interfaces and helper classes. - c95fcfe: Use unsafeSubscribe() instead of subscribe() for doing recursive subscription in an Rx Operator. - e123be6: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC8'. - 780574d: Merge pull request Netflix#159 from allenxwang/master - 7a90243: Fixed incorrect timeout setting for test and added error debugging code. - a9c7329: Fix Issue Netflix#158. Update rx-netty version to 0.3.11. - 900b470: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC7'. - d8bc3b2: Merge pull request Netflix#157 from allenxwang/pluggable-annotations - b3fc37a: Changes according to code review comments. - 9683e0f: Removed unused classes - 6cab250: Make annotation processors provider DI friendly. - 90f513c: Fix Issue Netflix#141 - 9dda747: Fix Issue Netflix#156 and Netflix#149 - dfde23e: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into pluggable-annotations - 4bd4aa3: Merge pull request Netflix#155 from allenxwang/issue-142 - 481c7ad: Rename template to templateBuilder - 4132b1b: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into issue-142 - 07a1ae4: Restore the API in Ribbon to create HttpResourceGroup. Move RibbonTransportFactory to ribbon-transport module. - bc63176: Fixed Netflix#142. - 3d4211e: Issue Netflix#142 work in progress - 879cae7: Annotation processor WIP. - 4b565c3: Merge branch 'features/pluggable_annotations' of github.com:tbak/ribbon into pluggable-annotations - ba6d6d0: Merge pull request Netflix#152 from allenxwang/master - 47c9e16: Added JUnit to test customized load balancing operation on UDP client. - 2f55e29: Change the API to return LoadBalancerContext. - e570aa3: Minor clean up. - b221257: Add API to access LoadBalancerExecutor from LoadBalancingRxClient. - 641e3af: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - fd5b122: Added JUnit test for UDP client. - 871b885: Merge pull request Netflix#151 from allenxwang/master - 6f0b9a2: Pluggable annotations - proposal. - 1b006d9: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - b271cdf: Make sure that the correct set of servers are removed from map of cached RxClient when server list refresh happens. - cbbb861: Merge pull request Netflix#150 from allenxwang/master - c723dc5: Fix the flakiness of EvCacheProviderTest by using TestUtils to sleep and check in loop. - 3ece0a1: Fix the problem that LoadBalancerContext unnecessarily create new Server object. Code clean up. - d402080: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - 1dab14e: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC6'. - f806e61: Merge pull request Netflix#148 from allenxwang/eran-di - 3a9b775: Added missing dependency for Inject. - cbfd08d: Merge pull request Netflix#147 from tbak/master - 30ec853: Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/netflix/master' Upgrade rxnetty to version 0.3.10 - 27886d8: Merge pull request Netflix#138 from elandau/master - 555bbd0: enable wire logging on ERROR level - b7377c9: Print more information in RxMovieServer example to help find out a reason for unit test flakiness. - 5c11e05: Merge pull request Netflix#5 from allenxwang/eran-di - df8bed4: Added test for custom binding of ClientConfigFactory. - 0d3aac8: Merge pull request Netflix#4 from allenxwang/eran-di - b020c1b: Minor changes. - 06abf85: Make RibbonResourceFactory and RibbonTransportFactory abstract class for future extension. Removed APIs to create proxy from ResourceGroup. - 3f12bcd: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into eran-di - 59fa0e6: Sync with master to remove the files that are moved to transport module. - aa788bc: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - a2f9c87: Merge pull request Netflix#3 from allenxwang/eran-di - b566eb4: Use local mocked HTTP server to test redirecting. - 51ba17b: Add RxMovieClientTestBase from examples:test - 3d8cdaf: Merge pull request Netflix#139 from tbak/master - 85fdfe9: Use _cache suffix in cache hystrix command name. Rename http client/cache hystrix commands. - 4d25fdc: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC5'. - 0695314: Provide example for RxMovieProxy using Guice - 1db9e91: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/elandau/ribbon - 4d0ced0: Merge branch 'pr/1' - 9537655: Merge pull request Netflix#2 from allenxwang/eran-di - fa0921b: Rename HttpResourceGroupFactory to RibbonResourceFactory. Remove HttpRequestTemplateFactory. Move ClientConfigFactory to core. Revert the changes to toBlockingObservable(). - 4e85836: Merge branch 'master' of github.com:elandau/ribbon into eran-di - f3e8cdf: Update to rxjava 0.19+ - 1361628: Replace RibbonResourceFactory with HttpResourceGroupFactory - c02144b: Merge branch 'allenxwang-eran-di' - b4c5cc0: