Memory Enhanced Global-Local Aggregation for Video Object Detection, CVPR2020
A library for high performance deep learning inference on NVIDIA GPUs.
mean Average Precision - This code evaluates the performance of your neural net for object recognition.
A quickstart and benchmark for pytorch distributed training.
Practice on cifar100(ResNet, DenseNet, VGG, GoogleNet, InceptionV3, InceptionV4, Inception-ResNetv2, Xception, Resnet In Resnet, ResNext,ShuffleNet, ShuffleNetv2, MobileNet, MobileNetv2, SqueezeNet…
ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform
Latex code for making neural networks diagrams
🔥🔥The pytorch implement of the head pose estimation(yaw,roll,pitch) and emotion detection with SOTA performance in real time.Easy to deploy, easy to use, and high accuracy.Solve all problems of fac…
Retinaface get 80.99% in widerface hard val using mobilenet0.25.
YOLOv5 🚀 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > TFLite
一款在线图像标注工具(矩形、多边形、持续更新中……),可用于深度学习实例分割模型训练(Mask R-CNN)等。
TNN: developed by Tencent Youtu Lab and Guangying Lab, a uniform deep learning inference framework for mobile、desktop and server. TNN is distinguished by several outstanding features, including its…
A PyTorch implementation of FaceBoxes: A CPU Real-time Face Detector with High Accuracy.
The largest collection of PyTorch image encoders / backbones. Including train, eval, inference, export scripts, and pretrained weights -- ResNet, ResNeXT, EfficientNet, NFNet, Vision Transformer (V…
an unofficial implementation of FOTS: Fast Oriented Text Spotting with a Unified Network
novioleo / FOTS
Forked from Vipermdl/OCR_detection_IC15implement FOTS and apply it on real scenario.
Pytorch implementation of CSP
State-of-the-art Single Shot MultiBox Detector in Pure TensorFlow, QQ Group: 758790869