- Zagreb, Croatia
ivankokan / fancyhdr
Forked from pietvo/fancyhdrThe LaTeX package 'fancyhdr'
rrthomas / crop
Forked from drehscheibe/cropLaTeX package "crop" for adding crop marks
Context sensitive quotation facilities
ivankokan / csquotes
Forked from josephwright/csquotesContext sensitive quotation facilities
The multilingual framework to localize LaTeX, LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX
The Excel add-in for creating LaTeX tables
danwild / CesiumHeatmap
Forked from manuelnas/CesiumHeatmapA library to add heatmaps (using heatmap.js) to the Cesium framework.
A simple Kodi module that makes life easier for add-on developers relying on InputStream based add-ons and DRM playback.
ivankokan / biblatex-apa
Forked from plk/biblatex-apaAPA style for BibLaTeX
ivankokan / polyglossia
Forked from reutenauer/polyglossiaA Babel replacement for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
An alternative to Babel for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
Kodi plugin to watch NBA games with nba league pass
Kodi plugin to watch NBA games with nba league pass
ivankokan / translator
Forked from josephwright/translatorEasy translation of strings in LaTeX
ivankokan / beamer
Forked from josephwright/beamerA LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides
A LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides
ivankokan / asymptote
Forked from vectorgraphics/asymptote2D & 3D TeX-Aware Vector Graphics Language
Web archive of mathematical problems and a platform for online mathematics competitions