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A Powerline-style, Git-aware fish theme optimized for awesome.


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bobthefish is a Powerline-style, Git-aware fish theme optimized for awesome.

Oh My Fish MIT License



Be sure to have Oh My Fish installed. Then just:

omf install bobthefish

You will need a Powerline-patched font for this to work, unless you enable the compatibility fallback option:

set -g theme_powerline_fonts no

I recommend picking one of these. For more advanced awesome, install a nerd fonts patched font, and enable nerd fonts support:

set -g theme_nerd_fonts yes

This theme is based loosely on agnoster.


  • A helpful, but not too distracting, greeting.
  • A subtle timestamp hanging out off to the right.
  • Powerline-style visual hotness.
  • More colors than you know what to do with.
  • An abbreviated path which doesn't abbreviate the name of the current project.
  • All the things you need to know about Git in a glance.
  • Visual indication that you can't write to the current directory.

The Prompt

  • Status flags:
    • Previous command failed (!)
    • Private mode (🔒 or )
    • You currently have superpowers ($)
    • Background jobs (%)
  • Current vi mode
  • User@Host (unless you're the default user)
  • Current RVM, rbenv or chruby (Ruby) version
  • Current virtualenv (Python) version
    • If you use virtualenv, you will probably need to disable the default virtualenv prompt, since it doesn't play nice with fish: set -x VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT 1
  • Current NVM/FNM version (Nodejs) (inactive by default; see configurations in the next paragraph)
  • Abbreviated parent directory
  • Current directory, or Git or Mercurial project name
  • Current project's repo branch (branch-glyph master) or detached head ( d0dfd9b)
  • Git or Mercurial status, via colors and flags:
    • Dirty working directory (*)
    • Untracked files ()
    • Staged changes (~)
    • Stashed changes ($)
    • Unpulled commits (-)
    • Unpushed commits (+)
    • Unpulled and unpushed commits (±)
    • Note that not all of these have been implemented for hg yet :)
  • Abbreviated project-relative path


You can override some of the following default options in your

set -g theme_display_git no
set -g theme_display_git_dirty no
set -g theme_display_git_untracked no
set -g theme_display_git_ahead_verbose yes
set -g theme_display_git_dirty_verbose yes
set -g theme_display_git_stashed_verbose yes
set -g theme_display_git_default_branch yes
set -g theme_git_default_branches master main
set -g theme_git_worktree_support yes
set -g theme_use_abbreviated_branch_name yes
set -g theme_display_vagrant yes
set -g theme_display_docker_machine no
set -g theme_display_k8s_context yes
set -g theme_display_hg yes
set -g theme_display_virtualenv no
set -g theme_display_nix no
set -g theme_display_ruby no
set -g theme_display_node yes
set -g theme_display_user ssh
set -g theme_display_hostname ssh
set -g theme_display_vi no
set -g theme_display_date no
set -g theme_display_cmd_duration yes
set -g theme_title_display_process yes
set -g theme_title_display_path no
set -g theme_title_display_user yes
set -g theme_title_use_abbreviated_path no
set -g theme_date_format "+%a %H:%M"
set -g theme_date_timezone America/Los_Angeles
set -g theme_avoid_ambiguous_glyphs yes
set -g theme_powerline_fonts no
set -g theme_nerd_fonts yes
set -g theme_show_exit_status yes
set -g theme_display_jobs_verbose yes
set -g default_user your_normal_user
set -g theme_color_scheme dark
set -g fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 0
set -g theme_project_dir_length 1
set -g theme_newline_cursor yes
set -g theme_newline_prompt '$ '

Git options

  • theme_display_git_default_branch. By default theme will hide/collapse the branch name in your prompt when you are using a Git default branch i.e. historically master and often main now. Set to yes to stop these branches from being hidden/collapsed.
  • theme_git_default_branches. The big cloud repos (GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab et al.) are moving away from using master as the default branch name, and allow you to choose your own. As of version 2.28, Git also supports custom default branch names via the init.defaultBranch config option. If our defaults of master main don't suit you, you can add/remove names in thist list i.e. main trunk. This ensures correct hiding/collapsing behaviour with custom default branch names (unless option above is activated).

Title options

  • theme_title_display_process. By default theme doesn't show current process name in terminal title. If you want to show it, just set to yes.
  • theme_title_display_path. Use no to hide current working directory from title.
  • theme_title_display_user. Set to yes to show the current user in the tab title (unless you're the default user).
  • theme_title_use_abbreviated_path. Default is yes. This means your home directory will be displayed as ~ and /usr/local as /u/local. Set it to no if you prefer full paths in title.

