This contains a gateway for my alexa-youtube-skill as well as a web-based, Youtube-specific proxy.
- Follow this blog post to obtain a YouTube API key. Save it; it will come in use later.
- Fork this repository. Make sure your branch is up-to-date with master.
- Now, go to and create an account (or log in, if you already have an account).
- On your dashboard, click on "New" -> "Create new app"
- Give your app a name such as "{{{YOUR_USERNAME}}}-youtube" (substitute your username instead of {{{YOUR_USERNAME}}}) and select a region for deployment.
- Go to the Deploy section on your new app's dashboard.
- Under "Deployment Method", select the GitHub option. You should be prompted to authorize Heroku's usage of your GitHub account information.
- Under "Connect to GitHub", make sure your account is selected and type in "dmhacker-youtube" for the repository to search for.
- If you correctly forked this repository and typed in the repository name correctly, this should show up as an option to connect to. Click on "Connect".
- Now, go to the Settings section on your app's dashboard.
- Under "Config Variables", click on "Reveal Config Vars" and then enter in the following key-value pair(s):
Key | Value |
YOUTUBE_API_KEY | the YouTube API key you generated earlier |
- Next, under "Buildpacks", click on "Add buildpack". When prompted, copy-paste this link into the input section:
- Add another Buildpack from the officially supported list named "nodejs".
- Now, you're ready to deploy! Go back to the Deploy section.
- Scroll to the bottom, and under "Manual deploy", click on "Deploy Branch".
- If you get a "Your app was successfully deployed", congratulations, you are done, and your app should be running!
- To verify, open up https://{{{YOUR_APP_NAME}}} in a new tab and see if it returns a correctly formed landing page.