I created this little game to experiment with Svelte. Now you can play with the balls!
Swap the colored balls in their places. Each ball can only move in one direction, either to an adjacent cell or through one.
The logic of the game does not depend on the framework. It is concentrated in the game/game.ts file as pure functions.
- Each ball is represented by the value
depending on its color. - Since each ball can only move in one direction, knowing the position of the ball is sufficient for a move — we derive the rest from its color and neighboring balls.
- When the balls reach their final positions, it is a win. If there are no possible moves left, it's a loss.
- To better understand the game's logic, take a look at the tests.
- Each ball is represented by the value
For the convenience of players, moves can be undone. This is implemented in the game/history.ts file, also as pure functions.
- Since the state of the game depends only on the moves made, it is sufficient to store the moves in history.
- We store the executed moves in a stack. With undo, we reproduce the state by applying all the moves except the last one to the initial state.
- When we redo, we need to move forward in the stack.
- Check out the tests to understand this better.
The routes/+page.svelte file renders the app. It also stores the game state and connects the state, UI components, and event handlers.
The lib/Board.svelte component has an interesting trick for animating balls:
- As mentioned above, the game is created with pure functions, ensuring that the game state is immutable.
- When the state changes, the ball components in the DOM disappear from one position and appear in another.
- To animate the movement of the ball using crossfade, we need to know where a particular ball has moved. In Svelte, this information can be described using the
property. - According to the rules of the game, all balls of the same color can only move in one direction and cannot jump over balls of their own color. Thus, balls of the same color always move in the same order.
- Using this principle, we label all balls of the same color with numbers from
, and all balls of the other color with numbers from-4
. - Therefore, when moving one ball, we know its original position, allowing Svelte to animate it.
Start a development server:
npm run dev
# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open
To create a production version:
npm run build
You can preview the production build with:
npm run preview