This is a simple Open DNS crawler that aim to surf the net and find open dns resolvers
The package include a cli for simple scans and queries plus some helpers to manipulate the dataset. The package provides also a Flask webapp; in both cases the tool provides options to store the results into DynamoDB (also locally) and retrieve aggregated / historical data.
The application is multi threaded: be wise when using 10k threads to spawn connections into the wild :p
- I was bored
- I was interested in DDOS amplification attacks
- I was curious about how many Open resolvers are out there still in 2016
- I was going to learn Flask and DynamoDB technologies
git clone
pip install Odin/ -r Odin/requirements.txt
usage: odin scan [-h] -t TARGET [-c CHUNK] -o OUTPUT [-n HOSTNAME]
[-r DNS_TYPE] [-v]
OpenResolver: an Open DNS Resolver crawler.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
Set target: IP or CIDR range.
-c CHUNK, --chunk CHUNK
Set Ip Range chunk size.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output file
Hostname to resolve
-r DNS_TYPE, --record DNS_TYPE
DNS query type
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
odin scan -t --store
odin scan -t -c 50 -f all --store results.txt
odin load -F other_results.txt
odin query --help