⚠️ Educational purposes only: This project is for educational purposes only, it is not intended for real-world use and we do not in any way encourage violations of the Twitter policy.
This is a project that aims to show that AI can be connected to applications in other ways than through APIs.
This bot can automatically crawl Twitter posts, process them and like them, repost them and reply to them. It can also automatically create custom posts.
At the same time, there is The Creator, which is a helper that is designed to help with prompting the AI bot.
You will need an OpenAI API key and a Twitter account.
Twitter setup First you need to log in to Twitter and get your tag (@...), you'll need it later. Then you need to put properties > storage > cookies. Find there "auth_token" and this value is your auth cookie.
Using The Creator
python tools/creator.py
Follow the instructions and at the end you will get the necessary data.
sudo docker build . -t ai-twitter-bot
sudo docker run -e LANGUAGE_MODEL="gpt-4-0125-preview" -e OPEN_AI_API_KEY="<your OpenAI api key>" -e TWITTER_USER_TAG="<your twitter tag>" -e TWITTER_AUTH_COOKIE="<your twitter auth cookie>" -e AI_PERSONALITY_PROMPT='<personality prompt created by The Creator>' ai-twitter-bot
You need to have firefox and geckodriver installed to run it locally!
pip install -r requirements.txt