Container-based playground showing various capabilities of service proxy pattern.
All the scenarios have been tested on CentOS 8
(see the Vagrantfile at the root of the repository) using podman 2.0.4
The environment creates two services. The frontend service A call the faulty upstream service B. Envoy is used as a sidecar to mitigate the erroneous behavior of the upstream service.
Run it:
# Build images
$ sudo make build
# Run A <-> B scenario
$ sudo make run-direct
# Pour some traffic, notice error ratio
$ sudo make traffic
> for _ in {1..1000}; do curl --silent localhost:8080; done | sort | uniq -w 24 -c
> 1000
> 196 Service A: upstream failed with: HTTP 500 - Service B: Ooops... nounce 1013789005
> 804 Service A: upstream responded with: Service B: Yay! nounce 1003014939
# Stop containers
$ sudo make stop
# Run A <-> envoy <-> B scenario
$ sudo make run-envoy
# Pour some traffic, compare error ratio
$ sudo make traffic
> for _ in {1..1000}; do curl --silent localhost:8080; done | sort | uniq -w 24 -c
> 1000
> 9 Service A: upstream failed with: HTTP 500 - Service B: Ooops... nounce 1263663296
> 991 Service A: upstream responded with: Service B: Yay! nounce 1003014939
# Clean up
$ sudo make clean