Merge branch 'allenxwang-eran-di' into pr/1 - 1291c35: Merge with allen's fixes - c93a707: Initial pass at Guicified RibbonResourceProvider - 4773dd1: Simplify Hystrix command chain implementation and make it more efficient for cases when there is no cache and Hystrix information is not needed. - 1e319b6: Configure distinct name for cache Hystrix command. Set independent Hystrix configuration from http client, with default timeout 20ms. Move non-http specific Hystrix class from http.hystrix to ribbon.hystrix package. - 5c67188: Rename HttpResourceGroupFactory to RibbonResourceFactory. - 9c62f05: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into di - 24298b4: Make RibbonTransportFactory and ClientConfigFactory injected to HttpResourceGroupFactory - bd695f3: Merge pull request Netflix#140 from willblackie/wb_replaceUriFix - 28ecd73: HttpRequest.replaceUri now includes the entity when building the new instance - d98a139: More updates. - 5d39d8d: Added ClientConfigFactory and RibbonTransportFactory - 78d99eb: Separate cache and http request into two separate Hystrix commands. - 5655c76: Modify HttpRequestTemplate and HttpResourceGroup to be DI friendly - b35e376: Merge pull request Netflix#137 from allenxwang/cp - baa772f: Change the dependency on rxjava to a new format. - 8d2470c: Upgrade mock version - aadd4ca: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into cp - b84cfd4: Fix Issue Netflix#136 - 435246d: Merge pull request Netflix#135 from tbak/master - cae22bd: Downgrade to Findbugs 2.0.1 if build run with Java 6. - 974f79f: Minor updates. - 01d5a5e: Make project compile under Java 8. - aa1c1d9: Merge pull request Netflix#134 from tbak/master - 4e68eb7: Add README.md to ribbon module (proxy section only). - 9daea57: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC4'. - 501961c: Merge pull request Netflix#132 from allenxwang/2.x-ssl - 3ab1bb1: Fix review comments. - 176911c: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into 2.x-ssl - dcf7f83: Fix Issue Netflix#130. Javadoc improvements. - 5e41048: Merge pull request Netflix#131 from tbak/master - 9639b14: Rename EvCache cacheKey to key, to be consistent with CacheProvider. - 93ca4f9: Fix issue Netflix#127 + a few other minor updates. - f722201: Merge pull request Netflix#128 from tbak/master - 435c824: Update README.md - 18eece3: In Ribbon proxy, derive template name from method name, if template annotation is missing. - 28cbafe: Update README.md - 43667ac: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC3'. - 6492d70: Merge pull request Netflix#125 from allenxwang/2.x-ssl - 5f0c003: Dependency changes. Fail fast if return type is not ByteBuf in HttpRequestTemplate. - 6e5171a: Update README.md - f854a66: Update README.md - c946c75: Update README.md - 7ffa0bb: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC2'. - 404283a: Merge pull request Netflix#124 from allenxwang/2.x-ssl - 284cbac: Remove wrong import. - 2161fc2: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - b33a5ed: Added support for deserialization based on TypeToken. - 833ec35: Added serialization API based on streams. - ea10161: Added async invocation of client callbacks. - 926a338: remove unnecessary imports - c0055f0: added APIs and tests for NettyHttpResponse - fc65a03: Making channel future handler run in separate thread. Workaround for netty/netty#1840 - 5675117: Added load balancing functionality for Netty client. Some code refactoring to extract common load balancer functionalities into LoadBalancerContext. - 43e14b8: Initial changes for Netty async client
Release of 2.0.0-rc.15 - 0ce21af: Merge pull request Netflix#210 from casidiablo/fix-typo - 01a76c5: Fixed ReceiveBuffferSize typo - 7aff37b: Merge pull request Netflix#202 from elandau/eureka2 - ea4b941: Add cleanup mechanism for ServerStats - 5d68767: Merge pull request Netflix#192 from brharrington/issue-191 - 68b586f: Merge pull request Netflix#199 from leogomes/patch-1 - c0a07dc: Fixing missing parenthesis - b4fd19b: Merge pull request Netflix#198 from rspieldenner/dependency_cleanup - 8a38382: Merge pull request Netflix#197 from rspieldenner/netflixossbuild - 59c5dbf: ServerListUpdateInProgress change should be atomic - 2c0cd75: Dependency cleanup - 5aa5a68: Cleanup souceSets by using nebula-facet plugin - 1d7b28b: Build upgrade to netflixoss plugin. Fixes to ribbon-example. - 147efd1: Remove files and move to gradle 2.2.1 - 7589e19: Merge pull request Netflix#195 from aspyker/fixPrimeCons2x - a1b1180: fix 30 second sleep issue when priming pools over size of 100 - 14e4218: fix Netflix#191 - boolean cannot be used with gauge - c2de39a: Merge pull request Netflix#190 from diptanu/master - b73cccb: