- Review your Starter Code and make sure you understand what code has already been written for you.
- Go to the repository at https://github.com/ScriptEdcurriculum/playlist
- Fork this repository to your github account and clone it to a new workspace
- Add, commit, and push your changes
- Make your site live on gh-pages
- Update the songs array in your project to have at least 4 songs
- Create four new arrays to store images_urls, artists, song lengths, and links
- Customize your CSS or add another column
- Push your changes!
- Add a forEach loop in the displaySongInfo function to display the data from each of your arrays in the correct div
- Update the code to correctly append HTML Elements (img, p, a tags) using jQuery
- Use jQuery to complete the body of the emptySongInfo function
- Push your changes!
- In the body of your addSongInfo function retrieve user inputs
- In the body of your addSongInfo function push items to your song array
- Display the results to the screen when the user clicks a button
- Push your changes!
- Update the HTML and CSS to reflect your own style.
- Add a delete button to delete songs on your list
- Use local storage to save your songs locally
- Add a shuffle button and shuffle functionality