Sequelize plugin for Egg.js.
NOTE: This plugin just for integrate Sequelize into Egg.js, more documentation please visit
$ npm i --save egg-sequelize
$ npm install --save mysql2 # For both mysql and mariadb dialects
# Or use other database backend.
$ npm install --save pg pg-hstore # PostgreSQL
$ npm install --save tedious # MSSQL
Read the tutorials to see a full example.
- Enable plugin in
exports.sequelize = {
enable: true,
package: 'egg-sequelize'
- Edit your own configurations in
exports.sequelize = {
dialect: 'mysql', // support: mysql, mariadb, postgres, mssql
database: 'test',
host: 'localhost',
port: '3306',
username: 'root',
password: '',
// delegate: 'myModel', // load all models to `app[delegate]` and `ctx[delegate]`, default to `model`
// baseDir: 'my_model', // load all files in `app/${baseDir}` as models, default to `model`
// exclude: 'index.js', // ignore `app/${baseDir}/index.js` when load models, support glob and array
// more sequelize options
egg-sequelize has a default sequelize options below
delegate: 'model',
baseDir: 'model',
logging(...args) {
// if benchmark enabled, log used
const used = typeof args[1] === 'number' ? `[${args[1]}ms]` : '';'[egg-sequelize]%s %s', used, args[0]);
host: 'localhost',
port: 3306,
username: 'root',
benchmark: true,
define: {
freezeTableName: false,
underscored: true,
More documents please refer to Sequelize.js
Please put models under app/model
dir by default.
model file | class name |
user.js |
app.model.User |
person.js |
app.model.Person |
user_group.js |
app.model.UserGroup |
user/profile.js |
app.model.User.Profile |
- Tables always has timestamp fields:
created_at datetime
,updated_at datetime
. - Use underscore style column name, for example:
Define a model first.
is an Instance of Sequelize, so you can use methods like:app.model.sync, app.model.query ...
// app/model/user.js
module.exports = app => {
const { STRING, INTEGER, DATE } = app.Sequelize;
const User = app.model.define('user', {
login: STRING,
name: STRING(30),
password: STRING(32),
last_sign_in_at: DATE,
created_at: DATE,
updated_at: DATE,
User.findByLogin = async (login) => {
return await this.findOne({
where: {
login: login
User.prototype.logSignin = async () => {
return await this.update({ last_sign_in_at: new Date() });
return User;
Now you can use it in your controller:
// app/controller/user.js
module.exports = app => {
return class UserController extends app.Controller {
async index() {
const users = await this.ctx.model.User.findAll();
this.ctx.body = users;
async show() {
const user = await this.ctx.model.User.findByLogin(this.ctx.params.login);
await user.logSignin();
this.ctx.body = user;
Define all your associations in Model.associate()
and egg-sequelize will execute it after all models loaded. See example below.
egg-sequelize support load multiple datasources independently. You can use config.sequelize.datasources
to configure and load multiple datasources.
// config/config.default.js
exports.sequelize = {
datasources: [
delegate: 'model', // load all models to app.model and ctx.model
baseDir: 'model', // load models from `app/model/*.js`
database: 'biz',
// other sequelize configurations
delegate: 'admninModel', // load all models to app.adminModel and ctx.adminModel
baseDir: 'admin_model', // load models from `app/admin_model/*.js`
database: 'admin',
// other sequelize configurations
By default, egg-sequelize will use sequelize@4, you can cusomize sequelize version by pass sequelize instance with config.sequelize.Sequelize
like this:
// config/config.default.js
exports.sequelize = {
Sequelize: require('sequelize');
// app/model/post.js
module.exports = app => {
const { STRING, INTEGER, DATE } = app.Sequelize;
const Post = app.model.define('Post', {
name: STRING(30),
user_id: INTEGER,
created_at: DATE,
updated_at: DATE,
Post.associate = function() {
app.model.Post.belongsTo(app.model.User, { as: 'user' });
return Post;
// app/controller/post.js
module.exports = app => {
return class PostController extends app.Controller {
async index() {
const posts = await this.ctx.model.Post.findAll({
attributes: [ 'id', 'user_id' ],
include: { model: this.ctx.model.User, as: 'user' },
where: { status: 'publish' },
order: 'id desc',
this.ctx.body = posts;
async show() {
const post = await this.ctx.model.Post.findById(;
const user = await post.getUser();
post.setDataValue('user', user);
this.ctx.body = post;
async destroy() {
const post = await this.ctx.model.Post.findById(;
await post.destroy();
this.ctx.body = { success: true };
We strongly recommend you to use Sequelize - Migrations to create or migrate database.
This code should only be used in development.
// {app_root}/app.js
module.exports = app => {
if (app.config.env === 'local' || app.config.env === 'unittest') {
app.beforeStart(async () => {
await app.model.sync({force: true});
Using sequelize-cli to help manage your database, data structures and seed data. Please read Sequelize - Migrations to learn more infomations.
Please open an issue here.