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A full-stack campground application developed using Express JS, MongoDB, and EJS.


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A full-stack web application developed using Express JS, MongoDB, and EJS and Bootstrap 5. Completely resposnive with added security and PassportJS authentiacation.


YelpCamp Animation

Table of contents


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  1. Setup the development environment
    • VS Code editor.
    • Git Bash
    • NodeJS
    • MongoDB
      • Download the Community server and select the Insall Mongod as server.
      • Start Windows Powershell (press the Windows Start button and type ‘powershell’ to find the shortcut) and type the following command: New-Item -ItemType directory -Path C:\data\db
      • Add the mongodb installation C:\MongoDB\bin location to the path variable in System variables.
      • run mongod command in terminal to start mongo server.
      • run mongo command in seprate terminal to open mongodb shell.
  2. Install the depndencies
    • git clone the project repository
    • npm install will install the project's dependencies
  3. External APIs

Technology Stack

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Languages and Tools:

html5 css3 bootstrap javascript nodejs express embedded javascript templating mongodb mongodb


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  • YelpCamp app is an online platform for users to create and share the campgrounds. The campgrounds can be edited and deleted afterwards by the authorized user only.
  • Users can also view and comment on the campgrounds created by other users.
  • Users need to be logged-in in order to create and review campgrounds.
  • Index page displays list of all the campgrounds with interactive clustered map that can be used to get an overview of the campground locations.
  • Expanding the clusters will result eventuallly in single campgrounds that can be clicked to redirect to the campground details.


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ER Diagram for YelpCamp database

YelpCamp datbase ER diagram


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  • Async errors as well as mongoose erros and form validations have been implemented to avoid the server failure.
  • Users get notified for errors and success via flash messages.
  • Passport JS authentication is used to store the encrypted password with hash and salt in database.
  • A bunch of security features have been added as well to prevent XSS attacks, Mongo Injection, HTML sanitizing and content security policy.
  • Cookies and Session storage is being used to keep the users logged-in and retrieve the campgrounds.


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Contributor Covenant

Contributions of any kind are welcome!

  • When contributing to this repository, please discuss the change you wish to make via issues

  • Note that we have a code of conduct, please follow it in all your interactions with the project.

  • All code changes take place through pull requests. Check GitHub Flow.

  • We use GitHub issues to track public bugs. Report a bug by opening a new issue.

  • Try to stick to the issue template and pull request template.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


Colt Steele

💻 🎨 🤔

Ian Schoonover

💻 📹 🤔 🐛

Zarko Maslaric

💻 🖋 🐛 🤔



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License: MIT


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