TC Particles is an extensive GPU particles system for Unity. It used to be a commercial asset on the Asset store, but I have decided it was high time to make this available for free to everyone! The library has been maintained for many years but is showing some of it's age. Yet I hope people find some use for it, if nothing else to experiment with and learn about compute shaders.
It can be used to make special effects requiring many particles, and comes with a PLY importer and can work as a point cloud visualizer.
For more info, support, documentation and the API reference, please refer to . There is also a tutorial video by Anton Hand for a slightly older version
The package incude a variety of samples, showing various TC Particle usages, and it's custom scripting abilities. It also shows a few point clouds, including lit and animated point clouds.
TC Particles works on any shader model 5.0 platform (DirectX 11/12, Metal, Vulkan).
By all means do so if that works! This library was originally created about ~6 years before Unity's solution. Today it still can be a preferred solution if you're on Unity's legacy rendering pipeline, or need some of TC Particles' specific features.
Just add the package as a local package or point it directly to this repository. This package is developed for Unity 2019.1
A massive thank you to Anton Hand of RUST ltd for helping to make this system the best it could be! The FX1 Microstar is kindly loaned from HEDRON central requisitions. Over the years many people have contributed to TC Particles developments and ideas!