Prompt options

  • theme_display_ruby. Use no to completely hide all information about Ruby version. By default Ruby version displayed if there is the difference from default settings.
  • theme_display_node. If set to always, will display current NPM, NVM or FNM node version. If set to yes, will display the version if an .nvmrc, .node-version or package.json file is found in the parent directories.
  • theme_display_vagrant. This feature is disabled by default, use yes to display Vagrant status in your prompt. Please note that only the VirtualBox and VMWare providers are supported.
  • theme_display_vi. By default the vi mode indicator will be shown if vi or hybrid key bindings are enabled. Use no to hide the indicator, or yes to show the indicator.
  • theme_display_k8s_context. This feature is disabled by default. Use yes to show the current kubernetes context (> kubectl config current-context).
  • theme_display_k8s_namespace. This feature is disabled by default. Use yes to show the current kubernetes namespace.
  • theme_display_aws_vault_profile. This feature is disabled by default. Use yes to show the currently executing AWS Vault profile.
  • theme_display_user. If set to yes, display username always, if set to ssh, only when an SSH-Session is detected, if set to no, never.
  • theme_display_hostname. Same behaviour as theme_display_user.
  • theme_display_sudo_user. If set to yes, displays the sudo-username in a root shell. For example, when calling sudo -s and having this option set to yes, the username of the user, who called sudo -s, will be displayed.
  • theme_show_exit_status. Set this option to yes to have the prompt show the last exit code if it was non_zero instead of just the exclamation mark.
  • theme_display_jobs_verbose. If set to yes this option displays the number of currently running background jobs next to the percent sign.
  • theme_git_worktree_support. If you do any git worktree shenanigans, setting this to yes will fix incorrect project-relative path display. If you don't do any git worktree shenanigans, leave it disabled. It's faster this way :)
  • theme_use_abbreviated_branch_name. Set to yes to truncate git branch names in the prompt.
  • fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length. bobthefish respects the Fish $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length setting to abbreviate the prompt path. Set to 0 to show the full path, 1 (default) to show only the first character of each parent directory name, or any other number to show up to that many characters.
  • theme_project_dir_length. The same as $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length, but for the path relative to the current project root. Defaults to 0; set to any other number to show an abbreviated path.
  • theme_newline_cursor. Use yes to have cursor start on a new line. By default the prompt is only one line. When working with long directories it may be preferrend to have cursor on the next line. Setting this to clean instead of yes suppresses the caret on the new line.
  • theme_newline_prompt. Use a custom prompt with newline cursor. By default this is the chevron right glyph or > when powerline fonts are disabled.

Color scheme options

dark light
solarized solarized-light
base16 base16-light
zenburn terminal-dark

You can use the function bobthefish_display_colors to preview the prompts in any color scheme.

Set theme_color_scheme in a terminal session or in your fish startup files to one of the following options to change the prompt colors.

  • dark. The default bobthefish theme.
  • light. A lighter version of the default theme.
  • solarized (or solarized-dark), solarized-light. Dark and light variants of Solarized.
  • base16 (or base16-dark), base16-light. Dark and light variants of the default Base16 theme.
  • zenburn. An adaptation of Zenburn.
  • gruvbox. An adaptation of gruvbox.
  • dracula. An adaptation of dracula.
  • nord. An adaptation of nord.

Some of these may not look right if your terminal does not support 24 bit color, in which case you can try one of the terminal schemes (below). However, if you're using Solarized, Base16 (default), or Zenburn in your terminal and the terminal does support 24 bit color, the built in schemes will look nicer.

There are several scheme that use whichever colors you currently have loaded into your terminal. The advantage of using the schemes that fall through to the terminal colors is that they automatically adapt to something acceptable whenever you change the 16 colors in your terminal profile.

  • terminal (or terminal-dark or terminal-dark-black)
  • terminal-dark-white. Same as terminal, but use white as the foreground color on top of colored segments (in case your colors are very dark).
  • terminal-light (or terminal-light-white)
  • terminal-light-black. Same as terminal-light, but use black as the foreground color on top of colored segments (in case your colors are very bright).

For some terminal themes, like dark base16 themes, the path segments in the prompt will be indistinguishable from the background. In those cases, try one of the following variations; they are identical to the terminal schemes except for using bright black (brgrey) and dull white (grey) in the place of black and bright white.

  • terminal2 (or terminal2-dark or terminal2-dark-black)
  • terminal2-dark-white
  • terminal2-light (or terminal2-light-white)
  • terminal2-light-black

Finally, you can specify your very own color scheme by setting theme_color_scheme to user. In that case, you also need to define some variables to set the colors of the prompt. See the "Colors" section of for details.

VCS options

  • set -g theme_vcs_ignore_paths /some/path /some/other/path{foo,bar}. Ignore project paths for Git or Mercurial. Supports glob patterns.


You can disable the theme default greeting, vi mode prompt, right prompt, or title entirely — or override with your own — by adding custom functions to ~/.config/fish/functions:

  • ~/.config/fish/functions/
  • ~/.config/fish/functions/
  • ~/.config/fish/functions/
  • ~/.config/fish/functions/

To disable them completely, use an empty function:

function fish_right_prompt; end

… Or copy one from your favorite theme, make up something of your own, or copy/paste a bobthefish default function and modify it to your taste!

function fish_greeting
  set_color $fish_color_autosuggestion
  echo "I'm completely operational, and all my circuits are functioning perfectly."
  set_color normal


A Powerline-style, Git-aware fish theme optimized for awesome.







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