Looking to make the switch to Formie? Read our blog post on why we built Formie.
Formie is a Craft CMS plugin for creating user-friendly forms that your content editors will love. With over 25 fields available, a drag-and-drop form builder, multi-page support, and more!
- Drag-and-drop form builder, with support for columns.
- Multi-page support for complex forms, or single-page for simple ones
- Store submissions in the control panel, in case you want to view the users' submission later.
- Stencils - A quick and easy way to create new forms. Stencils include your form settings, fields and notifications.
- Multiple options to control how forms submit. Show a success message, redirect to an entry, or stay on the same page.
- Switch form submissions to be page-reload (POST), or async (Ajax).
- Spam protection - Fight spam with our in-built keyword blocking and submission behaviour control.
- Integrations API - Captchas for the moment, with more on their way.
- Captchas - reCAPTCHA (v2 and v3), duplicate, honeypot and Javascript.
- Migrate from Solspace Freeform or Sprout forms with our handy migration assistants.
- Over 25 fields available
- Standard fields like text, dropdown, radio, checkboxes.
- Advanced fields like address, fule uploading, name (short and full).
- Complex fields like Repeater, Table and Group.
- Plenty of settings for each field to control their appearance, default values and functionality.
- Customise your submit buttons - even multiple submits for multi-page forms.
- Pick from existing fields with ease.
- Synced fields - Create your fields in one place, then use them everywhere!
- Multiple email notifications per-form. Notify your staff and customers at the same time about their submissions.
- User-friendly variable pickers. No more Twig in field settings for your users to wrangle!
- Full-range of email settings including multiple recipients, reply-to, cc, bcc and more.
- Add user-uploaded attachements to your email notifications.
- Auto plain text conversion of HTML emails.
- Out-of-the-box templates, including CSS styles and JS functionality. Show great-looking forms that are user-friendly and follow best-practices with a single line of Twig.
- Custom templates for everything! Take full control over how forms, pages and field render. Even change how fields look in email notifications.
- Address
- Agree
- Categories
- Checkboxes
- Date
- Dropdown
- Entries
- File Upload
- Group
- Heading
- Hidden
- Html
- Multi-Line Text
- Name
- Number
- Phone Number
- Commerce Products
- Radio
- Repeater
- Section
- Single-Line Text
- Table
- Tags
- Users
- Commerce Variants
Visit the Formie Plugin page for all documentation, guides, pricing and developer resources.
Get in touch with us via the Formie Support page or by creating a Github issue