Scans designated folder for movies and downloads subtitles in chosen language.
Простой модульный рисовальщик (#python #python3 #painter #plugins #gui)
A High School GUI project in python using the Pygame module.
Basic Paint app developed using pygame library of the pyhton. It has simple GUI and easy to use.
Demo desktop apps built with Python & Qt. With examples for PyQt6, PySide6, PyQt5 & PySide2
Django 2 by Example (2nd Edition) published by Packt
A blog application made with Django and bootstrap
Additional tasks for tutorial
Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C) algorithm for Super Mario Bros
A simple blog built with Django and Bootstrap4
Source code for my free YouTube series on the Django web framework for Python.
Try Django 2.2 is step-by-step to build a modern, fully open-source, Blog web application using Python, Django, Bootstrap, Javascript, and more.
YouTube Django Dersleri için proje kaynak kodu
python ile yaptığım minik projeler
A kind of traditional... optimization algorithm
🏃 CalPal is a web application that manages calories for health conscious and fitness people. Technologies: Web development for the front-end and Python Flask for the back-end.
A simple calorie counter that calculates the user's daily calorie intake and provides nutritional advice
Calorie tracker program developed in Python and using Pony database
📱 🏃 🍎 Fitness application that’s used to keep track of your physical fitness data, daily calorie count, invite friends to work out together and ultimately get healthy.
A python application to track and predict your weight based on your habits.
A Python implementation of Tabu Search Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem
The OR homework for practice for Tabu Search Algorithm.
solve schedule problem using tabu search algorithm
Implementation of several algorithms for solving 1/0 knapsack problem