- PHP 5.3+
- cURL
- Twitter Developer Account: https://dev.twitter.com
- Return "fully-hydrated" user data
- Follower/following analysis
- Profile card:
- full-name
- user-name
- description
- profile-image
- Profile card:
- Data metrics of user
- Followers number
- Following number
- GPS location
- Account creation date
- Verified status
- Tweet/mention impressions
- Follower/following analysis
- See who a users top followers are
- View closest users to a chosen location
- Breakdown a particular users influence "reach" within a network
- Utilize Twitter REST API (Users/Lookup) resource
\\Pass Twitter username as an argument to userlytics.php
php userlytics.php <user_name>
- Performs requests in batches of (100) users(followers)
- Minimizes number of requests to API (current limit: 180 requests/interval)
- Example: User with 1000 followers will only require 10 requests to return entire dataset
- All data is rendered in a CSV dump format
- If a requested user is unknown,suspended,or deleted, then that user will not be returned in the results list.
- You must be following a protected user to be able to see their most recent status update. If you don't follow a protected user their status will be hidden.
- You must edit auth.php and insert your credentials from your dev.twitter.com account