Contains the following folders:
- a2aar : A2AAR dataset
- adenosine : ADENOSINE dataset
- adenosine_no_a2aar : ADENOSINE with A2AAR removed dataset
Contains the following files:
- : change ligand to PyG Data or vector form (fingerprint)
- : change protein to one-hot-encoding,
- papyrus-to-smiles : select ligand and protein
- : XGBoost baseline
- : contains data_module for data processing and saving and contains GNNDataModule
- : visualization of results
- : finetunes the final layer with model ensemble regularization
- : RayTune optimization setup - callbacks, search algorithm, scheduler, and testing
- : runs HPO
- : contains GNN as pl.LightningModule
- Python >= 3.7.4
pip install -r requirements.txt
For CUDA installation
conda install pytorch==1.9.1 torchvision==0.10.1 torchaudio==0.9.1 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
conda install pyg -c pyg -c conda-forge
pip install rdkit pytorch-lightning ray[tune] matplotlib setuptools==59.5 optuna hpbandster ConfigSpace
From the root directory run:
python <mode> <type>
- mode: train, hpo, or finetune
- type: GIN or GAT
Train mode with GIN or GAT type will initiate a new model with best parameters
- GIN: 512 Hidden Size, 7 layers, 0 dropout...
- GAT: 1024 Hidden Size, 8 layers, 0 dropout
The model is trained on the dataset (default is A2AAR) which should be a csv file with SMILES and p_chembl_value columns. The model is then saved in --save_dir.
HPO mode will run TPE with the specified model type for --n_samples
Finetune mode will finetune a pretrained model on a dataset (default is A2AAR)
--epochs Number of epochs to train. If hpo, number of epochs per sample. Default: 50 --save-dir Directory to save the trained model. Default: models_saved --folder_path Path to folder with csv file with SMILES and target values. Default: /data/a2aar --file_name Name of file with SMILES and target values. Default: human_a2aar_ligands --n_samples If mode is hpo: number of samples to run. Default: 30 --pretrained_model_path If mode is finetune, path to pretrained model. Default: ./models_saved/*type*