PI-CAI_reader is a simple tool that creates dataloaders for the T2W MRI series and the corresponding gland masks of the PI-CAI prostate dataset
os, cv2, numpy, matplotlib, torch, medpy.io
└─── pi_cai_reader_core
│ │ pre_processing.py # File containing the functions for the dataset creation
│ │ dataloader.py # Custom torch dataset class
│ PI-CAI_reader.ipynb # Colab/Jupyter notebook testbench
The PI-CAI_reader can be cloned from here or it can be installed using Python pip tool
- Option 1: Clone the repository and see the demo files in python and notebook folders
- Option 2:
- Install tool using
pip3 install git+https://github.com/itzortzis/PI-CAI_reader.git
- Import the needed components
import pi_cai_reader_core.pre_processing
andimport pi_cai_reader_core.dataloader
- Install tool using
A. Saha, J. J. Twilt, J. S. Bosma, B. van Ginneken, D. Yakar, M. Elschot, J. Veltman, J. J. Fütterer, M. de Rooij, H. Huisman, "Artificial Intelligence and Radiologists at Prostate Cancer Detection in MRI: The PI-CAI Challenge", DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6522364