AHCategoryView acts like a flexible UITabBarController, but upside down, for categorizing different pages of controllers in your app.
The following demo gif is a Pinterest style category navigation bar.
The following demo gif shows that the AHCategoryView's navBar is embedded into a native UINavigatonBar. |
There are only 5 steps to use it:
- Adding AHCategoryItem(s) into an array. Each AHCategoryItem describes how a category tab looks like.
- Adding VCs into an array.
- Configuring AHCategoryView's naBar barStyle.
- Create a AHCategoryView instance with the item array and VC array then add it into a view.
- Optionally, when there's a related remote notification coming into your app for a specific category, you can use categoryView.setBadge to set badge number. See the second example code in the followings.
You will be spending most of the time creating those AHCategoryItem(s) and configuring a AHCategoryNavBarStyle. AHCategoryNavBarStyle is pretty self-explanatory. Read the comments in the source file if you get confused, or just try it out.
///######## 1. Adding items
var featureItem = AHCategoryItem()
featureItem.title = "Feature"
var chartItem = AHCategoryItem()
chartItem.title = "Categories"
var radioItem = AHCategoryItem()
radioItem.title = "Radio"
var liveItem = AHCategoryItem()
liveItem.title = "Live"
var searchItem = AHCategoryItem()
searchItem.normalImage = UIImage(named: "search-magnifier")
searchItem.selectedImage = UIImage(named: "search-magnifier")
let items = [featureItem, chartItem, radioItem, liveItem, featureItem, chartItem, radioItem, liveItem, searchItem]
///######## 2. Adding VCs
///NOTE: You can have more items than VCs. In this case the searchItem is extra, so you won't be able to scroll VCs to the searchItem and you can only tap to it.
for _ in 0..<8 {
let vc = UIViewController()
vc.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.random()
///######## 3. Configuring barStyle
var style = AHCategoryNavBarStyle()
// style.contentInset.left = 100.0
// style.contentInset.right = 100.0
style.height = 44.0
style.fontSize = 20.0
style.selectedFontSize = 22.0
style.interItemSpace = 5.0
style.itemPadding = 8.0
style.isScrollable = true
style.layoutAlignment = .left
/// The view here is referred to categoryView. So if isEmbeddedToView is true, it means the navBar(categoryView's) is attached with categoryView as a whole, instead of being used separately which is the case in the following example code.
style.isEmbeddedToView = true
style.showBottomSeparator = true
style.showIndicator = false
/// NOTE: The following two colors have to be created in RBG form in order to do a color transition when scrolling VCs.
style.normalColor = UIColor(red: 0.7, green: 0.7, blue: 0.7, alpha: 1.0)
style.selectedColor = UIColor(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 1.0).withAlphaComponent(0.7)
style.showBgMaskView = true
style.bgMaskViewColor = UIColor.lightGray
//######### 4. Adding categoryView to view
let frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 64.0, width: ScreenSize.width, height: ScreenSize.height - 64.0)
let categoryView = AHCategoryView(frame: frame, categories: items, childVCs: childVCs, parentVC: self, barStyle: style)
categoryView.interControllerSpacing = 0.0
self.categoryView = categoryView
///######## 1. Adding items
var meItem = AHCategoryItem()
meItem.normalImage = UIImage(named: "me-normal")
meItem.selectedImage = UIImage(named: "me-selected")
var featureItem = AHCategoryItem()
featureItem.title = "Feature"
var chartItem = AHCategoryItem()
chartItem.title = "Charts"
var categoryItem = AHCategoryItem()
categoryItem.title = "Categories"
var radioItem = AHCategoryItem()
radioItem.title = "Radio"
var liveItem = AHCategoryItem()
liveItem.title = "Live"
let items = [meItem, featureItem, chartItem, categoryItem, radioItem, liveItem]
///######## 2. Adding VCs
for _ in 0..<5 {
let vc = UIViewController()
vc.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.random()
///######## 3. Configuring barStyle
var style = AHCategoryNavBarStyle()
// style.contentInset = .zero
style.interItemSpace = 8.0
style.itemPadding = 8.0
style.isScrollable = false
style.layoutAlignment = .left
///NOTE: If you want to embed categoryView.navBar into a navigationItem.titleView or some other view, you have to set style.isEmbeddedToView = false.
/// The view here is referred to categoryView.
style.isEmbeddedToView = false
style.showBottomSeparator = false
style.indicatorColor = UIColor(red: 244.0/255.0, green: 173.0/255.0, blue: 98.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0)
style.normalColor = UIColor(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 1.0)
style.selectedColor = UIColor(red: 1, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 1.0)
//######### 4. Attaching categoryView to navigationItem.titleView
let frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 64.0, width: ScreenSize.width, height: ScreenSize.height - 64.0)
let categoryView = AHCategoryView(frame: frame, categories: items, childVCs: childVCs, parentVC: self, barStyle: style)
self.categoryView = categoryView
categoryView.navBar.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 359.0, height: 44.0)
categoryView.navBar.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
categoryView.select(at: 1)
categoryView.setBadge(atIndex: 0, badgeNumber: 10)
categoryView.setBadge(atIndex: 2, badgeNumber: 3)
/// Embed navBar to navigationItem.titleView
self.navigationItem.titleView = categoryView.navBar
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.barTintColor = UIColor.white
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
iOS 8.0+
AHCategoryView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "AHCategoryView"
Anyd Tong, [email protected]
AHCategoryView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.