Spring security is tremendously popular among practitioners for its ease of use to secure enterprise applications. In this work, we present the application framework misconfiguration vulnerabilities in the light of Spring security, and ask
What are the common security anti-patterns/insecure defaults present in enterprise Spring security applications?
This repository contains a summary of the results. For more details, we refer the reader to our conference paper published at IEEE SecDev 2020 titled "Coding Practices and Recommendations of Spring Security for Enterprise Applications"
To find answers, we took a measurement-based approach. We manually analyzed 28 Spring-based applications hosted on GitHub to observe any insecure customization (i.e., security anti-patterns) of Spring security’s i) authentication and ii) protection against exploits features. We also studied the security of the default configurations of these features.
The list of 28 Spring-based applications we analyzed is available here
Our analysis discovered 6 types of security anti-patterns. We observed that programmers tend to intentionally disable CSRF protections, store secrets insecurely, use lifelong expiration of access tokens, etc. Our analysis of Spring security’s default configuration revealed 4 major vulnerabilities. Our proposed changes contributed two security fixes to Spring Security fixes as we explained below.Using `BCrypt` with insecure strength
public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
return new BCryptoPasswordEncoder();
/* using default strength 10 is vulnerable to feasible brute for attacks */
Using weak hash algorithm MD5
MD5 is already a broken hashing algorithm. It is vulnerable to collision attacks, modular differential attacks. based64 (username + ":" + expirationTime + ":" +
md5Hex(username + ":" + expirationTime +
/* Use of weak hashing algortihm MD5 */
":" password + ":" + key))
Lack of required throttling policy
Resource management policy for web API need to have a proper throttling policy per user to prevent DoS/DDoS attack.Spring security framework lacks throttling policy.
Absence of content security policy (CSP) header
CSP helps the developers to enforce a fine-grained security policy easily to prevent code injection attacks e.g., cross site scripting, clickjacking, and data injection, etc.Spring security does not add content security policy (CSP) HTTP headers by default.
Life long valid access tokens
MD5 is already a broken hashing algorithm. It is vulnerable to collision attacks, modular differential attacks.app:
tokenExpirationMsec: 864000000
// setting unnecessary long lifetime of 10 days
Life long valid access tokens to reply attacks, leaks
Absence of state param in oAuth 2.0
public String getToken(@RequestParam String code) {
params.add("grant_type", "authorization_code");
params.add("code", code)
params.add("client_id", "aiqiyi")
params.add("client_secret", "secret");
params.add("state", 12124123234324)
// ramdomly generated value of state param
State-params stops against CSRF attacks
Fixed secrets to sign JWT tokens
Hardcoded JWT keys is vulnerable to brute force attacks, and leaksDisabling CSRF protection
Fixed secrets to sign JWT tokens
Storing secrets in insecure places.
Not using TLS
If you use findings of this study in your research, please cite the following publication.
@INPROCEEDINGS {Spring-security,
author = {M. Islam and S. Rahaman and N. Meng and B. Hassanshahi and P. Krishnan and D. Yao},
booktitle = {2020 IEEE Secure Development (SecDev)},
title = {Coding Practices and Recommendations of Spring Security for Enterprise Applications},
year = {2020},
volume = {},
issn = {},
pages = {49-57},
keywords = {security;springs;authentication;uniform resource locators;password;encoding;authorization},
doi = {10.1109/SecDev45635.2020.00024},
url = {https://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/SecDev45635.2020.00024},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
month = {sep}