├── bin # Binaries output directory
├── cmd # Root of main
│ ├── grpc # GRPC main
│ └── http # HTTP main
├── config # Configuration parser, structure and .yaml file
│ ├── config.go # Config file reader and parser
│ ├── config.yaml # Config .yaml file
│ └── models.go # Config model structure
├── docs # Swagger documentation
│ ├── docs.go # Document parser
│ ├── swagger.json # Auto generated swagger JSON file
│ └── swagger.yaml # Auto generated swagger YAML file
├── internal # Hexagonal - DDD Layer
│ └── auth # Auth Domain
│ ├── application # Application Layer
│ │ └── service # Usecase Layer
│ │ | └── service.go # Usecase file of current domain
│ │ └── jobs # Special Jobs Ticker or Crons
│ │ └── jobs.go # Special jobs runner by go Ticker with GoRoutines (like as Cron Jobs) (time specific)
│ ├── domain # Domain Layer
│ │ └── entities # Models/Structures
│ │ └── entities.go # Models/Structures file of current domain
│ │ └── errors # Custom Errors
│ │ └── errors.go # Custom Errors file of current domain
│ │ └── ports # Ports / Interfaces
│ │ └── http_handler.go # HTTP Handlers Interfaces file of current domain
│ │ └── postgresql_repo.go # Postgresql Interfaces file of current domain
│ │ └── service.go # Usecase Interface file of current domain
│ │ └── utils # Specific Utilities
│ │ └── utils.go # Specific Utilities file of current domain
│ └── handler # Handler Layer
│ │ └── grpc # GRPC Handlers
│ │ └── grpc # GRPC Handler file of current domain
│ │ └── http # HTTP Handlers
│ │ └── handlers.go # HTTP Handler file of current domain
│ │ └── routes.go # HTTP routes file of current domain
│ ├── infrastructure # Infrastructure Layer
│ │ └── adapters # 3rd party integration adapters
│ │ └── postgresql_repo # PostgresqlRepository file of current domain
│ │ └── repository # Repositories
│ │ └── postgresql_repo # PostgresqlRepository file of current domain
├── pkg # Custom packages for general common usage
├── proto # GRPC proto directory
│ └── auth # Auth Domain
│ └── auth.pb.go # Auto generated domain specific proto functions
│ └── auth.proto # Domain specific generated domain specific proto functions
│ └── auth_grpc.pb.go # Auto generated domain specific proto functions
└── ...
# Makefile commands
make run #for run current application
make swag # for generate swagger documentations
make genproto # for generate grpc files *.pb.go and *_grpc.pb.go
make build # compile binary for all -> Mac, Linux and Windows
make buildl # compile only for Linux OS
make buildm # compile only for Mac OS
make buildw # compile only for Windows OS