Craigslist is a wonderful tool for finding classified ads for just about anything. This project is intended to make interfacing with Craigslist easier - so that you can build projects faster. There is LOTS more to be done so all contributions are more than welcome.
Any POST data must be sent as JSON, with attributes wrapped in a "data" object (See example requests below).
Searches for vehicles matching the paramaters supplied in the JSON body. Available parameters include:
'location': String,
'hasPhoto': Bool,
'mostRecent': Bool,
'noDuplicates': Bool,
'zipCode': Integer,
'searchDistance': Integer,
'minPrice': Integer,
'maxPrice': Integer,
'make': String,
'model': String,
'minModelYear': Integer,
'maxModelYear': Integer,
'minOdometer': Integer,
'maxOdometer': Integer
(ex. request)
"data" : {
"location": "desmoines",
"make": "lexus",
"maxPrice": 5000,
"hasPhoto": true
(ex. response)
"data": {
"result_4": {
"title": "2003 LEXUS ES300 GOOD RUNNING CAR",
"link": "",
"price": "$2,900"
"result_5": {
"title": "1997 Lexus ES 300 Sedan",
"link": "",
"price": "$4,200"
Lots! More endpoints, cleanup on existing ones, documentation. Please feel free to contribute!