The Eyevinn Toolbox is a set of Docker containers with tools that may come in handy. They are all free to use and if you have any suggestions feel free to create a ticket.
Tool | Description | Container |
Loop TS | Generate MPEG-TS stream over multicast or SRT by looping an MP4 file | eyevinntechnology/toolbox-loopts |
SRT Tx | Transport stream over SRT | eyevinntechnology/toolbox-srttx |
SRT Rx | Receive stream over SRT | eyevinntechnology/toolbox-srtrx |
RTMP Rx | Receive RTMP and stream over multicast | eyevinntechnology/toolbox-rtmprx |
Mosaic TS | Render a 2x2 or 3x3 mosaic in MPEG-TS from 4 or 9 HLS sources | eyevinntechnology/toolbox-mosaicts |
HLS 2 TS | Pull a live HLS stream and output to multicast TS | eyevinntechnology/toolbox-hls2ts |
$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/mnt eyevinntechnology/toolbox-loopts IN.mp4 udp://
where $PWD
is your working directory where you have your input file.
The following options are available:
$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/mnt eyevinntechnology/toolbox-loopts -h
usage: [-h] [--workdir WORKDIR] [--framerate FRAMERATE]
[--kfinterval KFINTERVAL] [--bitrate BITRATE] [--hevc]
[--withtc] [--withaudio] [--nologo] [--useflv]
inputfile multicast
Loop an MP4 file and output to MPEG-TS multicast
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--workdir WORKDIR specify a working directory, default is /mnt
--framerate FRAMERATE output framerate (DEFAULT 25fps)
--kfinterval KFINTERVAL specify keyframe interval (DEFAULT 2 sec)
--bitrate BITRATE specify video bitrate in kbps (e.g. 2500)
--hevc use HEVC encoded output
--withtc burn in local timecode in video output
--withaudio adds a test tone on the audio track
--nologo remove logo
--useflv use FLV for RTMP output
--multibitrate output multiple video bitrates
To test this locally on your computer (Mac + VLC) assuming the file to loop is called IN.mp4 and in your working directory
$ docker run --rm -p 9998:9998/udp -v $PWD:/mnt eyevinntechnology/toolbox-loopts IN.mp4 udp://host.docker.internal:9998?pkt_size=1316 --withtc
Then open VLC with the following network address: udp://@
To use SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) instead of multicast you can run loopts
as an SRT listener.
docker run --rm -p 9998:9998/udp -v $PWD:/mnt eyevinntechnology/toolbox-loopts IN.mp4 "srt://" --withtc
Then open VLC with the following network address: srt://@
To use RTMP instead of multicast you can run loopts
and push with RTMP
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/mnt eyevinntechnology/toolbox-loopts --useflv IN.mp4 "rtmp://*****"
Use the srtrx
tool to receive an MPEG-TS stream over SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) and restream over multicast. This can be used in the following scenario:
+-----------+ +-----------------+ +------------+
| | | | | |
| SRT Tx | ===> INTERNET ===> | toolbox-srtrx | ====> MULTICAST ====> | TRANSCODER |
| | | | | |
+-----------+ +-----------------+ +------------+
Assuming that the SRT Tx
is running in listener mode and can be reached on you start the restreamer with the following commmand:
$ docker run --rm -p 1234:1234/udp eyevinntechnology/toolbox-srtrx
This setup can be emulated by running loopts tool as the SRT Tx
and VLC as the transcoder.
$ docker run --rm -p 9998:9998/udp -v $PWD:/mnt eyevinntechnology/toolbox-loopts IN.mp4 "srt://" --withtc
$ docker run --rm -p 9999:9999/udp eyevinntechnology/toolbox-srtrx host.docker.internal:9999
where is the IP of your computer running the loopts container.
$ docker run --rm eyevinntechnology/toolbox-srtrx -h
usage: [-h] [--listener] [--with-debug] inputaddress outputaddress
Receive MPEG-TS over SRT and restream over Multicast
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--listener run as SRT listener
--passthrough for low latency skip the unmux and mux step.
The srttx
tool can be used to receive a local RTMP stream and restream to an SRT Rx
over the Internet.
