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Flexible prototypal inheritance for the Common Lisp Object System


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Version: 1.0
Released: 2012-01-04
Author: John Croisant [email protected]
Copyright: © 2012 John Croisant
License: X11/MIT (see LICENSE.txt)
Summary: Prototypal inheritance for the Common Lisp Object System

proto-slots provides a macro for defining prototypal accessor methods so that CLOS instances will support protoypal inheritance. Prototypal inheritance means that an instance's slots can inherit values from another instance, known in these docs as the "base object" (but more commonly known elsewhere as the "prototype").


First, you should import the def-proto-slots symbol, e.g. in your defpackage:

(defpackage ...
 (:import-from :proto-slots def-proto-slots))

Later, after you have defined your class using defclass, use the def-proto-slots macro to define the prototypal accessors:

(def-proto-slots class-name

Each slot-def is a list of this form:

(slot-name strategy &rest strategy-keyword-args)

strategy is a keyword symbol that indicates the inheritance strategy to use for that slot (see below). strategy-keyword-args are keyword args used by the chosen strategy. Each strategy has its own keywords with their own semantics.

Here's an example of defining a class, then calling def-proto-slots to define prototypal accessors for two of its slots:

(defclass thing ()
  ((base  :initform nil :initarg :base
          :accessor base
          :documentation "Base object for inheritance.")
   (id    :initform (gensym)
          :reader id
          :documentation "Per-instance unique ID. Not inherited.")
   (name  :initform nil :initarg :name
          :accessor own-name
          :documentation "Name string. Inherited if nil.")
   (items :initform (list) :initarg :items
          :accessor own-items
          :documentation "List of items. Merged by name.")))

(def-proto-slots thing
  ((name :simple :base base :reader name)
   (items :unique-merge :base base :reader items
          :key #'name :test #'string= :adder add-item
          :finder find-item :own-finder find-own-item)))

Inheritance strategies

The following inheritance strategies are standard in proto-slots. Each strategy implements a different style of inheritance:

  • :simple

    The slot holds any value. When it is nil, the value is inherited from the base object. This strategy accepts the following keyword arguments:

    • :base - Func to get the base object. Required!
    • :reader - Func name to get slot value, with inheritance.
  • :unique-merge

    The slot holds a list, which is merged with the base object's list such that all items are unique (according to the test functions). This strategy accepts the following keyword arguments:

    • :base - Func to get the base object. Required!
    • :reader - Func name to get slot value, with inheritance.
    • :test - Func to test whether two items match. Default #'eql.
    • :key - Func to call on items before testing for match.
    • :finder - Func name to find matching item, with inheritance.
    • :own-finder - Func name to find matching item, no inheritance.
    • :adder - Func name to add an item to the list.
  • :hash-merge

    The slot holds a hash table, which inherits entries for any keys it doesn't already have. This strategy accepts the following keyword arguments:

    • :base - Func to get the base object. Required!
    • :reader - Func name to return the hash table, with inheritance.
    • :getter - Func name to look up a key's value, with inheritance.
    • :setter - Func name to set a key's value.

For more details about each strategy, refer to the documentation in the docs directory.

You can also add your own inheritance strategies. Refer to the docs/ file for more information.

You can use the proto-slots:all-strategies function to get a list of all registered strategies, including non-standard ones.


Flexible prototypal inheritance for the Common Lisp Object System







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