1000+ Pixel-perfect svg unicons for your next flutter project ispired by Unicons and vue-unicons
Download the gallery here.
Add dependency to your pubspec.yaml
flutter_unicons: #version (current is 0.0.6)
If your project does not use null safety, you should use the following version: 0.0.4
import 'package:flutter_unicons/flutter_unicons.dart';
class Demo extends StatelessWidget{
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return SafeArea(
child: Column(
children: [
Name | Type | Description | default value |
size | double | Icon size | 24 |
color | Color | icon color | Colors.black45 |
fit | BoxFit | How icon should be inscribed into container | BoxFit.contain |
allowDrawingOutsideViewBox | bool | If true, will allow the icon to be drawn outside of the clip boundary of its viewBox. | false |
animationDuration | Duration | animation duration | Duration(milliseconds: 300) |
animationCurve | Curve | animation curve | Curves.fastOutSlowIn |
mainAxisAlignment | MainAxisAlignment | How the icon should be placed along the main axis of his container (ex: MainAxisAlignment.start for left alignment.) | MainAxisAlignment.center |
flutter_unicons licensed under MIT. You're free to use these icons in your personal and commercial project.