Removing code-formats introduced from previous commit - e665e01: Revert "Sorrounding the whole property parsing and setting code with try-catch" - a964aec: Sorrounding the whole property parsing and setting code with try-catch - 1c3ff73: Throwing a proper RuntimeException when a property could not be loaded for a client because it didn't have a property name after the namespace - 3545c87: Merge pull request Netflix#185 from dmuino/java8 - 63b9f8f: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC14'. - 2df93f1: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC13'. - 4f06364: Update gradle.properties - 3b30050: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit: '2.0-RC11'. - 4bb6d34: Update gradle.properties - b7f2f3e: Allow ribbon to be compiled with java8. - 0d4c81a: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC12-SNAPSHOT'. - 7274764: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit: '2.0-RC11'. - 1563c21: Merge pull request Netflix#184 from elandau/master - 7c25ea8: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - 5806797: Update to Hystrix 1.4.0.-RC5 and eureka 1.1.142 - d6de712: Update gradle.properties - 86f29cc: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - b1f623a: Update to rxjava 1.0.0.-rc7 - 54d6eab: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC11'. - 9960a6f: Merge pull request Netflix#183 from Trundle/update_readme - 150a79c: Merge pull request Netflix#167 from elandau/master - e05c358: Fix error response mapper not propagating http error responses not translated to an exception - 68d7c3c: Cleanup unused code - d580f79: Simplify retry counting logic - 88174d0: Clean up code using the Builder pattern Support for exponential back off in response to HTTP throttle responses 502, 503, 504 Configuration property BackoffInterval to use as the interval for the default exponential back off strategy. Default is 1000 msec. Pluggable API to specify custom backoff strategy Pluggable API to specify custom conversion of HTTP responses to exceptions - 4e31785: Update README (@http's uriTemplate parameter is now called uri). - e3fb0bd: Minor tweaks to error counting - ca256b6: Cleanup unused code - 973803b: Re-add previous behavior for retry same server + retry next server - 84457e4: Always create a RequestSpecificRequestHandler for each operation so the proper retry settings are used for the request type - fd3e64a: Clean up usage of Rx. Add support for retrying 503 errors. - e119ae6: Update README.md - 0a9dd63: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' - 352cb58: Minor cleanup - 3446afd: HelloUdpServer is now a pure ExternalResource - 00824ee: Merge pull request Netflix#170 from allenxwang/loadbalancerrefactoring - 9bf5884: Make sure changing to default global property will affect config.getProperty(). - 33e43fe: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into loadbalancerrefactoring - 2fe05df: Merge pull request Netflix#172 from hawkenstuff/master - 5b2238e: Added setClientMode(true) to the SslEngine being generated to allow handshake to occur - f252a83: Update README for the latest APIs - 299b6f2: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into loadbalancerrefactoring - 247d60d: Added the capability to disable execution listener dynamically at runtime. - 091adfb: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC10'. - ccf20f5: Merge pull request Netflix#168 from allenxwang/loadbalancerrefactoring - 82b52f7: Restore DiscoveryEnabledServer constructor to make it backward compatible. - 78b96b7: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC9'. - b31677e: Merge pull request Netflix#165 from allenxwang/loadbalancerrefactoring - 6b0c576: Enqueued more responses for tests. Turn on debugging for test. - 639ccb1: Make copy of listeners in the constructor of ExecutionContextListenerInvoker. Added new APIs in ExecutionContextListenerInvoker to invoke listeners with passed in context. - aa10ac1: Move server config from before() to start() - 4a874e3: Clean up unit JUnit tests by using @rule - e88e3f4: Have LoadBalancerObservable extend Func1. - fac90f5: Address some of the issues in review comments. Rename NettyHttpClient to LoadBalancingHttpClient to be consistent with other namings. - 4b8909b: Rename ribbon-transport package name. - acf3004: Fix Issue Netflix#166. Rename APIs in Server.MetaInfo. - eb7a649: rewrite the commented out test with new API - 4f377bd: Uncomment out the line in JUnit and replace it with new APIs from UdpClient. - 8660658: Clean up. Add documentation. Minor code refactoring. - cb11493: Invoke execution listener when executing the request for an absolute URI. - ce6f631: Added APIs in Server to show service meta