Use AWS Code Pipeline to do the CICD on AWS EKS.
The resource update will trigger AWS Codebuild to build a docker image and upload to AWS ECR. And then use AWS Lambda to deploy your image to your EKS Cluster
- docker
- eksctl
- kubectl
Clone this project to your own github or codecommit
Create EKS cluster
- eksctl create cluster --name {{cluster name}}
$ eksctl create cluster -N 2 -t t2.small --name workshop
Create ECR repository
Create Codebuild role
- S3 full access
- ECR full access
- CloudFormation read only
- CloudWatch read write
- EKS full access
Create Lambda Role
- S3 full access
- EKS full access
- Pipeline full access (PutJobResult)
Create CodeBuild project and attach the role we created
- Setting Environment image
- Use an image managed by AWS CodeBuild
- OS: Ubuntu
- Runtime: Docker
- Build specification: buildspec.yml
- Setting Codebuild ENV
- CLUSTER_NAME ( workshop )
- S3_BUCKET ( your s3 bucket name )
- DEPLOYFILE_NAME ( ex: eks-deployment.yml )
- ECR_URI ( the repository uri )
- REGION ( us-west-2 )
- Setting Environment image
Create Lambda Function
- Attach Role
- python version 3.6
- Code
- Setting ENV
- API_ENDPOINT : EKS api endpoint
- DEPLOYFILE_NAME ( ex: eks-deployment.yml )
Setting cluster auth
You have to add lambda role to eks admin$ kubectl edit -n kube-system configmap/aws-auth
apiVersion: v1 data: mapRoles: | - groups: - system:bootstrappers - system:nodes rolearn: arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNTID>:role/EKS-workshop-DefaultNodeGroup-NodeInstanceRole-L38WNL4K7D4T username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}} - rolearn: <LAMBDA ARN> username: lambda_deploy groups: - system:masters kind: ConfigMap metadata: creationTimestamp: 2018-09-18T02:12:32Z name: aws-auth namespace: kube-system resourceVersion: "26763" selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/configmaps/aws-auth uid: 4cfb11eb-bae8-11e8-a13f-06a8e498af66
Apply your first deployment
$ docker build -t <ECR URI> ./app $ $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region <REGION>) $ docker push <ECR URI>:latest $ vim ./deployment/eks-deployment.yml
edit image name
$ kubectl apply -f ./deployment/eks-deployment.yml $ kubectl apply -f ./deployment/loadbalancer.yml $ kubectl describe svc/eks-demo-elb ## get elb url
Update app
- update namecard ( ./app/index.html )
- edit ./script/ $IMAGE_VERSION
- edit ./deployment/eks-deployment.yml image version
- git update
Setting Code Pipeline
- Source
- CodeBuild
- Invoke the Lambda
Enjoy the CICD
要設定codebuild的role有 eks cloudformation aws-auth document