A Swift language friendly wrapper for the dns_sd library for network service discovery, also known as (or compatibile with) Bonjour, Zeroconf, Avahi and mDNS. This library is probably most useful on Linux, since Apple platforms include the Bonjour API in Foundation. It has been tested for typical publish, browse and resolve patterns on Raspian Buster, less so for domain enumeration and record query.
For in depth information: DNS Service Discovery Programming Guide
#if os(macOS)
import dns_sd
enum BrowseError: Error { case didNotSearch }
typealias BrowseCompletion = (Result<Set<DNSService.LocatedService>, BrowseError>) -> Void
func browseServices(ofType type: String = "_http._tcp", inDomain domain: String = "", completion: @escaping BrowseCompletion) {
let result = DNSService.browseServices(ofType: type, inDomain: domain,
errorCallback: { error in
serviceCallback: { service, locatedService in
if !locatedService.flags.contains(.moreComing) {
completion(Result.success(self.locatedServices)) // return the last service
if case .failure(let error) = result {
sudo apt-get install pkg-config
sudo apt install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev
To add dns_sd to your project, declare a dependency in your Package.swift file,
.package(url: "https://github.com/nallick/dns_sd.git", from: "1.0.0"),
and add the dependency to your target:
.target(name: "MyProjectTarget", dependencies: ["dns_sd"]),