information. Refactored ExecutionContext and add APIs to get client properties. - 5b0fe1d: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into loadbalancerrefactoring - e685ef3: Issue Netflix#161 and Netflix#146 - 159baec: Merge pull request Netflix#162 from aspyker/UseIPAddrForServer - 099c153: add test to classname, use property instead of hardcoded false - 36dc322: Merge pull request Netflix#160 from allenxwang/master - 85ec130: Minor changes - 55fe69f: Upgrade rxnetty version to 0.3.13 - 7d8f3ee: should have used boolean property - 0fa2472: add UseIPAddrForServer configuration to not require DNS - f7477a0: Moved some classes into com.netflix.loadbalancer.reactive package. Created builder for LoadBalancerCommand. Refactored NettyHttpClient. - f0599ec: Work in progress for issues Netflix#146 and Netflix#161 - ab1eb7a: Merge branch 'executionlistener' into loadbalancerrefactoring - edefa3e: Load balancer API refactoring. - 07aa8a1: Refactor load balancer execution logic to be able to create command instance that encapsulate execution life cycle. - ed0c27d: Added execution listener interfaces and helper classes. - c95fcfe: Use unsafeSubscribe() instead of subscribe() for doing recursive subscription in an Rx Operator. - e123be6: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC8'. - 780574d: Merge pull request Netflix#159 from allenxwang/master - 7a90243: Fixed incorrect timeout setting for test and added error debugging code. - a9c7329: Fix Issue Netflix#158. Update rx-netty version to 0.3.11. - 900b470: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC7'. - d8bc3b2: Merge pull request Netflix#157 from allenxwang/pluggable-annotations - b3fc37a: Changes according to code review comments. - 9683e0f: Removed unused classes - 6cab250: Make annotation processors provider DI friendly. - 90f513c: Fix Issue Netflix#141 - 9dda747: Fix Issue Netflix#156 and Netflix#149 - dfde23e: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into pluggable-annotations - 4bd4aa3: Merge pull request Netflix#155 from allenxwang/issue-142 - 481c7ad: Rename template to templateBuilder - 4132b1b: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into issue-142 - 07a1ae4: Restore the API in Ribbon to create HttpResourceGroup. Move RibbonTransportFactory to ribbon-transport module. - bc63176: Fixed Netflix#142. - 3d4211e: Issue Netflix#142 work in progress - 879cae7: Annotation processor WIP. - 4b565c3: Merge branch 'features/pluggable_annotations' of github.com:tbak/ribbon into pluggable-annotations - ba6d6d0: Merge pull request Netflix#152 from allenxwang/master - 47c9e16: Added JUnit to test customized load balancing operation on UDP client. - 2f55e29: Change the API to return LoadBalancerContext. - e570aa3: Minor clean up. - b221257: Add API to access LoadBalancerExecutor from LoadBalancingRxClient. - 641e3af: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - fd5b122: Added JUnit test for UDP client. - 871b885: Merge pull request Netflix#151 from allenxwang/master - 6f0b9a2: Pluggable annotations - proposal. - 1b006d9: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - b271cdf: Make sure that the correct set of servers are removed from map of cached RxClient when server list refresh happens. - cbbb861: Merge pull request Netflix#150 from allenxwang/master - c723dc5: Fix the flakiness of EvCacheProviderTest by using TestUtils to sleep and check in loop. - 3ece0a1: Fix the problem that LoadBalancerContext unnecessarily create new Server object. Code clean up. - d402080: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - 1dab14e: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC6'. - f806e61: Merge pull request Netflix#148 from allenxwang/eran-di - 3a9b775: Added missing dependency for Inject. - cbfd08d: Merge pull request Netflix#147 from tbak/master - 30ec853: Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/netflix/master' Upgrade rxnetty to version 0.3.10 - 27886d8: Merge pull request Netflix#138 from elandau/master - 555bbd0: enable wire logging on ERROR level - b7377c9: Print more information in RxMovieServer example to help find out a reason for unit test flakiness. - 5c11e05: Merge pull request Netflix#5 from allenxwang/eran-di - df8bed4: Added test for custom binding of ClientConfigFactory. - 0d3aac8: Merge pull request Netflix#4 from allenxwang/eran-di - b020c1b: Minor changes. - 06abf85: Make RibbonResourceFactory and RibbonTransportFactory abstract class for future extension. Removed APIs to create proxy from ResourceGroup. - 3f12bcd: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into eran-di - 59fa0e6: Sync with master to remove the files that are moved to transport