- Awesome Node.js Learning Resources
- Contents
- Node.js History
- Module System
- Patterns, Antipatterns
- Reactor Pattern
- Node.js Internals
- Event Loop
- Streams
- Event System
- Dependency Injection
- Handling Errors
- Testing
- Debugging
- Linting and formatting
- Optimizing Performance
- Security
- Logging
- Authentication
- Websockets
- Node.js with docker
- Node.js with typescript
- Deployment
- Monitoring
- Frameworks
- Architecture and Project Structure
- Native Modules
- Other
- Recommended Books
- Recommended courses
- What is a difference between a module and a package
- Getting started with Node.js modules
- Requiring modules in Node.js: Everything you need to know
- Understanding Reactor Pattern
- Understanding Reactor Pattern for Highly Scalable I/O Bound Web Server
- Crossing the JS/C++ Boundary — Advanced NodeJS Internals
- Internals of Node- Advance node
- https://codeburst.io/node-js-v8-internals-an-illustrative-primer-83766e983bf6
- Nodejs C++/JS Boundary: Crossing The Rubicon
- Event Loop and the Big Picture
- Timers, Immediates and Next Ticks
- Promises, Next Ticks and Immediates
- Handling IO with Event Loop
- Event Loop Best Practices
- New Changes to the Timers and Microtasks in Node v11.0.0
- The Event Loop
- A complete guide to the Node.js event loop
- What you should know to really understand the Node.js Event Loop
- The Node.js Event Loop
- Stream Handbook by substack
- Node.js Streams: Everything you need to know
- Node.js Streams
- Node.js Streams Demystified
- Node.js File Streams Explained
- Event-Driven Programming in Node.js
- How to code your own event emitter in Node.js
- Handling and dispatching events with Node.js
- Dependency injection in nodejs projects
- Dependency Injection in Node.js
- Do I need Dependency Injection in Node.js?
- Node.js advanced pattern: Dependency Injection Container
- Error Handling in Node.js
- Error Management in Node.js Applications
- Error handling - The missing piece of your node.js architecture
- Unit Testing Express Middleware Behavior
- A testing guide for Express with request and response mocking/stubbing using Jest or sinon
- Unit testing in Express with Promise-based Middleware and Controllers
- Learn how to handle authentication with Node using Passport.js
- Your Node.js authentication tutorial is (probably) wrong
- These NPM tricks will make you a pro
- NPM Task Running Techniques
- 4 Solutions To Run Multiple Node.js or NPM Commands Simultaneously
- Running Multiple Versions of Node.js with Node Version Manager
- Want to be a Web Developer? Learn Node.js not PHP
- The leftpad incident
- Node.js Design Patterns (must-read for every node.js dev)
- Node Cookbook