A collection of Stylus mixins which can be used in conjunction with Stylus Autoprefixer or similar, to mimic, improve, and extend the functionality of Nib.
Documentation for each mixin can be found in the docs directory.
- Clearfix - clearfix()
- Internet Explorer - ie()
- Opacity - opacity()
- Triangle - triangle()
Media Queries
- HiDPI - hidpi()
- Width/Height - width-min(), width-max(), width-range(), height-min(), height-max(), height-range()
- Em - em()
- Percentage - percentage()
- Ratio - ratio()
- Ratio Percentage - ratio-percentage()
- Rem - rem()
- Tracking - tracking()
- Column Span Width - col-span-width()
- Timing Function Variables - Cubic Bezier values for common easing functions
All mixins have test coverage to ensure everything works as expected. To run the tests, clone this repo and run:
npm test
ISC © Jack Brewer