module. - aa788bc: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - a2f9c87: Merge pull request Netflix#3 from allenxwang/eran-di - b566eb4: Use local mocked HTTP server to test redirecting. - 51ba17b: Add RxMovieClientTestBase from examples:test - 3d8cdaf: Merge pull request Netflix#139 from tbak/master - 85fdfe9: Use _cache suffix in cache hystrix command name. Rename http client/cache hystrix commands. - 4d25fdc: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC5'. - 0695314: Provide example for RxMovieProxy using Guice - 1db9e91: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/elandau/ribbon - 4d0ced0: Merge branch 'pr/1' - 9537655: Merge pull request Netflix#2 from allenxwang/eran-di - fa0921b: Rename HttpResourceGroupFactory to RibbonResourceFactory. Remove HttpRequestTemplateFactory. Move ClientConfigFactory to core. Revert the changes to toBlockingObservable(). - 4e85836: Merge branch 'master' of github.com:elandau/ribbon into eran-di - f3e8cdf: Update to rxjava 0.19+ - 1361628: Replace RibbonResourceFactory with HttpResourceGroupFactory - c02144b: Merge branch 'allenxwang-eran-di' - b4c5cc0: Merge branch 'allenxwang-eran-di' into pr/1 - 1291c35: Merge with allen's fixes - c93a707: Initial pass at Guicified RibbonResourceProvider - 4773dd1: Simplify Hystrix command chain implementation and make it more efficient for cases when there is no cache and Hystrix information is not needed. - 1e319b6: Configure distinct name for cache Hystrix command. Set independent Hystrix configuration from http client, with default timeout 20ms. Move non-http specific Hystrix class from http.hystrix to ribbon.hystrix package. - 5c67188: Rename HttpResourceGroupFactory to RibbonResourceFactory. - 9c62f05: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into di - 24298b4: Make RibbonTransportFactory and ClientConfigFactory injected to HttpResourceGroupFactory - bd695f3: Merge pull request Netflix#140 from willblackie/wb_replaceUriFix - 28ecd73: HttpRequest.replaceUri now includes the entity when building the new instance - d98a139: More updates. - 5d39d8d: Added ClientConfigFactory and RibbonTransportFactory - 78d99eb: Separate cache and http request into two separate Hystrix commands. - 5655c76: Modify HttpRequestTemplate and HttpResourceGroup to be DI friendly - b35e376: Merge pull request Netflix#137 from allenxwang/cp - baa772f: Change the dependency on rxjava to a new format. - 8d2470c: Upgrade mock version - aadd4ca: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into cp - b84cfd4: Fix Issue Netflix#136 - 435246d: Merge pull request Netflix#135 from tbak/master - cae22bd: Downgrade to Findbugs 2.0.1 if build run with Java 6. - 974f79f: Minor updates. - 01d5a5e: Make project compile under Java 8. - aa1c1d9: Merge pull request Netflix#134 from tbak/master - 4e68eb7: Add README.md to ribbon module (proxy section only). - 9daea57: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC4'. - 501961c: Merge pull request Netflix#132 from allenxwang/2.x-ssl - 3ab1bb1: Fix review comments. - 176911c: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon into 2.x-ssl - dcf7f83: Fix Issue Netflix#130. Javadoc improvements. - 5e41048: Merge pull request Netflix#131 from tbak/master - 9639b14: Rename EvCache cacheKey to key, to be consistent with CacheProvider. - 93ca4f9: Fix issue Netflix#127 + a few other minor updates. - f722201: Merge pull request Netflix#128 from tbak/master - 435c824: Update README.md - 18eece3: In Ribbon proxy, derive template name from method name, if template annotation is missing. - 28cbafe: Update README.md - 43667ac: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC3'. - 6492d70: Merge pull request Netflix#125 from allenxwang/2.x-ssl - 5f0c003: Dependency changes. Fail fast if return type is not ByteBuf in HttpRequestTemplate. - 6e5171a: Update README.md - f854a66: Update README.md - c946c75: Update README.md - 7ffa0bb: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '2.0-RC2'. - 404283a: Merge pull request Netflix#124 from allenxwang/2.x-ssl - 284cbac: Remove wrong import. - 2161fc2: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Netflix/ribbon - b33a5ed: Added support for deserialization based on TypeToken. - 833ec35: Added serialization API based on streams. - ea10161: Added async invocation of client callbacks. - 926a338: remove unnecessary imports - c0055f0: added APIs and tests for NettyHttpResponse - fc65a03: Making channel future handler run in separate thread. Workaround for netty/netty#1840 - 5675117: Added load balancing functionality for Netty client. Some code refactoring to extract common load balancer functionalities into LoadBalancerContext. - 43e14b8: Initial changes for Netty async client