(this README.md files may not be standart style. please be understanding, beacuse i am not started yet "git/github use course")
This repository made for show "what I did on week 7"
(for full week7 and all other lectures: https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2021/weeks/7/)
CS50 courses, An institution that gives educate and certificate on computer science branches from the university of Harvard.
(For all CS50 courses: https://www.edx.org/search?q=cs50&tab=course)
As in every weeks, there is Lab and Problem-Sets in this week. This week have:
- one Lab named Songs and
- two psets names Movies and Fiftyville
if you are not have time for look everything, you can look only "pset2: Fiftyville"
please look README.md files in relevant dirs