+------------------+ +-----------------+ +------------+
| Wirecast & | | | | |
| toolbox-srttx | ===> INTERNET ===> | toolbox-srtrx | ====> MULTICAST ====> | TRANSCODER |
| <IP-TX> | | <IP-RX> | | |
+------------------+ +-----------------+ +------------+
On the transmitter side with for example Wirecast as producing the stream first start the srttx
$ docker run --rm -p 1935:1935 eyevinntechnology/toolbox-srttx input_stream <IP-RX>:9998 --passthrough
Then point the Wirecast / OBS output to rtmp://localhost/live/input_stream
On the receiver side you then run the following:
$ docker run --rm -p 9998:9998/udp -p <MULTICAST-PORT>:<MULTICAST-PORT>/udp eyevinntechnology/toolbox-srtrx --listener --passthrough <MULTICAST>:<MULTICAST-PORT>`
$ docker run --rm eyevinntechnology/toolbox-srttx -h
usage: [-h] [--inputtype INPUTTYPE] [--listener] [--passthrough]
inputstream outputaddress
Receive RTMP and stream over SRT
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--inputtype INPUTTYPE type of input [rtmp|mpegts], default is rtmp
--listener run as SRT listener
--passthrough passthrough input and skip encoding process
The srttx
tool can also take an MPEG-TS as a source. Instead run the following command on the transmitter side. The receiver side as before.
$ docker run --rm eyevinntechnology/toolbox-srttx <MULTICAST>:<MULTICAST-PORT> <IP-RX>:9998 --passthrough --inputtype=mpegts
Use the rtmprx
tool to receive RTMP and restream MPEG-TS over multicast if you want to use RTMP as the transport protocol with a live transcoder that for example only supports MPEG-TS multicast.
On the receiver side run the following command:
$ docker run --rm -p 1935:1935 -p <MULTICAST-PORT>:<MULTICAST-PORT>/udp eyevinntechnology/toolbox-rtmprx input_stream <MULTICAST>:<MULTICAST-PORT> --passthrough
$ docker run --rm eyevinntechnology/toolbox-rtmprx -h
usage: [-h] [--passthrough] [--with-debug] inputstream outputaddress
Receive RTMP and restream over Multicast
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--passthrough passthrough input and skip encoding process
Use the mosaicts
tool to render a 2x2 or 3x3 mosaic of HLS sources.
$ docker run --rm eyevinntechnology/toolbox-mosaicts -h
usage: [-h] [--port PORT] [--multicast MULTICAST] [--with-debug]
layout urlfile
Take multiple HLS sources and render a mosaic in MPEG-TS
positional arguments:
layout 2x2|3x3
urlfile A text file containing URLs to HLS sources. One source
per line.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--port PORT
--multicast MULTICAST
Use multicast address specified here instead of SRT
To read the list of URLs from STDIN:
$ docker run --rm -i -p 9998:9998/udp eyevinntechnology/toolbox-mosaicts 2x2 - < urls.txt
Use the hls2ts
tool to pull an HLS live stream and output to multicast TS.
$ docker run --rm eyevinntechnology/toolbox-hls2ts -h
usage: [-h] [--srt] [--bitrate BITRATE] [--with-debug]
hlsurl outputaddress
Pull live HLS and output to multicast TS
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--srt use SRT as transport protocol
--bitrate BITRATE which bitrate to use
docker run --rm eyevinntechnology/toolbox-hls2ts:0.1.0 HLSURL <MULTICAST>:<MULTICAST-PORT>
Use the srt2rtmp
tool to receive an SRT stream and re-stream to multiple RTMP destinations.
docker run --rm -p 1234:1234/udp eyevinntechnology/toolbox-srt2rtmp:0.1.0 <RTMPURL1> <RTMPURL2>
Use the hls2rtmp
tool to pull a live HLS stream and re-stream to multiple RTMP destinations.
docker run --rm eyevinntechnology/toolbox-hls2rtmp:0.1.1 HLSURL <RTMPURL1> <RTMPURL2>
Eyevinn Technology is an independent consultant firm specialized in video and streaming. Independent in a way that we are not commercially tied to any platform or technology vendor.
At Eyevinn, every software developer consultant has a dedicated budget reserved for open source development and contribution to the open source community. This give us room for innovation, team building and personal competence development. And also gives us as a company a way to contribute back to the open source community.
Want to know more about Eyevinn and how it is to work here. Contact us at [email protected]!