I am Shadow_dev (Online)! A semi-adult programmer who started with html-css-javascript a year ago. Then shift himself to python by making discord bots. Currently have many plans to do but proceedings every one by simply. My mood controls me! Anytime I start a web project and then suddenly I can switch to a python project. Just brushing up everything I know and starting from the beginning.
Most of my python code is related to discord bot. So I use Rapptz's Discord.py and chill. For JavaScript I use script.js which is the most easy one. Mostly I don't know JavaScript much. Have a plan in future to learn it.
I want to learn many things but time is my main enemy. Still I have plan to learn the following :D
As this my passion I would really like to improve what I know. "Practice makes a man perfect" What I want to imrpove everything I know!